2021-03-08 17-40-42 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>ah that one
2021-03-08 17-40-50 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>which got into the thumbnail
2021-03-08 17-41-29 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>could've illustrated a camel instead
2021-03-08 17-42-07 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>so should ve just label a new folder as riskey?
2021-03-08 17-43-28 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>that could be either the quality or the object so it'd be derogatory if someone's work appeared in such a folder
2021-03-08 17-46-20 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>one line was the fan art so that we can have the content with unmanageable copyright claims separated
2021-03-08 17-46-36 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>the other is quality wise
2021-03-08 17-46-48 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>third one is being it safe for work or not
2021-03-08 17-46-54 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>and these three are crossing
2021-03-08 17-48-36 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>not sure if that would work by connecting the artists
2021-03-08 17-48-52 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>some of those images are close to a decade old
2021-03-08 17-49-19 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>artists may not care or may not access their profiles anymore
2021-03-08 17-51-11 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>I'm not sure if that's a good idea changing the artwork/artist of the content
2021-03-08 17-51-31 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>imho it's better not to accept such images then entirely
2021-03-08 17-51-48 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>if we accept we shouldn't complain how they are not welcomed
2021-03-08 17-52-19 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>just keep the other folders safe from skipping through the fancy stuff
2021-03-08 17-53-02 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>I agree, we can emphasize on which folder to usse for such content
2021-03-08 17-54-19 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>one can argue if guns should also be handled separately
2021-03-08 17-55-15 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>one shooting through the head of a Teddy-bear?
2021-03-08 17-55-19 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>https://www.deviantart.com/jankycc/art/art-and-murder-330076243?q=Inkscapers%2F77501289&qo=432
2021-03-08 17-56-28 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>or a knife with dripping blood
2021-03-08 17-56-43 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>ok
2021-03-08 17-56-30 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>https://www.deviantart.com/pdictusmagister/art/Hunting-knife-530782280
2021-03-08 17-56-50 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>then it's decided
2021-03-08 18-00-56 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>Does mom want her kids crossing this? https://www.deviantart.com/microugly/art/Emerald-Eyes-44982459?q=Inkscapers%2F77501289&qo=23
2021-03-08 18-22-16 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>ok
2021-03-08 18-22-37 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>can mom check this folder again if the filter is all right?
2021-03-08 18-23-27 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>personally I'd hide all of the furry stuff and maybe the mlp doesn't help kids growing up either
2021-03-08 18-22-39 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>https://www.deviantart.com/inkscapers/gallery/77521754/mature
2021-03-08 18-38-01 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>ok, now the fan art is filtered too
2021-03-08 18-38-18 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>only cartoon characters remain
2021-03-08 18-38-45 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>after that, sorting the "other" category is a big one
2021-03-08 18-39-58 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>interesting family
2021-03-08 18-40-12 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>just make sure mom doesn't cross uncle Jim
2021-03-08 18-42-05 PSTLazur <peterytamas@yahoo.com>I was fortunate enough internet was rising
2021-03-08 17-40-55 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>From my perspective, if the garment is so snug it caves inwards, it's mature. lol
2021-03-08 17-41-25 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>If I can see a bellend on a guy, It's also mature.
2021-03-08 17-41-34 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Haha
2021-03-08 17-42-27 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>"Questionable" maybe. lol
2021-03-08 17-43-26 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Seems like a nitpick though. If the primary purpose of the picture is to titillate, it should be mature.
2021-03-08 17-54-03 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Just a few.
2021-03-08 17-40-19 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>https://www.deviantart.com/dillerkind/art/Sitting-pretty-4-VECTOR-245881476
2021-03-08 17-44-32 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Well so is "riskey" maybe that would be seen as one worse than mature. Lord knows what people would take that as an invitation to create with Inkscape.
2021-03-08 17-45-00 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I'd say we just draw a line somewhere.
2021-03-08 17-45-17 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Though I guess the extra line is the problem here. ;P
2021-03-08 17-46-44 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Heh, bin them all at the first sign of trouble? lol
2021-03-08 17-47-39 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Yea. Do we have the ability to mark deviations as mature ourselves?
2021-03-08 17-47-54 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Or do we need to ask the artists?
2021-03-08 17-49-10 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Well, old porn is still porn. :)
2021-03-08 17-49-30 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Sven is pretty active.
2021-03-08 17-49-43 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>posts all the time on facebook.
2021-03-08 17-49-57 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>So that's one of three I could probably influence.
2021-03-08 17-51-06 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>I guess my question is: is it worth it when no one's complained?
2021-03-08 17-52-15 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Well, I think we can require that potentially mature stuff is tagged correctly.
2021-03-08 17-53-59 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Most of it seems to be tagged okay.
2021-03-08 17-54-12 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>camels. lol
2021-03-08 17-54-36 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Depends on the kind of gun.
2021-03-08 17-55-03 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Well, and if not guns, why swords, or arrows.
2021-03-08 17-55-09 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Nah.
2021-03-08 17-55-23 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Too much moderation is bad moderation. :)
2021-03-08 17-55-30 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Mature content.
2021-03-08 17-56-25 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Violence, blood, sex, or implied sex, nudity, all mature content.
2021-03-08 17-56-34 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>mature.
2021-03-08 17-57-08 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Anything mom's not gonna want her kids happening across.
2021-03-08 18-06-13 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Mom's not worried about that.
2021-03-08 18-07-31 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Regular clothing = okay. Lingerie, or presenting females (clothed or unclothed) should be considered mature.
2021-03-08 18-32-48 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Hahaha
2021-03-08 18-38-01 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Yea, I agree with most of these.
2021-03-08 18-39-27 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>It's looking like uncle Jim's random porno box, which I think is a good sign.
2021-03-08 18-40-36 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Haha. Or the dumpster out behind an adult magazine shop.
2021-03-08 18-41-12 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>That was my favourite place to acquire forbidden material when I was 12 lol
2021-03-08 18-41-27 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Before all this internet stuff came around.
2021-03-08 18-44-17 PSTC.Rogers <cajhne@gmail.com>Back when a BAUD rate was how fast you could see her bod?