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2020-09-06 04-24-15 PDT Martin Owens Thanks Tav! Amazing GSoC and a strong performance from yourself and the other mentors this year. 2020-05-15 14-37-24 PDT Martin Owens GDI, the meeting was today? 2021-01-06 18-14-30 PST Martin Owens @speleo3 I see this as a very tiny patch, possibly misguided, but perhaps they can be asked to work on another bug if they are trying to get patches in for GSoC 2020-05-15 14-37-40 PDT Martin Owens Oh right the email Mc sent round. Sorry all. 2020-05-15 08-54-26 PDT Mc Thank you all for coming ! Sorry Jabiert that you could not talk :( 2020-07-29 09-49-05 PDT Mc yes 2020-06-30 12-52-18 PDT Mc * it would be preferable, yes, if several mentors have been following up with the projects * only one eval per student can be posted, so I think it would be best that the "primary" mentor of students post theirs, after discussing it with the others * I think it's fine to wait for thursday evening 2020-08-31 07-55-24 PDT Mc @all https://digimedia1.r2.enst.fr/b/mar-yyy-2z2 as usual 2020-07-30 09-03-43 PDT Mc @jabiertxof @speleo3 https://digimedia1.r2.enst.fr/b/mar-yyy-2z2 2020-05-15 07-59-59 PDT Mc https://digimedia1.r2.enst.fr/b/mar-yyy-2z2 2020-07-29 07-46-58 PDT Mc @Tav @speleo3 @ede123 is tomorrow tentatively 18hCEST (16hUTC) ok to meet with moazin & linkmauve ? 2020-07-30 16-12-08 PDT Mc only moazin to do, tweenk emailed that he would do it soon 2020-05-15 09-08-32 PDT Jabier Arraiza and I loosse most of the discussion in the process 2020-05-15 09-08-09 PDT Jabier Arraiza I coulsd talk finaly using my mobile phone browser but is hard to me undertand speak and hardest speak 2020-07-31 04-27-44 PDT Jabier Arraiza sorry finaly cant attend 2020-05-15 08-00-25 PDT Jabier Arraiza thanks 2020-05-15 07-59-05 PDT Jabier Arraiza whats the BlueBuitton link, couldent search 2020-07-29 14-25-49 PDT Jabier Arraiza I try to attend 2020-05-15 08-00-41 PDT Jabier Arraiza I just see land in other mail 2020-09-06 18-12-08 PDT Jabier Arraiza Thanks all!!! 2020-07-29 07-47-54 PDT Tavmjong Bah Yes 2020-07-30 23-41-28 PDT Tavmjong Bah Thanks all! 2020-07-02 09-38-14 PDT Tavmjong Bah It was great to see all the progress today! @Mc Thanks for organizing this. 2020-07-01 05-07-46 PDT Tavmjong Bah Don't know why I didn't see this before... 2020-09-06 04-17-39 PDT Tavmjong Bah Thanks all for a great GSoC! (And getting the evaluations all done on time!) 2020-09-05 23-02-57 PDT Tavmjong Bah I don't think it matters significantly if the student didn't complete the project. It happens all the time. 2020-07-30 12-34-59 PDT Tavmjong Bah 4 student evaluations of mentors done. 2 mentor evaluations of students done. Don't make me nervous! 2020-07-29 08-15-13 PDT Thomas Holder yes 2021-01-06 15-02-54 PST Thomas Holder I'm having a deja-vu :-( IMHO Adrian's motivation to commit a patch is wrong, and his patch is pointless. This is discouraging. 2021-01-06 15-01-04 PST Thomas Holder https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/-/merge_requests/2655#note_479863443 2020-07-30 23-36-11 PDT Thomas Holder all done 2020-09-05 17-56-51 PDT Patrick Specifically I'm looking at Abhay's project, that is not "complete" given his initial goals (e.g. macro functionality mostly missing), but at the same time I never really expected him to complete all of it on time and had more realistic "internal" goals for his project in mind that he mostly matched (a mostly working command palette). 2020-07-01 05-00-42 PDT Patrick Thanks Marc, so basically "apply common sense", no particular project-specific conventions AFAIU. 2020-07-01 05-03-46 PDT Patrick As for Abhay I could do the evaluation in principle; @speleo3 and @jabiertxof are co-mentoring; Tav helped a lot as well. 2020-07-01 05-05-42 PDT Patrick Some guidance would be helpful to know how strictly we're supposed to grade, however I'm used to grade students, so I'd be able to figure something out either way. 2020-09-05 17-53-09 PDT Patrick Hi @all, can somebody comment on the significance of the question "Did ${student} complete the project?" in the final evaluation? If we answer this with "no", do we risk any drawbacks for the student or us as a project, or is it fine to answer "no" if the project is still ongoing at this time? 2020-07-01 05-01-21 PDT Patrick (pinging @Tav as I'm not sure he saw this message considering the mail he sent) 2020-05-15 09-06-33 PDT Patrick I've finally figured out how to use my webcam. Maybe you can see me next time. ;-) 2020-06-30 12-25-17 PDT Patrick Hi all, considering first eval's up, can some of the experienced mentors comment on how those are typically handled in the project? Any pointers are welcome!
Some specific questions I have: * Do we discuss evaluations as a group / within the group of mentors for the specific student / (not at all)? * Related to that, who's expected to submit the evaluation (and when)? (I think we've appointed some "primary" mentors internally, but as far as Google is concerned it seems all of the mentors are equal and even org admins could do the evaluation) * We have a meeting scheduled on Thursday. Is it fine (or even advisable) to hold off with the evaluation until then, or should we evaluate as early as possible? 2020-07-29 08-31-58 PDT Patrick I won't be available tomorrow, sorry. 2020-07-29 08-32-31 PDT Patrick Did you make contact with linkmauve? 2020-05-15 07-28-26 PDT Mc User Tweenk added by Mc. 2021-02-06 16-35-47 PST Martin Owens Has left the channel.
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