2019-03-20 05-11-58 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>As for the funds, I am fairly new to the project and am just learning about the financials, too. No idea how many people are being paid on the project. Not sure anyone is other than the odd piece of work - but that's my vague understanding. I am in Canada, and therefore not up to speed on American not-for-profit laws. That said, is the project less formal than Krita, in terms of its legal entity status? Very good point, though, and one that I will bring up when I see an opportunity. We've opened the ball of wax now - and I believe that your input has and will enable some new points of view to be on the table. Thanks, Scott!
2019-03-19 04-44-02 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>Hi Scott! I wanted to thank you for joining in the Watch Party conversation on Saturday! I really appreciated your questions and input. Just finished watching your SCALE presentation and you mentioned so much that I think would be useful for folks here at Inkscape to ponder. The presentation was really hard to make out in the video, so I was wondering if it would be possible to have a PDF version of it to help me better understand? Thanks so much! Loved your ideas on marketing and on collecting and using data. Looking forward to discussions in the future. Have an awesome week!
2019-03-20 05-08-06 PDTMichèle Thibeau <zigzagmlt@sympatico.ca>[ ](https://chat.inkscape.org/direct/scottyp?msg=8Mi8jfjFZj2EzuZRN) Thanks, Scott! I was at work and then not feeling well last evening. Trying to catch up. ()
2019-03-19 06-14-21 PDTScott Petrovic <scottpetrovic@gmail.com>actually looking through the mailing list that bryce sent...it looks like you guys just aren't spending much money
2019-03-19 06-18-27 PDTScott Petrovic <scottpetrovic@gmail.com>Europe has a lot stricter laws for non-profits. If Krita doesn't spend the money they make with donations and such, they lose their non-profit status
2019-03-19 06-10-57 PDTScott Petrovic <scottpetrovic@gmail.com>I am talking to some of the other devs on the Krita IRC and we are questioning some things. It appears that you guys are generating twice the money that Krita is. How many people are you currently paying to work on Inkscape?
2019-03-19 06-17-41 PDTScott Petrovic <scottpetrovic@gmail.com>your bank account balance is twice what Krita's is
2019-03-19 06-02-28 PDTScott Petrovic <scottpetrovic@gmail.com>Sure. It was great talking with some of the inkscape people at SCALE and seeing how a larger open source project is ran. For the presentation here are the slides... https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/sites/default/files/presentations/How%20We%20Run%20Our%20Project_0.pdf