Hi! Just following up on my previous message. Not sure if this came through last time so I'm bumping it up your inbox just in case.
I'd like to be respectful of your time and get straight to the point. Payarc is one of the top rated card processors in the USA and a fully licensed, principal member of both the Visa and Mastercard official registry. As an introductory offer, we would like to upgrade or provide new POS terminals (PAXA80) to your business for free.
You can also pass on the cost of processing with our compliant surcharge program both in-store and online - in other words, you can reduce the fees you pay for each card transaction by 100%. Additionally, there are no setup fees, no monthly minimums, and never any cancellation fees in our company.
You can try us out at zero risk to you and we guarantee that you'll never face service interruption with us. We call it the 'love it or leave it' program, which has earned us the best reputation online in our industry. If you want to discuss this futher, you can reach us by sending an email to support@payarc.solutions or alternatively giving us a call at 909-830-8154.
We highly encourage you to review our visa registry membership and read the reviews about Payarc online to get a better understanding of the work we do.
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