[Webmaster] Rocket.Chat, 2 Users, 24 Messages, 0 Files, 524878 Minutes, in Direct Message Between: vlada & c.rogers

2020-04-29 05-11-30 PDT Vladimir @c.rogers Well, I fundamentally disagree about one half of the design decisions in Inkscape XD 2020-04-29 05-08-21 PDT Vladimir all or nothing is a problem. 2020-04-29 05-09-05 PDT Vladimir Wouldn't the world be a nicer place when everyone would listen to me, and me only!? :D 2020-04-29 05-10-29 PDT Vladimir He has to learn, that's true 2020-04-29 05-12-30 PDT Vladimir Have to go unfortunately. bbl 2020-04-29 05-04-40 PDT Vladimir Don't push it, please! He is new and idealistic. Maybe even really young. If someone pushes him away from FLOSS, I wouldn't like to be a part of it. He did bring some fresh blood into projects' visuals and making a new theme is not a small achievement. I give him kudos for that 2020-04-29 05-05-31 PDT C.Rogers But I guess you noticed. 2020-04-29 05-11-19 PDT C.Rogers Because working together is more important in the end. 2020-04-29 05-10-24 PDT C.Rogers Like I really fundamentally disagree with turning on single node transform handles by default. 2020-04-29 05-10-33 PDT C.Rogers But I've dropped it. :) 2020-04-29 05-09-58 PDT C.Rogers I try not to be that way. :) 2020-04-29 05-12-44 PDT C.Rogers No worries gotte get back to this video myself. Thanks for the chat. 2020-04-29 05-08-22 PDT C.Rogers He needs to know that he doesn't get his way all the time, and that's okay. 2020-04-29 05-10-58 PDT C.Rogers Because doc agrees with Adam on it. So I'm going to let them have it. 2020-04-29 05-08-58 PDT C.Rogers It's part of working together. I give a little, you give a little, it's fine. :) No need to sweat the small stuff. 2020-04-29 05-11-58 PDT C.Rogers Haha, well, if things are a clear improvement, then they will happen. 2020-04-29 05-09-18 PDT C.Rogers Haha, dunno about that. 2020-04-29 05-07-57 PDT C.Rogers I want him as part of the UX team, but at the same time, I don't want to have to fight him over small tweaks that make sense to impliment. 2020-04-29 05-07-18 PDT C.Rogers You can be idealistic without the all or nothing attitude, I think. 2020-04-29 05-06-08 PDT C.Rogers He's really down on Inkscape and FLOSS, though. It's really obnoxious sometimes. 2020-04-29 05-06-54 PDT C.Rogers Also, we are all idealistic. :) 2020-04-29 05-12-04 PDT C.Rogers That's the point of UX. 2020-04-29 05-08-28 PDT C.Rogers None of us do. :) 2020-04-29 05-05-16 PDT C.Rogers Yes... that's what I'm trying to do. lol
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