2021-02-26 14-15-02 PST | Martin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com> | Hello Mike |
2021-02-26 14-15-19 PST | Martin Owens <doctormo@geek-2.com> | You need to download the file to your computer to edit it |
2021-02-26 14-07-11 PST | Mike Croghan <mcroghan42@gmail.com> | Hello, doctormo. Thanks for your quick reply. After posting my first message, I found the Inkscape file I'd made on Google. But of course, I can't revise or edit. Suggestions? |
2021-02-26 14-09-41 PST | Mike Croghan <mcroghan42@gmail.com> | Oh, and forgot to answer your message. I'm way new to Inkscape. That drawing was my first and only. |
2021-02-26 15-13-50 PST | Mike Croghan <mcroghan42@gmail.com> | I have it in an open tab in Google and on my desktop. But I don't know how to get it to Inkscape or some place I can continue to work on it. |
2021-02-27 07-54-13 PST | Mike Croghan <mcroghan42@gmail.com> | Good morning, doctormo. I browsed around this morning and got a lead off YouTube. By opening the 'file' menu on Inkscape and choosing 'import, I saw my desktop listed. I chose the file I wanted and BOOM!, it opened in Inkscape. Gotta go! My file awaits my attention! Thanks tons for your help! |