2020-12-11 18-00-04 PSTRocket.Cat <no-email@example.com>*Rocket.Chat Alert:* *Warning* Please note that push to official Rocket.Chat mobile apps is unavailable for non-registered servers. See how to register your server [here], and check our forum for more details. If don't want to receive new notifications and are running version 3.5 or higher, you can turn it off in Administration > General > Updates > Enable the Update Checker. https://docs.rocket.chat/guides/administrator-guides/connectivity-services#introduction
2021-01-04 02-26-15 PSTRocket.Cat <no-email@example.com>*Action required* The mobile notifications were disabled to all users, go to "Admin > Push" to enable the Push Gateway again
2020-07-24 19-00-24 PDTRocket.Cat <no-email@example.com>*Rocket.Chat Alert:* *Notice* Be sure to register your server before July 31, 2020 to keep your mobile notifications flowing. https://forums.rocket.chat/t/enforcing-registration-requirement-to-utilize-push-gateway/7545