2020-09-06 09-22-00 PDT | Steve Medway <steve.medway@btinternet.com> | Hi. when i create and A4 page with images on it and print to a Epson Sublimation printer the half the print is missing. i can also see this in print preview. i can get over the issue as follows |
2020-09-06 09-25-13 PDT | Steve Medway <steve.medway@btinternet.com> | i get over the issue (currently) by doing the following. 1) highlight image. 2) copy image. 3) paste into Paint.net 4) highlight and copy image in paint. 5) go back to Inkscape highlight image and click delete. 6) paste image from Paint.net. 7) print document and whole image is there. make no sense to me. ANY IDEAS??? |
2020-10-06 19-07-18 PDT | Moini <maren@goos-habermann.de> | Private Group (room_changed_privacy) |