[Webmaster] Rocket.Chat, 2 Users, 90 Messages, 1 Files, 586373 Minutes, in Direct Message Between: greytomorrow & jhofinger

2020-08-18 10-47-17 PDT greytomorrow Thanks, Jonathan! Have a nice evening. 2020-09-02 02-34-04 PDT greytomorrow If you like, I'll close them, no problem (unless you feel they should remain open)....or I'll just leave them as they are. Your call. 2020-03-18 02-51-06 PDT greytomorrow I'm the boy from nowhere 2020-08-18 10-41-55 PDT greytomorrow And I'm sorry I even asked my question there...I didn't mean to muddy up that issue with my off-topic question. But I saw the new labeling system (as you know, I was there for the Hackfest this last Saturday) and while most of the labels are clear in their meanings, ~"needs design" was unclear to me. 2020-08-18 10-45-43 PDT greytomorrow I parsed as...who knows?...something less literal 2020-09-02 02-29-54 PDT greytomorrow https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inbox/-/issues/286 2020-03-28 04-41-25 PDT greytomorrow yeah, well...ok. :slight_frown: 2020-09-02 02-30-42 PDT greytomorrow ...and I was wondering, how come you didn't close those LaunchPad issues, being as you practically migrated them to GitLab? 2020-04-07 04-48-28 PDT greytomorrow I also misunderstood the request...that is, if Nathan interpreted the request correctly. 2020-04-07 04-35-27 PDT greytomorrow No no...I understood the migrated issue...IMHO a fringe-case request, useless in the grand scheme of things...again, the only reason I migrated it was because I was told not to close Wishlist issues on LaunchPad, otherwise, believe me, I would have closed it then and there. :fire: 2020-09-16 01-11-32 PDT greytomorrow Gut morgen, Dott Hofinger! :coffee: I hate bothering you with this...do you think that if I link to the pertinent wiki pages you linked to in https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inbox/-/issues/1465 in my "CLOSING: Invalid" comments, do you think I could finally close the vast sprawl known as https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/171128? :smile: 2020-03-18 03-01-28 PDT greytomorrow Thanks 2020-03-18 02-52-18 PDT greytomorrow :D 2020-08-18 10-44-54 PDT greytomorrow well, thanks! 2020-08-18 10-39-18 PDT greytomorrow Ciao, Jonathan! I'm writing you here instead of replying in https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inbox/-/issues/2376#note_397764592 2020-09-02 02-29-10 PDT greytomorrow Hello, Jonathan! How are you? :slight_smile: 2020-04-07 04-40-08 PDT greytomorrow Anyway...back to work! :+1: 2020-08-18 10-44-45 PDT greytomorrow Ah! Ok...so it literally means "NEEDS DESIGN"! :laughing: 2020-09-02 02-32-49 PDT greytomorrow This is NOT an reprimand of any kind but I didn't want to "steal" any Bug Migration points from you by closing those two issue myself! 2020-04-19 12-31-52 PDT greytomorrow Hello, Jonathan! Listen, regarding inbox #1583, I was just kidding with you! I didn't really expect you to jump in three months ago! Your explanations weren't AFAIC necessary! :smile: 2020-04-19 12-45-19 PDT greytomorrow ah 2020-03-28 04-39-36 PDT greytomorrow But if may, how is it when I search for duplicate issues, nothing pertinent ever shows up for me?! 2020-03-28 04-41-46 PDT greytomorrow Thanks 2020-08-18 10-46-44 PDT greytomorrow just kidding! 2020-03-18 02-52-12 PDT greytomorrow no, sorry...english is my language 2020-09-21 12-01-08 PDT greytomorrow Dott Hofinger :smile: , thank you for the kind words earlier. My only wish is that I could work with more people like you and @nathanal and @c.rogers :bow: 2020-09-21 12-10-19 PDT greytomorrow I will think about it, thank you 2020-09-16 11-40-51 PDT greytomorrow Hofinger, I just can't leave you alone, can I? :laughing: 2020-04-19 22-58-30 PDT greytomorrow Ah, good morning! :sunny: Anyway, even though the main motive for contributing here is ultimately to better Inkscape, I didn't realize one has to be solemn. Okay, enough...time to make coffee! Have a wonderful day! 2020-09-29 22-46-13 PDT greytomorrow 🎉🥂🍾🎊 CONGRATULATIONS, Jonathan Neuhauser!!! BEST WISHES! ❤️❤️ 2020-09-02 02-29-38 PDT greytomorrow I was looking at the bugs over at LaunchPad...and I came across this page... 2020-09-29 11-07-30 PDT greytomorrow Jonathan...I hope I'm not crossing any boundaries here and I hope you don't mind me asking...but what's up with the surname change? You can always tell me "mind your own business, Grey." 2020-03-28 04-40-32 PDT greytomorrow Nothing regarding this issue 2020-04-07 04-47-54 PDT greytomorrow I stand corrected apparently... 2020-03-18 02-48-35 PDT greytomorrow Good morning, Jonathan...I'm having an existential crisis regarding this bug migration :laughing: ...I may be overthinking this but... 2020-09-16 04-32-40 PDT greytomorrow oh, you know me...i have no such qualms! :rofl: 2020-09-16 04-32-51 PDT greytomorrow thank you 2020-04-07 03-59-23 PDT greytomorrow Yeah, I realize it may come off as a little...passionate. :laughing: No zoom in the dialog, otherwise the font-size preview is rendered useless. I hate to play this card but that's 40 years in the business from someone who used to set lead type by hand. I don't want to reach in the 12pt drawer to pull out 72pt. 2020-04-19 12-51-30 PDT greytomorrow And just so to know in the future, in your esteemed opinion, where do I come off as "harsh"? I usually don't bite until provoked :laughing: 2020-04-19 22-51-42 PDT greytomorrow See, Jonathan, you've interpreted it all wrong. That was 100% sarcasm-free. I do respect your opinion, highly. In the two-ish months since you invited me to do bug-migration, you've demonstrated yourself as some that knows their business...as opposed to the one-handed little boys with their trivial whims in the linked issue! 2020-03-18 02-49-09 PDT greytomorrow What about issues pertaining to earlier versions of Inkscape? Should I test against just 1beta02 (Inkscape-latest) or should I also test against 0.92.4?
What about "Wishlist" issues? How do I decide what to migrate and what to close? Is there a "expiration date" I should adhere to? Maybe some other criteria?
Any advice or suggestions are most welcome. I really would like to help out here but I don't want to create more work for you and the migration team. 2020-03-19 01-41-09 PDT greytomorrow Thank you, Jonathan, for adding the 0.92.x in issue #2069 title...I'll remember that in the future (when pertinent). 2020-04-19 12-44-18 PDT greytomorrow you mean "Ctrl is used to restrict an operation..."? 2020-03-28 04-40-17 PDT greytomorrow Case in point: this very example...before submitting I did a search for "font panel" IIRC... 2020-09-16 11-41-23 PDT greytomorrow Listen, a quick question...is Adam Belis the head of the UX/UI team or something? 2020-08-18 10-46-05 PDT greytomorrow I guess I was overthinking it 2020-09-16 11-42-51 PDT greytomorrow Thanks, pal! 2020-03-18 06-15-28 PDT greytomorrow Oh, okay...actually, no problem! :smile: 2020-03-18 05-50-29 PDT greytomorrow Excuse me, Jonathan...sorry to bother you but how does one label issues? I must be doing something wrong as every time I add /~"xxxx" it comes out as a comment :slight_frown: 2020-08-18 10-46-40 PDT greytomorrow Well, I should go over there and ask them what does ~"needs design" mean! :rofl: 2020-09-16 11-43-00 PDT greytomorrow yeah, the iconset i know 2020-09-02 08-10-56 PDT greytomorrow :+1: No problem! My pleasure. 2020-04-19 12-48-05 PDT greytomorrow Yeah, that's a tough one. I too have had times where with reflowed text I would've liked the Select tool to "reflow" instead of resize/scale/distort...it's a good idea but off the top of my head, hard to implement without some thorough thought...I'm guessing you HAVE given it some thought? 2020-03-28 04-33-47 PDT greytomorrow Hello, Jonathan. I just saw your reply in my email. I will change the issue (as well as post another bug regarding the Glyphs panel)...but it appears GitLab is down for maintenance. 2020-09-16 11-43-21 PDT greytomorrow Thanks again 2020-09-16 11-42-44 PDT greytomorrow :+1: 2020-03-18 03-01-23 PDT greytomorrow :+1: 2020-11-03 02-45-50 PST greytomorrow Hallo, Jonathan Neuhauser! :heart: Are you still using this account? 2020-09-16 11-42-23 PDT jhofinger He never has been appointed officially, but he fits the description. 2020-04-19 21-57-05 PDT jhofinger [ ](https://chat.inkscape.org/direct/greytomorrow?msg=EeXpbWRinfSFXHe5X) Maybe it's my English, but at least for me, "esteemed" in this context sounds like sarcasm. And https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inbox/-/issues/1583#note_326831931. () 2020-04-07 02-45-42 PDT jhofinger That's a strong opinion if I ever read one 😅 I'd still say if the zoom factor is displayed in the dialog, it would be fine. But the entire dialog needs a revamp, that I agree with. 2020-03-18 02-51-54 PDT jhofinger I wasn't spying on your location, but if you were German, we could task in German 2020-04-07 04-00-25 PDT jhofinger Alright, makes sense. But it seems we both misunderstood the issue. 2020-04-19 23-03-39 PDT jhofinger Have a nice day! 2020-08-18 10-45-14 PDT jhofinger yes, exactly. How did you understand it? 2020-08-18 10-48-29 PDT jhofinger You too :) 2020-09-29 23-18-04 PDT jhofinger Thanks 😊 2020-08-18 10-48-22 PDT jhofinger Clipboard - August 18, 2020 7:48 PM (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/gtjx5jwYEGd34dSb5/Clipboard%20-%20Augu...) 2020-04-19 21-53-18 PDT jhofinger [ ](https://chat.inkscape.org/direct/greytomorrow?msg=NaqLwdNZRhH3xSSeC) Maybe there could be a modifier in the select tool that applies the transform only to the shape-inside. But that's a special behavior once again () 2020-09-16 11-41-11 PDT jhofinger Glad to help, as always :) 2020-03-18 02-59-12 PDT jhofinger - You can migrate everything, also wishlist items, and there is no expiration date - fill out the issue template on gitlab completely - when you migrate, try to separate issues. When a bug report consists of five different bugs, put them all in a separate issue on Gitlab - in the end of you report, copy relevant information from the original report as quotes, especially in what Inkscape Versions the bug has been reproduced - only migrate bugs that you can replicate yourself in 1.0alpha. You can migrate issues that occur only in 0.92.x, with a tag [0.92.x], but please test against a current build of that branch. I usually just close them, that's up to you - for whishlist issues, prefer those which are clearly worded and are, to quote Patrick, actionable That's at least what I do. Cou can look for the ones I migrated, by searching author=@jhofinger in Inbox (Esp. The closed ones) 2020-04-19 22-53-42 PDT jhofinger Okay. Maybe I'm just not used to people using adjectives that way. :) thanks for the compliment! 2020-08-18 10-46-08 PDT jhofinger I took the wording directly from the GIMP tracker. 2020-04-19 12-38-48 PDT jhofinger Okay. I just felt like explaining why I *chose* not to interact with this issue. 2020-03-18 02-52-52 PDT jhofinger Alright, I was just wondering! Np 2020-03-28 04-40-58 PDT jhofinger It's normal to miss an issue here and there, no worries. I try to limit the search query to very simple words like - in this case - font list text 2020-09-16 11-42-46 PDT jhofinger He's a designer that has been around for some while, done some great design work and is e.g. responsible for the multicolor iconset in 1.0 2020-09-16 04-28-55 PDT jhofinger Guten Morgen :) yeah, I think that all the information is in my "super-issue" #1465. Was my first issue in inkscape/inbox, so I was a bit hesitant to close stuff yet. 2020-09-02 06-59-24 PDT jhofinger Oh good catch! Upon second reading, they should be closed. If you have time for it, i'd be grateful :) 2020-09-21 12-03-04 PDT jhofinger I was wondering if you wanted to contribute by writing more documentation? I think this would be super helpful as well. You might have more contact to people like doctormo, patrick or maren 2020-08-18 10-44-02 PDT jhofinger "needs design" is intended as a request to OP to draw up some sketches or at least write down how the feature would look like. If the UX team wants to work on an issue, they should instead pull it from Inbox to their repo. 2020-08-18 10-48-26 PDT jhofinger ;) 2020-03-18 06-09-35 PDT jhofinger Someone needs to add you to the group who has access to labeling. For the Moment, let me and Nathan handle this 2020-08-18 10-43-08 PDT jhofinger Then maybe we can come up with a definition that is self-explanatory? The idea was to get rid of the "UX" tag. Currently, it is used for "this is bad user experience", "this needs design" and "the ux team is actively working on it". That's not cool. 2020-09-29 22-38-43 PDT jhofinger Well it's because my actual last name changed :) got married last week 2020-04-19 12-44-44 PDT jhofinger No, I mean resize = reflow for texts 2020-04-19 12-43-01 PDT jhofinger Also, what do you think of my interpretation of the issue at hand (the first bullet point)? 2020-03-28 04-34-11 PDT jhofinger Yeah, looks like it 2020-03-18 02-50-24 PDT jhofinger Good questions! Where are you from, BTW? You mentioned Europe and have. German word in your profile picture 2020-04-19 12-39-42 PDT jhofinger Sometimes, you're indeed coming off as a bit harsh. Maybe you can try to keep that in mind. 😉 but I value your input!
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