[Webmaster] Rocket.Chat, 2 Users, 1890 Messages, 25 Files, 1286564 Minutes, in Direct Message Between: prkos & doctormo
2020-09-25 14-17-54 PDT Martin Owens I can only guess that it's an accident. 2018-11-24 20-33-59 PST Martin Owens Ah, sorry to hear that. Anything I can do to help? Maybe look over the code and see if I can figure something out? 2018-11-26 13-17-24 PST Martin Owens I like them. Maybe we can copy the emote icon from rocket chat 2018-11-20 08-53-55 PST Martin Owens Is this the first time you've seen the above topic list page? 2018-11-30 18-35-39 PST Martin Owens I will look into that, I think it needs to download them, but must be mislinked 2018-11-27 15-42-36 PST Martin Owens But the template drives what things will be loaded for the cms. So cut that out and the cms load goes away. 2018-11-23 10-27-40 PST Martin Owens Yes, I'm up in Vermont with family too 2018-11-23 10-25-01 PST Martin Owens I think the last bits will take me a day or two. 2018-12-01 20-19-23 PST Martin Owens Should we remove the dotted box around links when clicked? 2018-11-30 18-38-15 PST Martin Owens /data/media/ 2018-11-18 15-05-59 PST Martin Owens It's plural so `git checkout forums3` 2018-11-18 15-19-12 PST Martin Owens Did you work from your existing directory? 2018-11-23 19-49-26 PST Martin Owens You can add them, I haven't done anything on those. 2018-12-09 16-24-40 PST Martin Owens No, there are CMS pages, and then there are non-cms pages. News for example is non-cms, but it's translatable because I built translability into it. the releases app is translatable because I built translatability into it. 2019-01-31 23-56-09 PST Martin Owens Oh, I don't think I know that one. 2018-11-28 16-40-37 PST Martin Owens The animation is great! 2018-11-18 15-35-59 PST Martin Owens Can you confirm what version of python3 you have? `python3 --version` 2018-11-27 16-08-50 PST Martin Owens You can 2018-11-29 13-50-53 PST Martin Owens Let me have a little dig into it. If it's too many deps then you can continue to use it locally. If not too many, the. We can integrate it as it could help get CSS people to help us. 2018-11-23 10-28-55 PST Martin Owens Thanks! 2018-11-27 12-04-53 PST Martin Owens no 2018-11-20 08-58-48 PST Martin Owens I've always been ok with her saying no, she's said it before. 2018-11-23 15-11-02 PST Martin Owens Ah, English is quite weird, if not bizarre 2018-11-23 19-04-09 PST Martin Owens Once you've changed the file, press the `Commit...` button 2020-09-25 14-43-25 PDT Martin Owens Order of months. 2018-11-26 12-10-29 PST Martin Owens It's got a Terminate catcher that catches the C and asks you to quit properly. 2018-11-29 14-03-43 PST Martin Owens Using include right 2018-11-26 13-16-48 PST Martin Owens Yes please! 2018-11-26 13-01-56 PST Martin Owens Also congratulations sorting out this running website. Very impressed. π 2018-11-26 12-48-47 PST Martin Owens Away from my computer right now. Did I commit any forums Json to the git? 2018-11-29 13-56-14 PST Martin Owens Too many things. 2020-09-25 13-30-37 PDT Martin Owens No 2018-11-30 17-20-36 PST Martin Owens Also just pushed all the TODO items for the user account stuff, all working now. 2018-12-02 09-30-11 PST Martin Owens I'll keep to functionality and python 2020-03-28 14-45-00 PDT Martin Owens The instructions repeat for the next product, they look the same. 2020-03-28 14-37-45 PDT Martin Owens Oh that, that's a me'ism, I say it's it's, the rest of the English speaking world says its its 2018-11-28 14-27-13 PST Martin Owens So blocks are ways for us to control where content goes when we inherit from one template to another 2018-12-02 17-53-59 PST Martin Owens That second comment list need some design, as it's kind of funky looking. 2020-08-11 14-24-41 PDT Martin Owens Fixed 2018-11-27 13-04-37 PST Martin Owens notice I used bs3 2020-09-23 21-59-31 PDT Martin Owens Your retired? 2018-11-20 08-09-59 PST Martin Owens It can be, the comment list page doesn't have the online users list like the other pages. 2018-11-25 17-16-07 PST Martin Owens I can but I will have to check locally first 2018-11-17 16-10-00 PST Martin Owens lol 2018-11-20 08-50-42 PST Martin Owens Oh 2018-12-09 16-21-59 PST Martin Owens I don't believe team pages are translated (or translatable) 2018-11-18 15-03-42 PST Martin Owens No, `-b` will create a local branch called `remotes/origin/forum3` without pulling in the actual remote. 2018-11-23 18-58-23 PST Martin Owens give it a name and select create from `master` 2018-11-23 15-02-08 PST Martin Owens So many buttons! so much design! 2020-08-11 07-07-59 PDT Martin Owens Well yes. But I bet you 10 to 1 odds that if we start raising money for features the conservancy (which is very legally conservative) is going to have things to say. 2018-11-17 16-25-48 PST Martin Owens Thanks! 2020-08-11 07-06-36 PDT Martin Owens Moini turned down a board position in 2018. 2018-11-18 15-35-47 PST Martin Owens Makes sense 2018-11-27 13-33-29 PST Martin Owens (last modification datetime) 2018-11-17 15-52-02 PST Martin Owens Firefox CORs is broken for file:// 2020-09-25 13-30-57 PDT Martin Owens Mostly because it was the wrong theater for it. 2018-11-17 16-03-45 PST Martin Owens comment-thread.zip (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/PZ3skMaDdEmpzRG9Z/comment-thread.zip) 2020-09-24 06-33-36 PDT Martin Owens (also was it me? I can suck sometimes) 2018-11-20 08-57-24 PST Martin Owens There isn't one. This adventure is a gambit to convince brynn and other forum users to use the website instead of setting up a new php based solution. 2018-11-27 13-52-19 PST Martin Owens CSS is easier than templates, but both are technically possible. 2018-11-29 18-44-51 PST Martin Owens How is it going? 2018-11-23 19-05-41 PST Martin Owens Tested, the loop works 2018-11-25 22-56-59 PST Martin Owens Your changes have now been deployed to live 2018-11-23 15-04-23 PST Martin Owens International business machines, they had an internal dictionary of technical terms 2018-12-09 17-26-55 PST Martin Owens It can be main.css if you want a quick and dirty change, but you should know that it'll apply to the whole website. 2018-11-26 12-02-32 PST Martin Owens That guide doesn't mention installing python3.6 pip and virtualenv, I'll confirmt he instructions 2018-11-18 15-10-14 PST Martin Owens That's a different error 2018-11-25 09-20-28 PST Martin Owens For sure. 2018-11-17 16-03-29 PST Martin Owens Try this zip instead: 2018-11-27 13-26-19 PST Martin Owens https://github.com/RocketChat/Rocket.Chat/tree/a729aaa2baffea9338e1b0443cbac... 2020-09-25 14-38-24 PDT Martin Owens I'm sorry I wasn't listening. 2020-09-25 13-34-52 PDT Martin Owens I think moderation is bound up in this. 2020-07-12 12-17-29 PDT Martin Owens Firstly agenda items for the board meeting. Was the item on the agenda? It looked like it didn't end up being there, so understanding the process you used to add the item (and why it failed) is the net step. 2020-09-25 01-48-24 PDT Martin Owens I'm sorry about your experence. 2018-12-01 09-13-31 PST Martin Owens So you should see each body tag has an `id="forum-page-{% url_name %}"` attribute. 2020-03-28 14-18-41 PDT Martin Owens I can 2020-09-25 14-05-29 PDT Martin Owens Nope 2018-11-17 16-22-49 PST Martin Owens You may have to create some forums in the admin interface. 2018-11-25 17-29-38 PST Martin Owens Actually scratch that, I was suffering from some caching problems. 2020-09-25 13-59-58 PDT Martin Owens Have you seen the state of our developer contributions? There are no star developers. 2020-09-25 14-27-46 PDT Martin Owens I can see these meetings have stabilized RenΓ© who was very close to quitting. 2020-07-13 16-19-29 PDT Martin Owens For the website, the only thing I'll be aggrieved about is being forced to be a sysadmin for it. (Like I'm currently upset about being forced to baby the wiki site). If the cms needs to be a different thing, then so be it. Although you'll loose any plugins with the gallery, integrations with the releases site and other pieces so it should be considered carefully (and tested well) 2018-11-26 12-37-29 PST Martin Owens Yes 2020-09-25 14-08-58 PDT Martin Owens It's terrible. 2018-11-23 10-23-12 PST Martin Owens I have almost everything ready for a demo. Should I go ahead without your designs or wait? We can always add later. 2018-11-29 13-59-15 PST Martin Owens Need my help on the templates? 2018-11-30 18-13-34 PST Martin Owens OK so you can use meld to fix a merge conflict if you've not changed too much 2020-09-25 13-58-50 PDT Martin Owens This is what came up with conversations with others, mostly developers do far. 2020-07-04 15-48-49 PDT Martin Owens None AFAIK. 2018-11-20 08-50-58 PST Martin Owens Can you ignore what's on the live website, I threw it all away. 2018-12-01 09-15-42 PST Martin Owens No init, init is only needed when you start the process. I _do_ need to commit the migration update though... 2020-09-25 14-01-43 PDT Martin Owens I don't think so. I'm seeing stress in all teams. 2018-11-18 15-37-33 PST Martin Owens Trying to think of what we can do to fix it 2020-03-28 14-41-38 PDT Martin Owens (or change "Medical filter for viruses" to "virus filter" in the materials list) 2018-11-23 18-56-52 PST Martin Owens Or both? 2018-11-17 15-49-26 PST Martin Owens The emoji dropdown is javascript and may not load the pngs it's supposed to, but it'll still show the unicodes. 2020-09-25 14-14-30 PDT Martin Owens No, demanded. 2020-09-25 14-03-15 PDT Martin Owens His lack of leadership has hammered the project over the last two years. 2018-11-23 10-25-27 PST Martin Owens Cmi? 2018-11-25 17-58-44 PST Martin Owens OK so there's more to this basic menu branch than I can do right now (getting kicked out of the Tea Shop where I'm camped) 2018-11-27 16-22-02 PST Martin Owens Visible to everyone. The idea is to show a small (smallest that makes sense) row that there was activity. 2018-11-20 08-47-32 PST Martin Owens Does the bubbly design fit the other pages or do you think we'll have to change those too? 2018-11-29 15-34-15 PST Martin Owens If a block is in another block it just sits there, being a block. 2020-07-04 15-47-14 PDT Martin Owens https://chat.inkscape.org/channel/team_vectors?msg=kwBrKppR7iKiAAfTh () 2018-11-23 18-51-07 PST Martin Owens Yes, and will probably work too. 2018-11-26 12-33-56 PST Martin Owens Yes but replace `~/virtualenvs/venv_devopspy ` with `./pythonenv` 2018-11-26 12-10-50 PST Martin Owens Or at least it used to, mine is just giving me KeyboardInterupt. 2020-09-25 10-30-58 PDT Martin Owens I'm sorry to dig this up again, I don't want to bring this all back to you. I'm just staring at a gaping hole in our project and it's making me very sad that I seemingly can't help patch it. 2018-11-24 20-32-35 PST Martin Owens I should check in and see how you're doing. 2018-11-27 13-23-25 PST Martin Owens It depends on the license on them, do we know if they're all emojis or not? 2018-11-26 12-12-39 PST Martin Owens Fingers crossed the pip3 from python 3.4 is good enough. 2018-11-26 11-54-55 PST Martin Owens It's a research project. 2018-11-23 19-10-45 PST Martin Owens Oh right, because of HiDPI 2018-11-23 19-32-46 PST Martin Owens comment_list.zip (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/w7i3fEyDMrBYjnpBG/comment_list.zip) 2018-11-25 18-07-57 PST Martin Owens Ok 2018-11-26 12-57-51 PST Martin Owens ./utils/manage migrate 2018-11-26 12-25-14 PST Martin Owens `pip install -r requirements.txt` 2019-01-31 23-59-13 PST Martin Owens Oh I thought that was the testing playground, do we have some struggler issues in there? 2018-11-20 08-44-30 PST Martin Owens So hopefully you can merge easily. 2018-11-23 19-13-44 PST Martin Owens `{{ comment.submit_date|ago }}` will give you just the time delta. timetag will make the tag. 2018-11-23 19-29-10 PST Martin Owens OK I've made a topic list 2018-11-27 13-56-08 PST Martin Owens Plus one has to think carefully about how caching will work 2018-11-28 16-35-48 PST Martin Owens Are you having fun with this project? 2018-11-25 18-41-52 PST Martin Owens Mobile scrolling dies on the old CSS. 2018-11-23 14-58-43 PST Martin Owens comment_pages.zip (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/38tHSdxS2iZoLkMYX/comment_pages.zip) 2018-11-29 15-12-12 PST Martin Owens Yes. Do you feel like you need help? 2018-11-30 18-28-12 PST Martin Owens I will add for tomorrow if you are on your way out the door. 2018-12-09 15-33-33 PST Martin Owens Please create a merge request and I'll review. 2018-11-25 17-16-32 PST Martin Owens I'm actually in the middle of merging jabier's menu code too 2018-11-23 19-00-54 PST Martin Owens Oh right, my other left, aka right 2020-08-11 14-26-37 PDT Martin Owens Lately, about 25-35 hours a week. 2018-11-27 15-39-51 PST Martin Owens It's a resource template 2018-11-27 13-33-20 PST Martin Owens But the bold counts the last modification, which could be an edit. 2020-07-04 15-49-15 PDT Martin Owens That might be something to bring up at the board hackfest day 2018-11-30 18-12-23 PST Martin Owens Sorry for delay, was on my bike 2020-07-04 15-48-04 PDT Martin Owens Upgrade to visio like connectors to have multiple connector points. And fix the lack of update bug when you drag objects around. 2018-11-29 15-19-20 PST Martin Owens That's right, or it won't know where to put it. 2020-09-25 14-23-36 PDT Martin Owens I want it to take it's role as an advisor to team leaders, it's arbitor for moderation and it's other passive leadership respositibilities as active concerns and not things to just shrug over. 2018-11-26 12-47-57 PST Martin Owens So now we can load a forum json or you can make a test forum in the admin interface. 2018-12-16 17-42-26 PST Martin Owens Good for me too! 2018-11-26 13-00-27 PST Martin Owens Don't worry, that's new. Not a problem 2018-11-27 13-07-12 PST Martin Owens It speaks to my lack of confidence with css stuff. I want to stick to my python 2018-12-09 12-32-06 PST Martin Owens A new version? 2018-11-26 11-52-00 PST Martin Owens I merge to `master`, test locally, I merge `master` to `live` using the script `utils/to_live`. Then I log into inkscape.org and run the deployment script. 2018-11-18 14-54-54 PST Martin Owens You running the live server's update command? 2018-11-28 16-33-34 PST Martin Owens No, but it's a good idea 2020-07-12 16-29-30 PDT Martin Owens 5 more weeks π 2018-11-23 10-26-05 PST Martin Owens That's so awesome. 2018-11-29 13-51-43 PST Martin Owens I keep on hating my ignorance on it too. 2018-11-29 15-10-16 PST Martin Owens Lol no I was on a bike in the cold Boston wind 2018-11-23 19-35-48 PST Martin Owens yes 2018-11-29 14-00-10 PST Martin Owens Do you have the block super variable in details? 2018-11-26 13-10-45 PST Martin Owens No, you add those in the admin interface. 2018-11-20 08-51-55 PST Martin Owens Ah ok 2018-11-23 19-15-50 PST Martin Owens :-) 2020-03-28 14-42-32 PDT Martin Owens Interestingly the Virus Filter and Snorkel both have connectors, but what the 3d printed part /is/ is a pair of connectors aka an adapter. 2018-11-25 17-45-54 PST Martin Owens The Emoji we have is a whole collection of them from the open source emoji project, pngs 2018-11-18 15-39-11 PST Martin Owens OK 2018-11-23 15-07-22 PST Martin Owens Slavic vs. Germanic? 2018-11-17 16-35-09 PST Martin Owens attachments accept svg 2018-11-29 14-05-25 PST Martin Owens They are both very useful and different tools 2018-11-27 15-40-17 PST Martin Owens So check resources/templates 2018-11-26 12-49-34 PST Martin Owens The admin would be the easiest, you should be able to log in as admin 123456 2018-12-09 16-25-05 PST Martin Owens The teams pages, we have a debate about if translations are a useful thing to have or if they would actually be a problem/ 2020-07-04 15-44-31 PDT Martin Owens Yay 2018-11-29 14-01-17 PST Martin Owens That means this template is based on this named template. 2018-11-27 15-41-25 PST Martin Owens It should indicate that it's only used for comments. 2018-11-17 16-16-03 PST Martin Owens For example I haven't written the comment editing feature yet, but I put the icon in so I know what it'll look like. 2018-11-26 11-52-58 PST Martin Owens No, others like Maren or yourself can do the merging parts, people like bryce can run the deployment script. 2020-03-28 14-48-17 PDT Martin Owens Good luck and thanks for your work on this topic. 2020-09-25 13-23-54 PDT Martin Owens OK I've read it. 2018-11-17 16-19-49 PST Martin Owens Somethings have to be done ;-) plus I've been asking around to see if people can lend a hand. 2018-11-17 16-22-22 PST Martin Owens Sure, your help would be really freaking cool. https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape-web/tree/forums3 2018-11-26 12-27-50 PST Martin Owens Did it install things? 2018-11-26 13-10-53 PST Martin Owens you can save one from the live site if you want. 2018-11-26 12-56-07 PST Martin Owens And you can do a git pull to make sure you are up to date with master 2018-11-26 11-53-28 PST Martin Owens Do you want me to work on a package to get the website working for you locally? 2018-11-23 19-31-07 PST Martin Owens With or without your changes/ 2018-11-25 18-41-06 PST Martin Owens That's a good idea. I'll try and put together a list of combinations. 2020-07-12 16-30-35 PDT Martin Owens Let me know what the vote is you need and I'll make sure Bryce gets it before the next meeting. 2018-11-30 18-25-45 PST Martin Owens Make up a variable, and add to body tag, I can add code to put it in. 2018-11-26 12-55-36 PST Martin Owens OK, does the quota say you have zero space? 2018-11-27 16-01-17 PST Martin Owens Not two galleries. I noticed the issue with the comments. Not sure how that happened. Don't worry about the gallery for now. We will fix that up, I'm already thinking that it should be more like the forums. 2018-12-09 13-12-23 PST Martin Owens CSS can't be added to the text block itself, but it's possible to commit it to inkscape-web as some extra styles. 2020-07-13 13-14-10 PDT Martin Owens I think yes, chat with Bryce here on rocket chat. No need to take anything private, we have an important decision yo make about how to talk to the SFC about fundraising, (although my gut feeling is that you won't like how the sfcs structure precludes a lot of dynamic updates) it's worth having this discussion. It might also be easier if you were on the board, as the SFC likes to talk to the board rather than anyone else. Is this something you'd be interested in? 2018-11-27 16-09-46 PST Martin Owens The square photo is probably an error since they're supposed to look kinda similar. But it's up to you since you wanted it to also look distinctive. 2018-11-28 15-55-09 PST Martin Owens OK I just comitted my work 2018-11-27 13-46-17 PST Martin Owens I love the fact that Maren quietly went in and changed the tiger emoji I put on her user to an octopus without ever saying anything (or being told how to do it) ;-) 2018-11-23 19-34-52 PST Martin Owens emoji.gif (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/BZWNnfeLAKetJN8ix/emoji.gif) 2020-09-25 13-44-15 PDT Martin Owens If you were the leader of the inkscape project. What would you do? (this might be impossible to answer). 2018-11-17 15-59-43 PST Martin Owens Can you screenshot for me? 2018-11-20 09-03-13 PST Martin Owens Great 2018-12-05 08-09-07 PST Martin Owens I did a quick fix for the issue. I've pushed everything we've worked on live. 2020-09-25 13-29-45 PDT Martin Owens Sorry I mean "Had poor results, but then pushed through the problem and tried to ignore the issue" 2018-12-01 09-12-40 PST Martin Owens pushing change now 2018-11-27 11-38-24 PST Martin Owens That was quite a bastard tbh, and something no one will every really see ;-) 2018-11-25 18-12-44 PST Martin Owens Screenshot from 2018-11-25 21-10-10.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/KTxcBCvWky6BT7azS/Screenshot%20from%20...) 2018-11-18 15-21-03 PST Martin Owens I'm testing the init locally, it all seems to be working here from a fresh checkout without any errors 2018-12-01 09-46-15 PST Martin Owens Did you do git pull? 2018-11-26 12-03-45 PST Martin Owens Those are for ubuntu 17.10, the page is a bit higgldy 2020-09-25 14-36-13 PDT Martin Owens Turns out it up and dropped dead on me. 2020-08-11 06-57-37 PDT Martin Owens Would you stand for a board position if we held an election? 2018-11-26 11-59-23 PST Martin Owens You're on Fedora 16? 2018-11-17 16-35-32 PST Martin Owens emote button is for other users to add thumbs up 2018-11-23 19-29-27 PST Martin Owens topic_list.zip (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/evDRvpYrJb7JyzvnQ/topic_list.zip) 2018-11-17 16-27-19 PST Martin Owens I trust your judgement on the whole thing, anything you want to have a poke at, the search (make sure to run `manage update_index` to ppoulate search after making comments/threads) some of it doesn't work or doesn't work well. So be forgiving, but keep an eye on how you think we could make it better. 2020-09-25 14-00-15 PDT Martin Owens This is a hollow project in a low of ways. 2018-11-26 12-12-06 PST Martin Owens Great! way ahead of me! 2018-12-14 09-44-48 PST Martin Owens He said he's going to start from zero, so the previous methods may not apply. 2018-11-26 13-08-32 PST Martin Owens In the admin? 2018-11-23 19-51-26 PST Martin Owens Not all comment threads are plain old topic threads. (and you can see if this is a problem later or not, maybe not) 2018-11-17 16-49-07 PST Martin Owens Thanks prkos! Good night! 2019-02-01 00-27-10 PST Martin Owens There's one fix to the ckeditor.js, the emoji plugin, CORs breaks the icons.svg, so I force it to use icons.png instead. 2019-01-31 23-26-18 PST Martin Owens No, not sure where it's gone. Maybe the license file. 2018-11-27 16-42-49 PST Martin Owens Yes, maybe your `inkscape/local_settings.py` needs to be deleted. 2018-11-18 15-35-24 PST Martin Owens :-P 2018-11-26 12-00-45 PST Martin Owens You need to use the PPA 2018-11-20 08-41-40 PST Martin Owens I'd like to schedule a release of the new forums software. I'd love to get your changes in before an announcement, do you think you'd be ready to share by the end of this week? 2020-09-25 13-21-51 PDT Martin Owens :laughing: 2018-11-17 16-19-06 PST Martin Owens But it wasn't good enough for brynn, maren and etc, and we had concerns about moving people over to something that would be slow. 2020-09-25 14-26-46 PDT Martin Owens It is good that the dev team is actually meeting every 8 days now, it's actually helping things. 2018-11-17 16-15-33 PST Martin Owens This example may be expanded with `ideas` for complexities we don't yet have, if you want me to write new features. 2018-11-20 07-05-32 PST Martin Owens I was just looking at another design similar to ours for forums, they have little green balls next to username to indicate a user is online. I can add in some js to add this feature in if your design has a spot for it. 2020-03-28 14-35-09 PDT Martin Owens Do you colour code or italisize or bolden nouns such as "vent valve protection" so reuse of the noun can be seen clearly? 2018-11-28 14-56-03 PST Martin Owens I'm not sure what object output is in your comment 2018-11-18 14-59-40 PST Martin Owens It does that. 2018-11-17 16-04-23 PST Martin Owens Oh and the big `1` should be an emoji, it looks like this 2018-11-18 15-33-57 PST Martin Owens Is this computer your main computer or is it a virtual machine? 2018-11-28 14-28-41 PST Martin Owens block tags must have endblock tags 2018-11-17 16-13-11 PST Martin Owens oh? 2018-11-27 16-45-33 PST Martin Owens you can ignore that 2019-01-31 10-56-58 PST Martin Owens You can replace it, there's a group of plugins, it might be the lookup plugin that's making it slower. 2018-11-18 15-32-15 PST Martin Owens No, that sounds good 2018-11-26 12-31-07 PST Martin Owens Then `Ctrl` + `D` 2018-11-20 08-57-44 PST Martin Owens The focus is to add the features needed and present it as complete. 2020-09-25 14-43-35 PDT Martin Owens With isn't unreasonable. 2018-12-02 17-52-26 PST Martin Owens I've pushed changes, new side panel buttons. Subscriptions marked in topic lists. 2018-11-26 13-10-05 PST Martin Owens The error is because you don't have an icon set for your forum 2018-11-20 09-00-53 PST Martin Owens Last time I invited brynn to help, she put the breaks on the whole project with uncertainty. Didn't want me to work on something that wasn't certain to be used. 2019-02-01 00-27-26 PST Martin Owens There's a custom plugin for blockquoting 2020-09-25 13-50-36 PDT Martin Owens You would have a skill level indicator about different things? 2018-11-18 15-18-17 PST Martin Owens Ah everything got upgraded to python3 django 1.11, there's lots of upgrades 2020-09-25 14-53-15 PDT Martin Owens You saved school for the end. :-D 2018-11-23 14-56-37 PST Martin Owens comment page or other pages or all pages 2018-11-17 16-30-56 PST Martin Owens not yet, butI'm thinking about making something 2018-11-23 15-05-14 PST Martin Owens Nouns can't be verbed in Croation? 2018-11-27 13-48-38 PST Martin Owens So you can edit the issue description and document any todos you have. 2018-12-02 09-51-27 PST Martin Owens No that's enlightened me, in terms of why they exist, and why people keep them around. 2018-11-17 16-17-46 PST Martin Owens Old style is here: http://inkscape.org/forums/ 2018-11-23 18-59-29 PST Martin Owens Now deleted 2018-11-23 19-20-58 PST Martin Owens sure 2018-11-27 11-52-19 PST Martin Owens I asked Jabier, but it turns out forums didn't interest him, he was interested in fixing the menus. Which I helped coach him on doing. 2020-09-25 01-56-54 PDT Martin Owens I also feel like I've failed you personally. A lot of the people I've brought into the project, randomly and so forth, and I always feel a sense of duty to all the people who I've tried to help to get comfortable and find their place. 2020-09-25 01-57-17 PDT Martin Owens Are you able to share where you feel the culture has gone wrong? 2020-09-25 13-27-16 PDT Martin Owens I respect you. Your contributions to Inkscape were providing a valuable push in directions we weren't able to before you got involved. Hearing that this voice is no longer available because our culture failed, means that the project has failed it's basic infrastructure. 2020-09-25 13-32-25 PDT Martin Owens Usually disagreement turns to bad faith correspondence. Poor communication perpetuates and the bad relationship continues to grieve the all parties involved. 2020-09-25 14-17-00 PDT Martin Owens There's no glory to be had in this mess. Besides, if it was that he's demand his name at the bottom of the website. 2019-02-01 00-28-31 PST Martin Owens Other custom items are in the template or config.js 2018-11-23 18-50-33 PST Martin Owens Through gitlab? 2018-11-27 16-09-59 PST Martin Owens You may continue to commit there, but I also trust you to commit to master 2018-11-23 19-49-36 PST Martin Owens There is one thing which you're probably not aware of. 2020-09-25 14-05-18 PDT Martin Owens And responses from bryce are always "I will get to that" but never is. 2018-11-18 15-16-10 PST Martin Owens If it's not regenerating, then there's a problem. 2020-09-25 14-03-37 PDT Martin Owens They suck ever spare second of time. 2020-08-11 14-49-20 PDT Martin Owens It's very kind of you to help with the copy. 2018-11-20 08-54-54 PST Martin Owens OK 2018-11-23 19-46-57 PST Martin Owens No problem. I'm here also for support and questions 2020-09-25 14-14-49 PDT Martin Owens (My stupid british understatement getting in the way) 2018-12-16 17-44-11 PST Martin Owens Interesting, reading article now. 2018-11-26 12-30-37 PST Martin Owens Hmm it's trying to use the wrong python... lets try `python3.6 inkscape/manage.py shell` 2018-11-25 18-14-54 PST Martin Owens page.zip (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/PCktADMmSrfonF6Zz/page.zip) 2018-11-23 19-08-42 PST Martin Owens This is what we have 2018-11-27 13-04-28 PST Martin Owens I like that I've used it before and it does a lot for me. 2020-09-25 14-27-19 PDT Martin Owens Video 2018-11-23 15-06-21 PST Martin Owens lol 2020-09-25 13-50-47 PDT Martin Owens (sorry if my questions sound dumb) 2018-11-23 19-09-38 PST Martin Owens Sorry, had to delete that 2018-11-18 14-59-03 PST Martin Owens It looks like your `local_settings.py` is empty, but it could also be some other error that's being masked. 2018-11-27 16-08-58 PST Martin Owens commit and push via cli 2020-09-25 14-29-30 PDT Martin Owens He's updated his twitter profile on my request. 2018-11-27 11-37-14 PST Martin Owens I've added the spam protections already, none of them are really hard, just needs some brain time to get it right. 2020-03-28 14-34-11 PDT Martin Owens Assembly procedure, 2, "flip it" flip what? The membrane or the mask? You could say "Remove and flip the membrane" or "Remove the membrane and flip the mask" 2020-09-25 14-35-36 PDT Martin Owens No, I'm not unhappy with people, or anything anyone is saying. I'm unhappy about the project's community. 2020-09-25 14-08-22 PDT Martin Owens If Bryce could step aside, it's my belief there would be a realignment of leadership overall as people stopped looking at him for answers. 2018-11-26 12-33-10 PST Martin Owens delete it and we should create a new `pythonenv` folder using the python3.6 virtualenv command you used above. 2018-11-23 19-34-20 PST Martin Owens Sorry about that, I wish I had access to your computer, I'm sure I could fix up somethin :-) 2020-09-25 14-29-19 PDT Martin Owens He wasn't, but I kept posting them to him. 2019-01-31 23-53-26 PST Martin Owens Sure, I believe there's three main pieces. ckeditor.js, config.js and then forums/templates/forums/ckeditor.html 2018-11-23 15-00-10 PST Martin Owens I can't spell anonymous ;-) 2020-09-25 14-42-31 PDT Martin Owens Tav was, he's pissed (by tone of voice). Ted wants more of a slow gradual change. 2018-11-27 13-23-32 PST Martin Owens And how complete the list is. 2018-11-23 18-57-47 PST Martin Owens Great. OK so got here: https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape-web/branches click `New Branch` green button 2018-11-20 08-44-21 PST Martin Owens Great. I've changed a couple of things, I've been trying to be hands off the comment_list template for you. 2020-09-25 14-55-19 PDT Martin Owens What do you think of Maren? 2018-11-23 10-02-29 PST Martin Owens So I want to make sure you have an up to date template, I've pushed changes which add various buttons for moderation and editing. As well as updates to the comment form itself to switch on attachments etc. 2018-11-23 19-01-24 PST Martin Owens Navigate to the template file on the `left` tree view 2018-11-17 16-12-22 PST Martin Owens It's a single thread stream 2018-12-07 10-49-49 PST Martin Owens Does your spreadshirt password end in "YAZ"? 2020-09-25 14-12-17 PDT Martin Owens Fine, but what does being on the board mean? It means I get to attend meetings, and vote. Bryce has said he doesn't want anyone but him posting votes to the mailing list, so we're back to no votes with an MIA leader. 2018-11-27 13-32-27 PST Martin Owens So we're also using EmojiOne, although I believe we're using the last open source version (fork) so we already should have emoji the same as rocket chat. 2020-09-25 14-10-28 PDT Martin Owens Well imagine the board is defunct, the next layer to talk to is the Conservancy. But they are very bad at communication in general and fairy spikey about anything outside of legal. 2018-11-27 11-48-59 PST Martin Owens I use invitations and ask people to do me favours ;-) 2018-11-25 17-39-10 PST Martin Owens You've done a really impressive job with this blind dev. 2018-11-17 16-09-13 PST Martin Owens If you edit the css in forum.css, I'd be super helpful :-D but it's up to you too, (I've got a long list of todos) 2018-11-17 15-58-10 PST Martin Owens Hmm aparently it's just broke for fonts :-( 2018-11-29 20-29-03 PST Martin Owens There's no such thing as a sub-sub-forum. 2020-09-25 13-34-07 PDT Martin Owens Not just, sometimes things go to moderation, often it doesn't. Private communication is the first step, but it can make things worse. 2020-09-25 13-58-25 PDT Martin Owens And even when people try, they are hopelessly outmatched in skill and the results are terrible. 2020-09-25 14-31-17 PDT Martin Owens Being direct 2018-11-26 11-54-01 PST Martin Owens Well, I'd love to get your help on the main pages too ;-) 2018-11-17 16-36-14 PST Martin Owens where the `1` is 2020-09-25 14-02-43 PDT Martin Owens Well that brings me to the board. 2018-11-23 07-46-50 PST Martin Owens How are things going? Either with brynn or with design? 2018-11-27 13-04-05 PST Martin Owens it does take time 2018-11-28 15-43-10 PST Martin Owens If it'll stop me from developing, a branch is a good bet. If it won't stop my work, commit away. 2020-09-25 14-20-06 PDT Martin Owens Alas, such are dreams made of. 2018-11-28 15-43-38 PST Martin Owens wonky is fine 2020-03-28 14-32-59 PDT Martin Owens In context, adapter is the right word 2020-08-11 14-21-56 PDT Martin Owens I had to quickly make my account to accommodate chnolblan :-D what do you think? https://www.patreon.com/doctormo 2018-11-28 15-35-58 PST Martin Owens It is not on narrow screens, just on wide ones 2018-11-23 19-36-36 PST Martin Owens It's attached to the /user/ not the comment. 2020-08-11 07-11-22 PDT Martin Owens But please talk to them and find out what slot you can fit into. 2018-11-17 16-21-32 PST Martin Owens It is on gitlab, but you'd have to be running the website to work with it. 2018-11-27 13-52-06 PST Martin Owens It's possible to do. 2018-11-23 18-59-00 PST Martin Owens So forums3 is now for deletion. 2018-12-01 09-15-10 PST Martin Owens (some of the names don't result in pages) 2018-11-27 16-16-44 PST Martin Owens I want to show comments that are marked as not-public (i.e. not approved by the moderator yet) and is_removed (i.e. moderator hated your comment) so they should appear in the comment list as single lines, the user, an the moderator tools, but no content, emoji etc. 2020-08-11 07-03-45 PDT Martin Owens Because I think we are dying of lack of leadership. And part of that is having people on the board who just aren't doing enough. 2018-11-27 11-58-50 PST Martin Owens I'd say it's probably about even, but I don't know how much work the mobile fixes are. 2018-11-17 07-52-40 PST Martin Owens Are you interested in reviewing the new inkscape forum style? 2018-11-27 13-42-35 PST Martin Owens Some people can do both. 2018-11-27 16-45-05 PST Martin Owens Yes, that's one of mine. Delete your `local_settings.py` file, it should regenerate like a borg module. 2018-11-25 09-16-46 PST Martin Owens None for now, if it's not super easy, ignore IE for now. 2018-11-27 11-43-04 PST Martin Owens How comfortable would you be contacting some of these people instead of doing css work yourself? 2020-09-25 13-34-38 PDT Martin Owens We also talked about the bad leadership in the meeting. We are quite annoyed in the developer team about the lack of leadership in the project. 2018-11-28 14-29-57 PST Martin Owens So for examples, `{% block "css" %}...{% endblock %}` has some default style sheets. But in other templates there will be a "css" block too. That will over-write the base.html css block. 2018-11-28 07-25-05 PST Martin Owens I pushed the changes live 2018-12-09 16-16-04 PST Martin Owens Who's the decider? Ryan? 2018-11-23 18-56-49 PST Martin Owens Or the css? 2018-11-26 11-55-31 PST Martin Owens If you're able to put together a dual boot, you could slide in a tiny up to date os. 2018-11-27 11-57-35 PST Martin Owens If he's interested in helping with UX, it's still a really new app 2018-11-27 11-49-24 PST Martin Owens I asked Frigory to help with css, he said he didn't know anything about css, I appologised for disturbing him. 2018-11-28 15-01-37 PST Martin Owens https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape-web/issues/273#note_120901973 2018-11-26 13-12-53 PST Martin Owens Each is just an svg file you upload in the admin interface 2018-11-27 12-05-05 PST Martin Owens I havent made one yet 2018-11-25 17-33-21 PST Martin Owens But you've just given me an idea 2020-09-25 14-44-04 PDT Martin Owens No response yet. 2018-11-27 11-37-44 PST Martin Owens Any amount of design support is truely of enormous value though. So if you're up for lending a hand with the templates as I add these things... 2018-11-25 17-38-01 PST Martin Owens The pineapple emoji next to my name appears slightly too low on the vertical align. 2018-12-14 08-24-56 PST Martin Owens Is it possible to selectively merge in some of @jabier's work so we don't loose it? Not sure how much work that is vs. just fixing the same items. 2018-11-23 19-35-09 PST Martin Owens So one selects emoji on the right side and they appear on the left side of the bar. 2020-08-01 14-38-16 PDT Martin Owens Thanks! 2020-09-25 14-19-49 PDT Martin Owens I was honestly looking forward to having someone like you on the board to try and move towards a proactive leadership. 2020-08-11 07-05-01 PDT Martin Owens But then again, the people who would be great on the board. Yourself, Moini, ryan, all shy away from taking a position. So even if we held elections, we might not elect anyone anyway. 2018-11-23 19-52-05 PST Martin Owens This attached one is a gallery item comment thread, where the focus image is at the top and the first /comment/ isn't atually a real comment, it's the description field from the resource upload. 2020-09-25 14-28-26 PDT Martin Owens Frustration, lack of understanding about the specifics in mac, lack of resources, the enormity of the problems on mac. 2018-11-25 17-46-46 PST Martin Owens No, in fact I stripped out fa from some of the html I used to construct the new forum templates. 2020-09-25 14-09-29 PDT Martin Owens Every time I try and take the initiative with the conservancy, I get smacked back. I'm constantly putting a foot wrong with them. 2018-11-20 08-57-50 PST Martin Owens Or at least, fairly complete. 2020-09-25 14-21-57 PDT Martin Owens Not just that, you've schooled my sorry ass this past hour with ideas beyond my skill. 2020-09-25 13-40-26 PDT Martin Owens There are people who interfere in things outside of their role as a problem? 2020-09-25 14-33-19 PDT Martin Owens I've poked a good number of people today. I want to talk with every single person in the project at this rate. 2018-11-20 08-46-47 PST Martin Owens Can you share a sneak preview? :-P 2018-11-17 16-34-48 PST Martin Owens view mode? 2019-01-31 23-23-55 PST Martin Owens If you replace the folder it should work, I thought I was using the latest already. 2018-11-18 14-59-47 PST Martin Owens That's fine 2018-11-26 12-34-35 PST Martin Owens Then reinstall requirements.txt into the pythonenv like we did above. 2018-11-27 13-13-49 PST Martin Owens Sorry, I don't understand. 2018-11-23 18-58-46 PST Martin Owens No, I've merged into master (and live) 2018-11-26 12-28-19 PST Martin Owens Great lets try `./utils/manage shell` 2020-09-25 14-00-08 PDT Martin Owens there's barely a developer team. 2020-03-28 23-01-47 PDT Martin Owens Yes, so long as it's legal, it should be fine. 2020-09-25 14-28-39 PDT Martin Owens But also lack of a feeling of togetherness. 2018-12-02 09-53-39 PST Martin Owens By the way, did you know there's a command to add random users to your local website? `./utils/manage random-users` will download and install random people with random avatars. 2020-09-25 14-02-58 PDT Martin Owens Tell me what you think of my internal desire here: I want bryce out of the project. 2020-08-11 14-24-54 PDT Martin Owens Well not the bad blurb. 2018-11-25 17-15-44 PST Martin Owens Yay! 2018-11-27 16-42-12 PST Martin Owens oh did you run `./utils/manage migrate`? 2018-11-18 15-17-45 PST Martin Owens python3 right? 2018-11-26 13-13-00 PST Martin Owens But I will fix it to be more robust 2018-11-26 12-07-33 PST Martin Owens See if you have `pip3` and what version it is 2018-11-23 15-19-05 PST Martin Owens pronounced cker-niggits! 2020-09-23 21-59-37 PDT Martin Owens What happened? 2018-11-27 16-29-03 PST Martin Owens (and also showing the comments in the comment list, because atm they get removed by the SQL) 2018-11-27 16-42-26 PST Martin Owens Or maybe there's another error related to the xapian work. 2018-11-26 12-17-46 PST Martin Owens but checkout master instead of any branch 2018-11-28 16-35-19 PST Martin Owens Cool! 2018-11-27 13-06-43 PST Martin Owens I used it before 2018-11-28 15-34-54 PST Martin Owens yes 2018-11-30 18-19-41 PST Martin Owens π€ 2018-11-26 12-11-18 PST Martin Owens Do you have pip3? 2018-11-27 13-08-06 PST Martin Owens very good! 2018-11-23 18-53-14 PST Martin Owens I'm super curious to see a screenshot here if you have it. 2018-11-25 17-38-57 PST Martin Owens What logo/icon should we use for the emote button? I'm concerned it looks too much like an emote now in a similar place... 2020-09-25 13-21-24 PDT Martin Owens Here if you want 2020-08-11 06-57-53 PDT Martin Owens I think you would be good to have on the inside, able to talk to the conservancy directly. 2018-11-18 15-04-43 PST Martin Owens just git checkout without -b 2018-11-28 15-35-31 PST Martin Owens `.comment-header-group` vs. `.comment-text` 2018-12-01 20-17-25 PST Martin Owens Yes we can have it there. 2018-11-30 18-16-41 PST Martin Owens Git merge tool should pop up a three paned meld 2018-11-29 13-56-50 PST Martin Owens Agreed. 2019-01-31 23-24-47 PST Martin Owens Let me see if I can dig up the info file 2018-11-26 12-11-51 PST Martin Owens what version is it? 2018-11-28 14-30-51 PST Martin Owens I see, It's not tied to python, javascript, html or css. It's /just/ a feature of the templates 2018-11-26 12-28-34 PST Martin Owens (I think we had errors at the install step last time) 2020-09-25 14-33-28 PDT Martin Owens I'm deeply unhappy. 2020-09-25 13-58-04 PDT Martin Owens The consensus is that there is no enforcement of the code of conduct. 2018-11-26 13-09-40 PST Martin Owens Ignore that, the forum isn' using the cms anything, it's too slow. 2020-07-12 12-18-27 PDT Martin Owens Bryce is certainly going to be out of sync, as is anyone who wasn't at the specific meetings. Though I feel I made a fair account of myself in so defining multi-page as a candidate for paid development during the discussion. 2020-03-28 14-35-22 PDT Martin Owens My notes here won't be spelled correctly :-D 2019-02-01 00-05-35 PST Martin Owens If you upgrade the ckeditor, test what kind of results you get, I'd like to be using the latest version, but I know how many tweaks it took to get the one we have now. 2018-11-27 13-57-15 PST Martin Owens It's a dream of mine to produce such a django app. At some point 2018-11-27 13-35-52 PST Martin Owens right 2020-09-25 14-24-12 PDT Martin Owens I want it to set direction for the project. Maybe not development direction, but certainly the story of where Inkscape should go. 2018-11-20 08-54-58 PST Martin Owens That sounds very reasonable. 2018-11-20 09-01-04 PST Martin Owens That killed my enthusasm to add the features needed. 2018-12-09 09-54-49 PST Martin Owens Do you hav editing permissions? I can't publish the page https://inkscape.org/teams/?edit 2018-11-28 15-01-18 PST Martin Owens You want a selection of testable comments? 2018-11-26 12-17-22 PST Martin Owens yes build now 2018-11-18 15-43-52 PST Martin Owens ok 2018-12-09 16-20-01 PST Martin Owens Don't worry, if it's better, it's worth committing to. Perfect is for perfect beings. 2020-09-25 13-21-09 PDT Martin Owens Are you available for a chat? 2018-11-18 15-43-56 PST Martin Owens have a good night 2018-11-26 12-11-07 PST Martin Owens But you can catch that error/exception in your python programs to provide quitting support. 2018-11-23 19-55-27 PST Martin Owens makes sense 2018-11-20 08-53-47 PST Martin Owens I should have given you the index and search pages for references. 2018-12-01 09-46-32 PST Martin Owens (I updated the warn output, so that looks like the old code) 2020-09-25 13-30-43 PDT Martin Owens I didn't probe. 2018-11-17 16-04-59 PST Martin Owens Screenshot from 2018-11-17 19-04-28.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/jBMq4GPgMqcFYjwTT/Screenshot%20from%20...) 2018-11-25 18-00-41 PST Martin Owens yes please, I can send you a fixed page if you want 2018-11-26 12-34-14 PST Martin Owens Then deactivate venv_devopspy and activate pythonenv 2018-11-24 20-32-47 PST Martin Owens If you need any help etc. 2018-11-28 14-27-47 PST Martin Owens in `base.html` we define a `container` block, which then has some default content. But later templates over-ride this default content with their own blocks. 2020-09-25 13-45-08 PDT Martin Owens I'm not anti business 2018-11-17 16-18-33 PST Martin Owens Last year. 2018-11-23 19-10-22 PST Martin Owens Screenshot from 2018-11-23 22-08-08.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/BZ7oKf5vG7o5gvdku/Screenshot%20from%20...) 2018-11-20 08-51-28 PST Martin Owens Aye, I'm really hoping that I haven't wasted your time on an old design.if so, I'm *so sorry* 2018-11-26 13-09-55 PST Martin Owens So go to https://localhost:8000/admin/ and navigate from there. 2019-02-01 00-05-00 PST Martin Owens We'll need some designs for the profile additions, anything you can help with? 2018-11-26 12-36-21 PST Martin Owens I think it makes a deactivate command, so `deactivate` 2018-11-28 15-12-21 PST Martin Owens I have the emoji in the editor now. 2018-11-23 19-00-04 PST Martin Owens Once the branch is created, find the button on the left that says `Web IDE` 2018-12-01 09-14-13 PST Martin Owens These names are a fixed list, which is contained in `forums/urls.py` each `name="something"` is a url name and a page. 2018-11-27 13-34-34 PST Martin Owens If there is a design. 2018-11-18 14-58-43 PST Martin Owens I've just pushed a small fix 2018-11-17 16-05-13 PST Martin Owens I like your big text test 2018-11-18 15-39-13 PST Martin Owens Thanks! 2020-09-25 14-13-36 PDT Martin Owens To do something that others will disapprove of. 2020-09-25 14-33-45 PDT Martin Owens But, this discussion has made me feel like there are things that can be moved. 2018-11-28 15-01-28 PST Martin Owens No wait ;-) 2018-11-20 08-59-38 PST Martin Owens If you think it's time to invite her into the process, I can do that. 2018-11-27 16-28-40 PST Martin Owens It's not quite testable yet though, because I have to add the buttons for moderating and hiding instead of deleting comments. 2018-11-23 15-03-36 PST Martin Owens From IBM: **Verb** /noun/ - As in, there is no noun that can't be verbed. 2018-11-17 15-51-47 PST Martin Owens You are using firefox right 2018-11-18 15-17-08 PST Martin Owens The SECRET_KEY is in the local_settings.py 2018-11-17 15-46-29 PST Martin Owens I will attach some html pages saved into a zip file, review the look of the think and seeif you can think up improvements. It's using bootstrap. 2018-11-27 16-04-43 PST Martin Owens right, my bad 2018-11-20 08-52-49 PST Martin Owens Screenshot from 2018-11-20 11-52-13.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/9NhYzjaPmJYSAevJX/Screenshot%20from%20...) 2018-11-25 17-36-31 PST Martin Owens thanks, I will try and get it on live for you now, but it's queued behind these menu changes 2020-09-25 14-19-01 PDT Martin Owens But I think you have a better idea on the kind of angle to take any such talk. 2020-09-25 14-01-58 PDT Martin Owens When I say this is important, I don't mean vectors. 2018-11-26 11-59-04 PST Martin Owens There's a program called the USB disk creator, it's existed for years too, download the iso and grab a spare usb stick. Should be possible. 2018-11-27 13-37-38 PST Martin Owens Do you think the brazillian guy would add that for us? 2018-11-26 12-07-57 PST Martin Owens `Ctrl` + `D` 2020-03-28 14-19-15 PDT Martin Owens Link is in croation :-D 2018-11-18 14-52-07 PST Martin Owens Do you have your ssh key on this computer? 2018-12-05 08-09-11 PST Martin Owens Thanks for all your help! 2018-11-27 13-10-25 PST Martin Owens if it's left to me, we will fail there 2018-12-07 10-52-55 PST Martin Owens No, you press Login and the button goes away but nothing happens. 2018-11-27 16-27-48 PST Martin Owens Yes, I have to add `{% if comment.is_public and not comment.is_removed %}... do what we do now ... {% else %} ... do some html that shows something {% endif %}` 2020-09-25 13-41-36 PDT Martin Owens Say if Adam creates a design, and Patrick pops in to slag his design off (negatively critique it) that would be a developer role commenting aggressively on a ux channel. (this is only an example) 2018-11-17 16-21-07 PST Martin Owens Home - Inkscape Forum.zip (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/S2g7B8vijkNWiG5X8/Home%20-%20Inkscape%...) 2018-11-23 19-34-28 PST Martin Owens Here is the what the emoji does 2018-11-26 13-09-04 PST Martin Owens Did it move? 2020-09-25 10-26-01 PDT Martin Owens I'm not surprised by what you're saying when it comes to women in this project and in other projects. 2018-11-25 17-36-38 PST Martin Owens It's looking really nice. 2020-08-11 07-13-59 PDT Martin Owens So happy you're working with us. We need your fortitude :hearts: 2020-09-25 14-44-38 PDT Martin Owens Chat only 2018-11-18 15-11-14 PST Martin Owens Ok try now 2018-11-25 09-10-32 PST Martin Owens Ah I've never used vw units, but this makes sense. 2018-11-23 19-21-02 PST Martin Owens I will have to make some 2018-11-25 17-39-29 PST Martin Owens Agreed. 2018-11-27 11-38-10 PST Martin Owens the hard bit last night was adding a whole new full text search indexer just from forum posts so they could be in-sync all the time. 2020-08-11 07-06-16 PDT Martin Owens It's different when it comes to money though. You must see being hands off and trying to do fundraising is going to be much harder. 2018-12-09 16-26-29 PST Martin Owens Indeed 2018-11-27 13-12-48 PST Martin Owens I think it's already good! We want great :-P 2018-12-02 09-30-04 PST Martin Owens That's a good point. :-) 2018-12-02 17-53-02 PST Martin Owens One of the new changes is there is now two different views on comments, `comment_thread.html` which is a list of bubbly comments in one topic. 2018-11-17 16-01-56 PST Martin Owens Yeah I checked the CKEditor license, it's fine. The upsteam author doesn't know how to header the files. 2020-03-28 14-20-04 PDT Martin Owens An adapter is something that changes one format into another. So for example an EU plug socket into a UK plug is an electrical socket adapter. 2018-11-25 09-19-08 PST Martin Owens Yes, some testing, I was hoping the people who I had posted the link to would post things to it and test it a bit. 2018-11-18 15-12-44 PST Martin Owens Yikes, every error so far is complaining that local_settings.py is empty 2018-11-27 11-51-47 PST Martin Owens I asked Michele too, but she wasn't confident, so I got her to help do a bit of research instead. 2018-11-26 12-22-07 PST Martin Owens Ah we need to install python3.6-dev as well as python3.6 2018-11-23 19-00-59 PST Martin Owens lol, my fault 2018-11-25 17-33-08 PST Martin Owens Ah yea, that but is a bit... er hard to solve ;-) 2018-11-17 16-17-33 PST Martin Owens There was, I replaced it, I thought I could do a better job. 2018-11-23 18-51-16 PST Martin Owens For this task where you know you can't test it. 2018-11-18 15-20-35 PST Martin Owens you can move your directory aside if you're worried 2020-03-28 14-36-12 PDT Martin Owens adjacent can just be "next to" 2018-11-23 19-12-29 PST Martin Owens I can give you a datetime formatter without the time tag 2018-11-23 17-46-18 PST Martin Owens Live for testing: https://inkscape.org/forums/ 2018-11-23 19-31-25 PST Martin Owens Ah sorry I got you the wrong page? 2018-11-23 18-50-40 PST Martin Owens Interesting 2018-11-18 15-33-14 PST Martin Owens What OS are you on? 2020-08-11 07-09-49 PDT Martin Owens I'm trying to improve the communication by having you able to talk to Karen more often, but putting you on the board. lol ;-) 2020-08-11 07-03-07 PDT Martin Owens As a serious question: do you think bryce is doing enough for the project considering his leadership role? 2018-11-28 15-11-15 PST Martin Owens tenor.gif (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/26vWJFfQ9CQLQ2b87/tenor.gif) 2018-11-18 15-19-28 PST Martin Owens you should delete it and do a fresh checkout, just ot make sure it's clean.\ 2020-07-12 12-16-08 PDT Martin Owens Hi prkos, it looks like I've said some wrong things. This is not intentional. 2018-11-25 18-12-43 PST Martin Owens Screenshot from 2018-11-25 21-10-01.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/PZuDYkhRdEWDHTLdG/Screenshot%20from%20...) 2018-11-17 15-55-12 PST Martin Owens Let me get you the setting to turn off CORs for local files so you can see it properly 2020-09-25 14-03-32 PDT Martin Owens No, he works for Canonical, I know what that means, I've worked for them. 2020-09-25 14-12-52 PDT Martin Owens So I can talk endlessly about paid development, or new rules or anything, but nothing happens because I'll have to transgress to post a vote. 2018-11-27 13-48-46 PST Martin Owens Give the issue a bit of scope for yourself. 2018-11-17 16-25-20 PST Martin Owens the update command isn't needed, init should do the work. But let me know if it doesn't. 2018-11-23 19-42-36 PST Martin Owens They are, it must be a hold over from previous html. I think I used to use a button or similar 2020-09-25 14-31-07 PDT Martin Owens Asking board members where they see themselves in the project, and what they want to accomplish. 2018-11-18 15-36-22 PST Martin Owens (It's good information to know the latest inkscape-web doesn't work on Ubuntu 14.04) 2020-03-28 14-35-47 PDT Martin Owens Return the vent valve protection to its initial position -> "back to it's" 2018-11-28 15-13-05 PST Martin Owens lol 2018-11-17 15-50-49 PST Martin Owens Oh just blank? Sorry about that, It looks like this when working. 2020-09-25 14-24-56 PDT Martin Owens Well that's the thing. I want a board that meets the expectation of a community that is looking to it for these answers. 2020-09-25 14-04-53 PDT Martin Owens Because everyone looks up to their mentors, and bryce is the top dog. He's not made it clear to anyone that he's out of the project, so people keep looking up at an empty throne. 2018-11-27 13-08-46 PST Martin Owens client speed, yes 2020-09-25 13-57-50 PDT Martin Owens I'd like to ask about Enforcement more specifically. 2020-03-28 14-38-42 PDT Martin Owens (It's short for "it, his" by the way, as in "every dog has it, his day" -> "every dog has its day") 2018-11-26 12-31-44 PST Martin Owens If that works, it means there's a folder called `pythonenv` in your directory that's not python3.6, maybe it's an old env? 2018-11-29 20-28-48 PST Martin Owens Thanks, I've put the forum name in that space, I hope that's right. 2018-12-09 16-17-00 PST Martin Owens So you are the leader and you're consulting the community for feedback :-) 2020-09-25 14-22-42 PDT Martin Owens I want a board that is at least half non-developer. Maybe even focused on just leadership and administration. 2018-11-27 13-35-09 PST Martin Owens Ah a pop up slide show js? 2020-09-25 15-29-05 PDT Martin Owens Thanks. I'm sure even if your involvement with the project is just super secret passing notes to me, ;-) I sure appreicate your contributions to the project. 2020-09-25 14-31-20 PDT Martin Owens More so 2018-12-02 17-53-39 PST Martin Owens The second `comment_list.html` which uses `comment_table.html` which is a any other list of comments that are in **any** topic. So they also include topic information and aren't bubbly. 2018-11-25 17-32-49 PST Martin Owens Not sure, it should be surrounded by `{% if request.user.is_authenticated %}...{% endif %}` so it only appears to logged in users. 2019-01-31 23-59-43 PST Martin Owens Why no just add forum information to the website profile? 2018-11-27 16-17-00 PST Martin Owens Maybe with some colours and an glyphicon to show their state. 2018-11-23 14-56-27 PST Martin Owens sure 2018-11-18 15-33-36 PST Martin Owens Ah, so a very old python, virtualenv and pip 2018-11-17 16-14-10 PST Martin Owens And because I've been making everything, I need some help. :-D 2020-08-11 07-11-39 PDT Martin Owens My negativity shouldn't effect your progress if you're able to get things moving. 2020-09-25 01-48-17 PDT Martin Owens That worries me deeply prkos. I feel like I've been left in the dark on the issue of a friend who has been driven away while I was distracted. 2018-11-23 18-49-57 PST Martin Owens Are you stuck on the git? 2018-11-24 20-37-38 PST Martin Owens I should work on that, but I'll wait for your fix. It'll guide how I should do it. 2018-11-17 16-18-29 PST Martin Owens There is no upstream, django forum is something I made. 2018-11-17 16-14-39 PST Martin Owens lol 2018-11-17 16-24-57 PST Martin Owens `rm data/development.db` 2018-11-27 13-28-58 PST Martin Owens https://inkscape.org/forums/animation/ 2018-11-27 11-58-06 PST Martin Owens Although production bandwidth is somewhat limited between myself and yourself. So any css is always extra helpful too. 2018-12-01 09-12-18 PST Martin Owens Ah let me double check my commit 2018-11-17 15-50-42 PST Martin Owens Screenshot from 2018-11-17 18-50-27.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/2YJTvF68aqXg7mQGu/Screenshot%20from%20...) 2020-09-25 13-28-49 PDT Martin Owens Today I asked the developer team in the developer meeting (Big Blue Button) the basic question: Have you had an experence of moderation which was not resolved to your satisfaction. I had three developers come forwards with stories were they had pushed through poor resolutions. 2018-11-26 13-09-17 PST Martin Owens Oh you're looking at the CMS toolbar? 2020-03-28 14-36-46 PDT Martin Owens Some instruction manuals use highlighting of key words to involve a kind of symbology 2018-11-25 17-31-02 PST Martin Owens Emote button appears when use is not logged in. 2018-11-27 16-15-39 PST Martin Owens I have a request 2018-11-25 17-37-28 PST Martin Owens I wish I could get them to say anything ;-) only Chris Rodgers has said it's beautiful and he feels it really invites one to post. 2018-11-23 18-52-55 PST Martin Owens You don't need to create any issues 2018-12-09 16-18-08 PST Martin Owens It's open source, there's a thing in the code about encouraging everyone to take leadership roles. 2018-11-26 12-09-13 PST Martin Owens D means `End of File`, i.e. I've finished sending you text. 2018-11-27 13-46-53 PST Martin Owens So that issue is basically an issue describing what you've already done. 2018-11-24 20-35-54 PST Martin Owens OK. Let me know if there's anything I can do to assist. 2018-11-23 19-08-59 PST Martin Owens Screenshot from 2018-11-23 22-08-30.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/ebqzoiR5W3yo3Msk8/Screenshot%20from%20...) 2020-09-25 14-10-35 PDT Martin Owens No, Bradley 2018-11-28 15-34-18 PST Martin Owens I think the header group needs to be under the comment text subject 2018-11-18 15-34-58 PST Martin Owens Ubuntu 14.04 EOL is April 2019, are you planning on upgrading to 18.04? 2020-09-25 14-05-47 PDT Martin Owens Firstly because bryce is the official contact with the conservancy. 2018-11-28 14-28-21 PST Martin Owens So long as they have the same name, they'll cascade through the template. You'll also see {{ block.super }} which means "include all the default content here" 2018-11-23 14-59-50 PST Martin Owens OK here is a mix of three pages, one is a sticky topic (appears at the top of the forum) that my user is subscribed to with moderation tools. The second is a page with moderation tools that has been locked by a moderator and lastly is the same topic as seen from an annoymouse user. 2018-11-17 16-13-39 PST Martin Owens yes 2018-11-18 15-20-11 PST Martin Owens tails? 2018-11-25 18-14-35 PST Martin Owens trying to send you the zip file now. 2018-11-27 13-27-43 PST Martin Owens Could make one. 2020-09-25 14-15-18 PDT Martin Owens No 2018-11-17 16-22-37 PST Martin Owens Change branch to forum3, delete any old database and init. 2018-11-24 20-36-17 PST Martin Owens Btw, I noticed the forum looks like ass in mobile. Was that something you saw in the css? 2020-09-25 14-07-29 PDT Martin Owens And also because the rest of the board operates as a consensus machine. but think about the dynamic in the board. Marc is dev focused and pretty shy. Tav is quiet and considers himself junior. I'm an agent of chaos, but still very junior, I look up to Tav and Marc. Chris looks up to me. Josh is MIA, bryce is MIA, Ted has been doing some of the admin work to get board meetings running, but not much else. 2018-11-20 09-01-44 PST Martin Owens OK :-) 2018-11-23 18-53-24 PST Martin Owens I'm working on a response to issue #248 2018-11-26 11-57-10 PST Martin Owens There's another option. Create an Ubuntu 18.04 USB stick and boot from that. Save the website to your hard disk to work on it, but use the software in 18.04 2018-11-23 10-03-27 PST Martin Owens You may change the template loop as much as you want, I don't mind. So long as the functionality isn't impacted and that there isn't any more/new SQL database quieries that will slow the pages down. 2018-11-23 15-21-01 PST Martin Owens Not in original saxon or in original proto-danish 2020-09-25 13-27-25 PDT Martin Owens I take this as serious as if the website was down. 2020-09-25 13-30-17 PDT Martin Owens Yes 2018-11-17 15-47-40 PST Martin Owens comment-thread.zip (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/xXkw7xyYfJXJfrkRb/comment-thread.zip) 2020-09-25 13-45-15 PDT Martin Owens I am a business don't forget ;-) 2020-03-28 14-47-02 PDT Martin Owens Right I think that's is. Let me know when you need another round of checks. 2018-11-23 19-38-19 PST Martin Owens I was stuck converting utf-8 while I was dealing with unicode, wasted so much time with the wrong encoding! 2018-11-27 11-51-54 PST Martin Owens I've been kind of shameless in asking for help. 2018-11-27 13-30-44 PST Martin Owens I found that openclipart.org has a pile of svg animations, I stole one. 2018-11-27 11-54-01 PST Martin Owens I agree, I will help any way I can. 2018-11-18 14-55-11 PST Martin Owens Where it tries to get the docs, translations etc. 2018-11-26 12-19-25 PST Martin Owens Sorry for being condescending, you have this well in hand :-) 2020-08-11 07-07-08 PDT Martin Owens If we did an election, I would certainly still invite everyone regardless. ;-) 2018-11-23 19-14-49 PST Martin Owens So if you do what you did up there, you end up with ` [TIME]"> [TIME] ` 2018-11-29 18-46-20 PST Martin Owens It's my bed time, I'll be back tomorrow if you need anything. 2018-11-27 16-10-25 PST Martin Owens I have a plugin for the emojis btw https://ckeditor.com/cke4/addon/emoji 2018-11-18 15-00-10 PST Martin Owens Did my fix help? 2018-11-23 19-06-11 PST Martin Owens You don't have to link me to the file, I can checkout the branch on my command line and test from there 2020-09-24 06-33-20 PDT Martin Owens Hmmm, if this was someone misbehaving, I'd like to know so I can have a think about how we're handling this. 2018-11-17 16-27-44 PST Martin Owens And tell me what you've tried, just in case it should work ;-) 2018-12-05 20-38-48 PST Martin Owens Direct people at me specifically for questions 2018-12-01 09-18-23 PST Martin Owens The icon images come from `forums/fixtures/forums.json` they read in fixed filenames, those filenames aren't committed to git so you won't have them in your local version 2018-11-23 19-01-43 PST Martin Owens Click and paste in or edit the html template in-situe there. 2019-01-31 23-54-08 PST Martin Owens https://inkscape.org/forums/cafe/read-this-before-testing-the-forum/ 2018-11-28 15-03-59 PST Martin Owens Sure, put a fake object into the templates and tell me what bits are fake. 2018-11-27 11-58-27 PST Martin Owens I know there's a bunch of back buttons that need adding 2018-11-23 19-36-56 PST Martin Owens It has a custom title text which is different for every emoji added to a user 2019-01-31 23-24-28 PST Martin Owens I selected a careful set of plugins to go with the editing, so I didn't use the basic set. 2018-11-30 16-49-18 PST Martin Owens I've just pushed a large change for search results 2020-08-11 14-22-57 PDT Martin Owens :-D I was running up to it. 2020-07-12 12-22-01 PDT Martin Owens Branding is fine, I wanted to make it clear about how different teams talk to each other and share responsibilities. If I didn't make it clear that I was picking Examples, then I'm sorry. The intention was not to question the status quo but to investigate how these pieces work together. 2018-11-17 16-13-49 PST Martin Owens We control everything 2018-11-23 19-51-04 PST Martin Owens special_gallery_style.zip (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/cyBdJSHG7K2gHtzFx/special_gallery_styl...) 2018-11-26 11-56-23 PST Martin Owens That'll work though right? 2020-03-28 14-43-47 PDT Martin Owens If you use highlighting, you can do a quick scan and list out all the nouns to see if you've got consistency issues. (different names etc) 2018-12-01 09-43-55 PST Martin Owens OK I've pushed a change to add the icons in, run the command `./utils/manage loaddata forums` to update them. 2018-11-23 19-56-44 PST Martin Owens that can happen b/c javascript converts font to png 2020-09-25 10-27-13 PDT Martin Owens Trying to shift culture and our response to it is hard, I wanted more women to join the board and push the project to be a lot more responsive to issues of abuse. 2018-12-05 20-38-35 PST Martin Owens This looks great. I'll have to generate a list of targets from what we have in the urls.py 2018-11-23 19-10-27 PST Martin Owens That's the right one 2020-03-28 14-40-07 PDT Martin Owens Attach the 3D printed connector for the virus filters to the snorkel connector at the top of the mask. -> Attach "Virus Filter Connector" (use the same noun as in the materials list) to the snorkel connector at the top of the mask 2018-11-23 10-01-23 PST Martin Owens Sorry for the delay in reply, my great aunt was listening to jazz music on youtube :-) 2020-09-25 13-21-47 PDT Martin Owens Yes :-) 2018-11-26 10-46-32 PST Martin Owens Some problems with the gallery pages: https://inkscape.org/forums/gallery/str-logo-2018/ 2018-11-23 19-07-29 PST Martin Owens You can see it in the commit https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape-web/commit/796f2202d7e32597849d4cb9bd1e... 2018-11-27 13-31-15 PST Martin Owens Indeed! 2018-11-27 11-48-09 PST Martin Owens Don't want to ask too much of you :-) 2020-09-25 15-10-40 PDT Martin Owens Thanks for your help! I've been busy talking with lots of other people 2020-09-25 14-10-48 PDT Martin Owens The bruiser is defo Bradley. 2020-03-28 14-20-21 PDT Martin Owens Boo, rename it .zip 2018-11-23 15-02-46 PST Martin Owens All the things all the things 2018-11-23 19-19-55 PST Martin Owens Confirmed, time element is fixed. 2018-11-18 15-02-00 PST Martin Owens Ah `git checkout forum3` because you're on master right? 2018-12-09 16-16-40 PST Martin Owens Community isn't allowed to be leader ;-) 2020-09-25 10-24-53 PDT Martin Owens @prkos Did you know that Chris Rodgers is our chief moderator? Was he involved in this issue? 2018-11-23 19-36-28 PST Martin Owens Ah that's added only by administrators, it can mark people as moderators, administrators, competition winners, a gold star for helping, donating to the project... what ever we think up. 2018-11-18 14-49-44 PST Martin Owens Hmm, can you delete `inkscape/local_settings.py`? I'm not sure why it's corrupted. 2018-11-25 17-45-31 PST Martin Owens I'd like to avoid font-awesome for now, if there's any symbols we can use from the basic bootstrap set or maybe one we could make? 2018-11-27 03-02-26 PST Martin Owens I'm deployed your changes. Got a very long list of features from brynn ;-) 2018-11-27 13-02-18 PST Martin Owens I have used bootstrap before 2019-01-31 10-57-41 PST Martin Owens There's a bunch of customisations/fixes. So it's likely if you find the reason, we'd focus on fixing it father than accepting a replacement as we'd loose a bunch of fixes. 2018-12-07 10-51-02 PST Martin Owens Damn spreadshirt and their multiple locations to log in 2018-11-26 12-00-40 PST Martin Owens It is possible to install python 3.6 on 14.04 if you follow this guide: http://devopspy.com/python/install-python-3-6-ubuntu-lts/ 2020-03-28 14-41-18 PDT Martin Owens Attach the virus filter to the 3D printed connector. -> Attach the "Medical filter for viruses" to the Virus Filter Connector (same noun again) 2018-11-25 18-12-44 PST Martin Owens Screenshot from 2018-11-25 21-09-48.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/yxemL4kZM6i3yjqZ2/Screenshot%20from%20...) 2018-11-28 15-55-18 PST Martin Owens Let me know if you pull and it's caused a problem 2018-12-09 12-07-57 PST Martin Owens I deleted it ;-) 2018-11-30 18-21-16 PST Martin Owens Will do 2018-11-28 15-42-47 PST Martin Owens That's right, but it does depend on how broken you think it is. 2020-03-28 14-21-06 PDT Martin Owens connector is fairly ambigious, but is a solid generic term for anything that connects 2020-09-25 14-27-13 PDT Martin Owens More than an hour each time. 2018-11-27 13-27-59 PST Martin Owens No one has noticed that the icon for the animation chat room is animated ;-) 2018-12-07 10-51-48 PST Martin Owens Heh doesn't even work because of adblocker 2018-11-30 18-24-25 PST Martin Owens Can it be hidden, shown, via magic? 2018-12-09 16-18-16 PST Martin Owens I like it. 2018-11-23 18-56-44 PST Martin Owens The html? 2018-11-27 13-35-32 PST Martin Owens That'll be something there shouldn't be a django plugin for, we should just edit the templates to add it. 2018-11-30 18-27-21 PST Martin Owens Will do 2018-11-29 13-43-30 PST Martin Owens Ah OK. We need a set of data. 2018-11-30 18-37-04 PST Martin Owens I added a forums fixture, but would have only run if you ran init utils script. 2018-11-26 13-01-29 PST Martin Owens ... You can take a screenshot and give it to me here. 2018-11-30 18-37-55 PST Martin Owens Oh that's right, I have to add the icon field to the utils script for migrating fixtures. 2018-11-26 12-45-15 PST Martin Owens Great. Now we can runserver 2018-11-25 18-45-44 PST Martin Owens Thanks for being so conscientious. 2018-11-27 15-42-01 PST Martin Owens The website code is shared, only the base HTML template is different. 2018-11-30 18-14-30 PST Martin Owens Don't worry about that, I keep some models with changes to meta data that isn't schema worthy 2018-11-26 12-41-19 PST Martin Owens Init 2018-11-25 18-43-06 PST Martin Owens Yes, old. Not sure why. Seems a bit random. Maybe a bit of JavaScript. 2018-11-26 12-56-44 PST Martin Owens And manage migrate to make sure the db is up to date. 2018-11-27 14-05-29 PST Martin Owens Sure. But it's also something interesting and outside of what django is good at. 2018-11-27 15-40-58 PST Martin Owens It's technically a gallery piece. 2018-11-26 12-47-29 PST Martin Owens Yep, empty 2020-07-04 15-50-36 PDT Martin Owens Thanks! 2018-11-29 13-55-56 PST Martin Owens C++ 2018-11-26 12-43-50 PST Martin Owens It's looking good! 2020-09-25 13-26-04 PDT Martin Owens I don't need to know the event, what happened, who it was with. I believe that you are upset about it and that's enough for me to be deeply concerned. 2018-11-29 13-44-09 PST Martin Owens And we can move to use sass if you want. I don't know the technologies well. 2020-07-13 16-27-40 PDT Martin Owens I will investigate 2018-11-29 18-45-44 PST Martin Owens Ah sorry, no problem. 2018-11-25 18-08-34 PST Martin Owens We got kicked out, putting together a case package. 2018-11-26 10-00-27 PST Martin Owens Not yet. I was thinking of working on your problem. Maybe make a snap or something for the website. 2018-11-23 19-42-45 PST Martin Owens you can remove them 2018-11-29 13-57-01 PST Martin Owens So for now, commit your spacing changes 2018-11-26 13-16-04 PST Martin Owens Keeping the styles? 2018-11-30 18-23-28 PST Martin Owens We currently over ride the sidebar block with empty string. But we could enforce sidebar on all pages to make things consistent if you want. 2020-09-25 14-35-59 PDT Martin Owens I presumed vectors went quiet because it was summer and people got busy. 2018-11-27 16-11-45 PST Martin Owens I haven't added it in yet, but it's there ready for me :-) 2020-09-25 14-18-45 PDT Martin Owens I've tried, last december when the release was looking like it was going nowhere I pulled him up and had a chat. But it was defensive and evasive. 2018-11-29 14-05-02 PST Martin Owens Yes, include means add this other template here. Extends means add myself into that other template over there 2018-11-27 13-02-37 PST Martin Owens your mobile work was good, but not tested forum changed on mobile yet 2018-11-25 18-45-32 PST Martin Owens I tested those. 2018-11-27 13-32-52 PST Martin Owens The forum badges count number of new comments, not changes or threads. 2018-11-27 13-55-45 PST Martin Owens Django templates can induce errors, so care must be taken. 2018-11-29 18-47-04 PST Martin Owens Thanks 2018-11-23 19-37-47 PST Martin Owens Of course! I spent so much time making the emoji javascript work... 2018-11-27 13-26-17 PST Martin Owens Looks like they picked EmojiOne 2018-11-27 13-45-04 PST Martin Owens https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape-web/issues?label_name%5B%5D=ForumUX 2018-11-27 15-42-50 PST Martin Owens CSS is separate. 2018-11-29 13-48-09 PST Martin Owens It may be something we should consider, we could commit both compiled CSS and sass to git? Or just commit sass? 2020-07-13 16-20-58 PDT Martin Owens We currently only allow developers to vote. Which is shit. 2020-09-25 14-24-31 PDT Martin Owens I can see Vectors trying their best, but without a coherent story from the top, we're making shit up. 2020-09-25 13-36-14 PDT Martin Owens Thank you for taking this time by the way, I recognise this as a gift of time you don't really have to give. But it is important to me so I thank you. 2020-08-11 14-30-43 PDT Martin Owens Well this might explain why I'm more keen on finding a way to make this sustainable. 2018-11-28 16-37-21 PST Martin Owens π 2018-11-23 19-04-18 PST Martin Owens Type in a useful commit message 2020-03-28 14-46-34 PDT Martin Owens A link to Isinnova's declaration would be good at the bottom. 2020-09-25 13-46-03 PDT Martin Owens So you would turn Inkscape into a business to centralise things? 2018-11-29 08-08-52 PST Martin Owens Make sure to pull, I've modified the comment-list template to add the moderation item. I haven't quite worked out how the grid should work so it's showing a large gap for each **in moderation** post where it's text would be if it was visible. 2020-07-13 16-20-43 PDT Martin Owens The procedure for the board is that we have one or more open slots, I or someone similar creates an election on the website and all contributors are invited to vote. 2020-07-12 16-29-21 PDT Martin Owens We have plenty more hackfest to do. 2020-08-11 07-10-55 PDT Martin Owens No, I think the conservancy is more available and more open with people on the board. And while it's bad for board members (slow) it seems impossible for non board members. We can't even get them to talk to RenΓ© about the freekin Apple stuff because he's not 'legally inside the group' 2018-11-26 12-25-03 PST Martin Owens Don't run the update command at the moment, lets take this one step at a time 2018-11-25 17-25-50 PST Martin Owens OK the first problem is that it appears to show me the mobile view when my screen is > 750px, forum.css line 681 says `min-width` it appears to look right when I change this to `max-width` instead 2018-11-29 13-55-27 PST Martin Owens I'm a CSS expert, just not very good at it. π I have programmed CSS support in inkscape itself 2018-11-29 13-45-20 PST Martin Owens We could use this https://pythonhosted.org/scss/ 2018-11-30 18-15-18 PST Martin Owens Sorry about the conflict, thought I was helping. 2018-11-26 12-22-53 PST Martin Owens No, it'll be an apt-get install, the venv doesn't matter. 2018-11-23 19-38-38 PST Martin Owens Comments are always good I think. 2018-11-23 10-28-02 PST Martin Owens Yes 2018-11-30 18-26-06 PST Martin Owens There is :empty pseudo class 2018-11-27 14-37-22 PST Martin Owens Database models. It's a very strong ORM 2018-12-09 17-27-24 PST Martin Owens The alternative is to choose a new framework/template and build the first replacement page. More work, but probably a lot more fun. 2018-11-26 12-09-37 PST Martin Owens No, that's a Linux thing. 2020-08-01 10-24-08 PDT Martin Owens thanks 2020-08-11 07-08-57 PDT Martin Owens Yes, at this point I think the board would block breathing in and out through inaction. 2020-09-25 14-26-06 PDT Martin Owens Devs <- not the people for vision and leadership. lol 2020-09-25 14-35-46 PDT Martin Owens It's health failed and I didn't even notice. 2020-07-13 16-22-38 PDT Martin Owens I understand. 2018-11-30 18-17-39 PST Martin Owens No problem, commit what you have and I'll fix. No problem. 2018-11-26 12-09-29 PST Martin Owens C means Terminate, Z means suspend (sleep) etc. 2018-11-27 13-37-02 PST Martin Owens true 2018-11-29 15-20-06 PST Martin Owens Except if the block is in another block that is in the base. Then you're setting up for a chain of extending templates. 2018-11-28 15-33-58 PST Martin Owens There is an error in the css, it prevents links for being clicked on in the comment text. 2018-11-26 13-15-14 PST Martin Owens Mobile on the thread list 2018-11-26 13-00-49 PST Martin Owens An error... 2018-11-24 20-38-39 PST Martin Owens True 1 "hello world" 2018-11-18 15-33-47 PST Martin Owens your setuptools failed to install django. 2018-11-30 18-30-49 PST Mihaela add another class but meaningful 2018-11-23 15-12-34 PST Mihaela silly English K-N-I-G-H-T-S 2018-11-18 15-44-35 PST Mihaela :nerd: 2020-09-25 14-25-24 PDT Mihaela yes I've often felt ignored when asking for feedback from devs 2018-11-23 10-28-44 PST Mihaela ok ill pull changes, and let you know when I upload my own 2018-11-27 13-46-32 PST Mihaela lol 2018-11-27 15-40-41 PST Mihaela ah outside of forums 2018-11-27 13-29-22 PST Mihaela cutiepie 2018-11-26 12-07-47 PST Mihaela lol how do I get out of it 2018-11-29 18-46-32 PST Mihaela mine too :p 2020-09-25 14-07-46 PDT Mihaela tav junior? hahahaha 2018-11-28 15-36-36 PST Mihaela good catch 2018-11-30 18-24-18 PST Mihaela in a dropdown 2018-11-18 12-57-33 PST Mihaela `$ ./utils/manage runserver Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/utils/../inkscape/manage.py", line 33, in execute_from_command_line(sys.argv) File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/pythonenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/management/__init__.py", line 354, in execute_from_command_line utility.execute() File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/pythonenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/management/__init__.py", line 303, in execute settings.INSTALLED_APPS File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/pythonenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 48, in __getattr__ self._setup(name) File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/pythonenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 44, in _setup self._wrapped = Settings(settings_module) File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/pythonenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 92, in __init__ mod = importlib.import_module(self.SETTINGS_MODULE) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/importlib/__init__.py", line 37, in import_module __import__(name) File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/inkscape/__init__.py", line 32, in from django.contrib import admin File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/pythonenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/__init__.py", line 4, in from django.contrib.admin.helpers import ACTION_CHECKBOX_NAME File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/pythonenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/helpers.py", line 8, in from django.contrib.admin.utils import ( File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/pythonenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/utils.py", line 7, in from django.contrib.auth import get_permission_codename File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/pythonenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/auth/__init__.py", line 7, in from django.middleware.csrf import rotate_token File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/pythonenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/middleware/csrf.py", line 14, in from django.utils.cache import patch_vary_headers File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/pythonenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/utils/cache.py", line 26, in from django.core.cache import caches File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/pythonenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/cache/__init__.py", line 34, in if DEFAULT_CACHE_ALIAS not in settings.CACHES: File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/pythonenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 48, in __getattr__ self._setup(name) File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/pythonenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 44, in _setup self._wrapped = Settings(settings_module) File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/pythonenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 92, in __init__ mod = importlib.import_module(self.SETTINGS_MODULE) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/importlib/__init__.py", line 37, in import_module __import__(name) File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/inkscape/settings.py", line 79, in sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, 'libs')) File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/utils/../pythonenv/lib/python2.7/posixpath.py", line 77, in join elif path == '' or path.endswith('/'): AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'endswith' ` 2018-11-27 13-08-22 PST Mihaela so we need to optimize that too if we get in trouble with speed 2020-08-11 14-26-49 PDT Mihaela jeez 2020-09-25 13-52-21 PDT Mihaela you don't have to read through a lot of business advice articles to find that hiring the most important thing 2018-11-23 10-28-20 PST Mihaela but already thawed off 2018-11-20 08-58-50 PST Mihaela just nice to involve her since it will be her work mostly 2018-11-26 13-15-50 PST Mihaela are we keeping them? 2018-11-23 19-55-35 PST Mihaela when I reload the local file I see the author icon for a second, but then it reverts to a number 2018-11-23 19-11-01 PST Mihaela and I see I did mess up 2018-11-27 13-03-15 PST Mihaela so it takes some time 2018-11-26 11-56-39 PST Mihaela not sure I think fedora 19 is old 2020-08-11 07-00-32 PDT Mihaela for both sides 2018-12-07 10-52-12 PST Mihaela lol 2018-11-24 20-37-07 PST Mihaela I haven't committed any css yet IIRC 2018-11-23 10-23-41 PST Mihaela how long can you give me? 2020-08-11 07-04-19 PDT Mihaela I think he may be stalling because of emotional issues, his baby, history, it was different when it started, now it's changing and it's scary 2018-11-23 08-57-50 PST Mihaela can I also try to move the comment loop? since you used you probably wanted to keep each comment as one 2018-11-17 16-16-17 PST Mihaela I'm a bit out of the loop, I expect brynn to hold the features wishlist 2018-11-27 11-49-16 PST Mihaela yes once you know a few 2020-08-11 07-09-02 PDT Mihaela that's why I'd love to speak to Karen, they earn money from us doing the fundraising ya know? 2020-03-28 14-47-17 PDT Mihaela thank you I will, probably tomorrow 2020-03-28 14-47-30 PDT Mihaela :pizza: :beer: 2020-09-25 13-44-30 PDT Mihaela not at all impossible 2018-11-25 09-20-00 PST Mihaela css included 2018-11-29 18-46-39 PST Mihaela yes tomorrow ;) 2020-08-11 07-14-42 PDT Mihaela you're welcome :hugging: 2018-11-27 13-38-37 PST Mihaela when I hear design/UX I don't think css and html 2018-11-20 08-54-51 PST Mihaela and change course if they dont like 2018-11-27 15-28-47 PST Mihaela there are many containers sharing the same class so when I use it for layout if affects where it shouldn't 2018-11-28 15-34-48 PST Mihaela is that normal comment list page? 2018-12-05 17-27-17 PST Mihaela can you maybe share what the layout cases are, for different roles, admin, mods etc, even just explain in words 2018-11-27 11-37-31 PST Mihaela wow super fast 2018-11-30 18-15-43 PST Mihaela I only changed it a bit 2018-11-28 15-43-38 PST Mihaela it doesn't break anything, just not pretty 2018-12-01 09-15-42 PST Mihaela oh I don't have to I see the forum now new image 2018-11-20 08-50-37 PST Mihaela i only see whats live on website 2020-08-11 07-07-02 PDT Mihaela yup you need to solve the problem of why people don't want it ;) 2018-11-25 17-32-35 PST Mihaela the emoji I select on live site for a post first pile next to one another but after reload only the last one is kept 2018-11-23 19-55-59 PST Mihaela link icons that is 2018-11-28 14-28-04 PST Mihaela so I just mark the code block I want with `block "name"` and it can be reused 2020-09-25 14-09-47 PDT Mihaela what's that mean? 2020-07-04 15-49-41 PDT Mihaela I'm just asking in case some asks there 2018-11-27 13-31-08 PST Mihaela that's what they're there for 2018-11-23 15-05-48 PST Mihaela must invest a new word if you want shenanigans like that 2020-08-11 14-49-33 PDT Mihaela :innocent: 2018-11-25 17-36-51 PST Mihaela let me know what people say 2020-09-25 14-57-25 PDT Mihaela I've seen miracles happen with such thoughtful and resolute decisions and actions but you should probably prepare for a long and uncomfortable period. Some things will be unpleasant surprised but there will be unexpected pleasant ones too! 2018-11-27 13-11-02 PST Mihaela we can test and see how it goes 2018-11-23 19-08-51 PST Mihaela I need to make some more small changes to the html, to group some bit for easy styling 2020-09-25 14-32-43 PDT Mihaela and what they'd like to change if anything 2018-11-26 13-14-45 PST Mihaela yay ok I can work on css now 2018-11-23 19-07-56 PST Mihaela yas! 2018-11-26 12-48-14 PST Mihaela sure json if it's easy 2018-11-27 13-14-00 PST Mihaela the performance 2018-11-27 11-48-44 PST Mihaela what the procedure is to get new people onboard 2018-11-23 19-05-47 PST Mihaela https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape-web/blob/796f2202d7e32597849d4cb9bd1e01... 2018-11-26 12-22-55 PST Mihaela a different shell? 2018-11-26 12-41-59 PST Mihaela Updating Django... * migrate WARNING:root:No fastly module installed (skipping) /var/www/html/inkscape-web/pythonenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cms/migrations/0010_migrate_use_structure.py:40: UserWarning: Users not migrated to use_structure permission, please add the permission manually warnings.warn(u'Users not migrated to use_structure permission, please add the permission manually') 2018-11-29 13-51-37 PST Mihaela I always had to collaborate on pure css when working on projects 2018-11-18 15-09-30 PST Mihaela ``` File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/pythonenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/cache/__init__.py", line 34, in if DEFAULT_CACHE_ALIAS not in settings.CACHES: File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/pythonenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 48, in __getattr__ self._setup(name) File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/pythonenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 44, in _setup self._wrapped = Settings(settings_module) File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/pythonenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 92, in __init__ mod = importlib.import_module(self.SETTINGS_MODULE) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/importlib/__init__.py", line 37, in import_module __import__(name) File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/inkscape/settings.py", line 472, in if name.endswith('_ROOT') and value.startswith(PROJECT_PATH): AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'startswith'
``` 2018-11-27 13-07-23 PST Mihaela lol 2020-07-13 16-22-16 PDT Mihaela I don't need any more complications, I have enough on my plate 2018-11-27 13-14-04 PST Mihaela on mobiles 2018-11-18 15-38-59 PST Mihaela I'll open an issue and post screenshots so you can compare on the env 2018-11-23 19-06-50 PST Mihaela maybe that's just on GitHub? 2018-11-27 15-40-42 PST Mihaela ok 2018-11-23 15-08-06 PST Mihaela I don't think those categories were named after geo related stuff 2018-11-18 15-01-33 PST Mihaela From gitlab.com:inkscape/inkscape-web 6baa7ef..b202069 basicMenu -> origin/basicMenu 9d377b5..280081a forums3 -> origin/forums3 There is no tracking information for the current branch. Please specify which branch you want to merge with. 2018-11-29 14-02-43 PST Mihaela this is a bit opposite of what I saw in other places, where a smaller template is called into the larger one 2018-11-17 16-17-39 PST Mihaela lolol 2018-11-23 19-21-03 PST Mihaela so I don't have to edit manually 2018-11-25 18-43-55 PST Mihaela but I kept the classes that made sense 2018-11-18 15-04-39 PST Mihaela sorry I'm completely dumb about branching 2018-11-26 13-09-27 PST Mihaela yes 2020-09-25 13-41-49 PDT Mihaela you can give a person a role, but if that person doesn't understand the problem then it's the wrong person for the role 2018-11-29 18-45-13 PST Mihaela sorry didn't do much, still in meeting with clients 2018-11-27 11-40-35 PST Mihaela but just earlier there was a Brazilian guy in team_UX and just asked for a design issues list 2018-11-26 12-12-38 PST Mihaela source virtualenvs/venv_devopspy/bin/activate (venv_devopspy) nahmed@localhost:~$ 2018-11-26 13-13-50 PST Mihaela i can see the new styles 2018-11-25 18-43-36 PST Mihaela I haven't changed anything there 2018-11-27 13-52-59 PST Mihaela but they will probably need to change templates as it all goes togehter 2018-11-23 15-04-27 PST Mihaela English specific, no such thing in Croatian 2018-11-23 18-57-40 PST Mihaela you should check the big loop that outputs each comment 2020-09-25 14-52-30 PDT Mihaela If it comes to the actual Board meeting to discuss the changes, come prepared 2018-11-30 18-16-40 PST Mihaela sorry I don't have time for this now 2018-11-23 19-19-22 PST Mihaela I need to reapply the makeup now 2018-11-18 15-38-34 PST Mihaela hopefully you or someone will be able to test that what I've done really is what I intended to 2018-11-27 13-34-27 PST Mihaela first number relating to threads, and the second to comments? 2018-11-17 15-51-10 PST Mihaela but not the link icons 2018-11-26 13-17-40 PST Mihaela yas! 2018-11-20 08-58-13 PST Mihaela as long as youre ok with her saying no? 2018-11-28 14-29-31 PST Mihaela include block "header" and endblock 2019-02-01 00-00-29 PST Mihaela yes add forum to website profile makes the most sense 2018-11-25 18-42-05 PST Mihaela how come 2018-11-27 11-53-16 PST Mihaela that's very useful and will help a lot to pull forward, but it's still footwork 2018-11-27 13-46-15 PST Mihaela explain pls 2018-11-26 12-43-48 PST Mihaela some Error getting 2020-09-25 14-06-18 PDT Mihaela are you all reluctant because it's his baby 2018-12-09 16-16-38 PST Mihaela who ever comments on it and gives feedback 2019-01-31 23-59-15 PST Mihaela maybe we need to have a forum user profile page, when I click on a user it goes to website profile, but there is nothing there about forum post history for examples 2018-11-29 14-00-57 PST Mihaela which goes into which 2018-11-26 12-43-28 PST Mihaela bunch of png 2018-11-27 13-34-50 PST Mihaela also some lib for showing attached images in a modal 2018-11-23 19-56-14 PST Mihaela revert back to numbers 2018-11-26 13-08-46 PST Mihaela yes 2020-07-13 16-22-04 PDT Mihaela If I can do fundraising and contacting SFC without being on the Board then I prefer it that way 2018-11-29 13-46-04 PST Mihaela I commit only css 2018-11-28 15-03-17 PST Mihaela but I can't today 2018-12-07 10-52-29 PST Mihaela spreadshirt doesn't allow you to login if adblocker is on? 2020-09-25 14-00-45 PDT Mihaela wow I didn't see Inkscape devs team so thin but ok. I was talking in general 2018-11-23 19-00-41 PST Mihaela I see one on the right top 2020-08-11 14-22-32 PDT Mihaela what? you didn't even have it? :face_palm: 2018-11-26 12-34-56 PST Mihaela source virtualenvs/venv_devopspy/bin/activate 2018-11-27 11-53-29 PST Mihaela I was thinking more of an onboarding system 2020-09-25 13-29-38 PDT Mihaela Thank you for your words of encouragement, but believing I'm upset isn't such a big deal, even an enemy can admit to that. In these situations the need for the truth to be heard come up, being validated. Because it's clear as day if people don't really understand what's happening there's no chance of changing what they can't see. 2018-11-26 11-54-43 PST Mihaela how hard is it, how long would it take? 2020-09-25 13-30-14 PDT Mihaela wow were those devs men? 2018-11-30 18-19-41 PST Mihaela for better SEO 2020-03-28 14-24-13 PDT Mihaela you can see the photos there, it's a plastic piece, not doing much smart things lol 2020-09-25 13-45-38 PDT Mihaela hehe I hope you get increasing traction too :) 2018-11-27 16-10-39 PST Mihaela awesome! 2018-11-26 12-09-48 PST Mihaela ah lol I only knew about the C 2018-11-29 13-28-22 PST Mihaela I don't have that locally 2018-11-26 13-15-01 PST Mihaela what did you mention you wanted me to work on other than fixes? 2018-12-05 17-26-34 PST Mihaela Hi @all UX Inkscapers! Would you like to help us build the new forum feature on the main website? We'd love some input from you about the forum layout and styling. You can help with your comments or even mockups and designs. That would help the developers to code the visuals into a fast, responsive, and easily maintained code to everyone's benefit :sparkles: You can respond and collaborate on this channel #team_ux, or go deeper with GitLab: https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape-web/issues New issues have to be created tagged with ForumUX label about this part of the project, first we need to define different layout cases (different user roles have more parts in the interface, moderators and admins for example). Feel free to pitch in but also try to keep it meaningful and tidy :) 2018-11-27 12-04-08 PST Mihaela what about sylvain? 2018-11-29 15-12-41 PST Mihaela I had to include the block for the new forumheader into the base.html 2018-11-26 13-16-36 PST Mihaela for the forum threads 2018-11-23 19-03-38 PST Mihaela https://gitlab.com/-/ide/project/inkscape/inkscape-web/blob/forum-styles/-/f... 2018-11-23 15-09-22 PST Mihaela maybe sth like this, quick find http://webspace.ship.edu/cgboer/basiclangstruct.html 2018-11-23 19-26-41 PST Mihaela also there are two parts that relate to emoji in comment footer, but only dropdown is output 2018-11-26 13-10-02 PST Mihaela ah 2018-11-29 15-12-21 PST Mihaela not now ty 2020-07-13 16-22-53 PDT Mihaela I hope 2020-03-28 14-44-36 PDT Mihaela yes good tip 2018-12-09 12-40-30 PST Mihaela yes I put a screenshot in the vectors channel 2018-11-26 11-56-08 PST Mihaela grub too :p 2018-11-25 17-16-17 PST Mihaela sure 2018-11-28 16-32-03 PST Mihaela so now I have the subforum header display above the main forum header 2018-11-25 18-14-16 PST Mihaela need to fix emoji position both author and comment 2018-11-23 18-55-43 PST Mihaela should I email or commit through ui or paste here? 2018-11-27 13-11-25 PST Mihaela maybe it will be good! 2018-12-09 16-26-00 PST Mihaela ok then I don't have to worry so much about changing it 2018-11-26 12-08-06 PST Mihaela ty 2020-08-11 14-23-48 PDT Mihaela your blurb can be improved 2018-11-30 18-36-33 PST Mihaela yes image not loaded 2020-03-28 14-23-18 PDT Mihaela 4. Design of adapter and assembly of respirator.zip (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/RD2imh4EkudJoPqkd/4.%20Design%20of%20a...) 2018-11-27 11-39-13 PST Mihaela won't you release all the forum work into django community 2018-11-17 15-53-42 PST Mihaela looks good 2018-11-26 12-49-52 PST Mihaela ok I'll make one there 2018-11-23 10-25-11 PST Mihaela def cmi 2018-11-17 16-28-25 PST Mihaela any quick ways to populate the content and more users? 2018-11-27 13-52-42 PST Mihaela if someone comes up with a different design 2018-11-25 17-59-39 PST Mihaela tomorrow then? 2020-09-25 13-59-35 PDT Mihaela do you mean a developer is being abused by another dev who is considered a star coder? 2018-11-26 12-43-38 PST Mihaela cms page media 2020-09-25 14-09-16 PDT Mihaela such a contrast to what is happening in all other areas of Inkscape 2018-11-20 08-51-32 PST Mihaela yes im only looking at html you zipped and the twig from repo 2018-11-20 09-00-56 PST Mihaela ill review old emails, thrers a number of peeps discussing that 2018-11-26 13-04-29 PST Mihaela like I did before manage migrate 2018-11-26 17-04-53 PST Mihaela need to fly now 2018-12-09 11-38-34 PST Mihaela you've published it now I see it's live 2020-09-25 14-47-48 PDT Mihaela you have to be sure about what you're doing, your state transmits to others, you have to feel how you want them to feel, confident about the changes, that this is the right thing, that it's been long overdue, that it's for the best of the project 2020-09-25 14-19-47 PDT Mihaela evasiveness is solved with directness and putting your foot down 2018-12-09 16-17-11 PST Mihaela lol 2018-11-23 15-21-36 PST Mihaela you call that normal 2018-11-25 17-37-48 PST Mihaela wohooo 2020-08-11 07-06-23 PDT Mihaela Moini as well 2018-12-01 09-08-36 PST Mihaela ERROR:django.server:"GET /forums/ HTTP/1.1" 500 206988 2018-11-26 12-12-35 PST Mihaela but I don't know what to do with this: 2018-11-26 12-01-28 PST Mihaela I already have newer php version and switch between 2020-09-25 14-13-56 PDT Mihaela how do you have to transgress to get things done? 2018-11-25 18-43-29 PST Mihaela js still works on the new style 2018-11-23 19-30-54 PST Mihaela comment list 2018-11-17 16-23-56 PST Mihaela that's my cheatsheet 2018-12-09 16-16-17 PST Mihaela the community I guess lol 2018-11-27 13-46-42 PST Mihaela kids learn 2020-03-28 14-37-04 PDT Mihaela yes that would be useful 2020-09-24 06-21-52 PDT Mihaela You don't know? Something did alright. I don't know how to handle that in an open source project so I just stay away 2018-11-26 11-59-47 PST Mihaela IIRC 2018-11-27 13-35-46 PST Mihaela so you don't have to leave page and go Back just to see the image, and then repeat for each image 2018-11-26 12-30-33 PST Mihaela my os is so old it doesn't understand all that new malarkey :D 2018-11-23 19-01-14 PST Mihaela :frog: 2018-11-24 20-36-08 PST Mihaela will do ty 2018-11-26 11-59-21 PST Mihaela I know about the os on usb 2018-11-23 15-08-11 PST Mihaela more functional names 2018-11-20 08-09-17 PST Mihaela yes if you think its useful 2018-11-20 09-00-24 PST Mihaela zypo prob lol 2018-11-26 11-51-01 PST Mihaela how do changes I do on the forums branch get compiled to the website? 2018-11-29 13-09-08 PST Mihaela I did I'll take a look 2020-09-25 14-39-31 PDT Mihaela if you don't keep up with the times you lose 2018-11-26 12-22-20 PST Mihaela ok 2018-11-26 11-53-13 PST Mihaela ok 2020-09-25 14-44-27 PDT Mihaela you sent them 2018-11-23 19-56-07 PST Mihaela emojis disappear 2018-11-25 17-45-54 PST Mihaela ah I didn't know its limited 2020-09-25 14-58-43 PDT Mihaela She is super most invaluable contributor, and no one seems to even notice 2020-07-12 14-20-10 PDT Mihaela I didn't add it to the agenda, I didn't know I could do that :open_mouth: I thought only Board members are allowed. Ok then what can be done with it now? Bryce said he'd contact SFC, was that official?
It didn't feel like anyone corrected Bryce, but I wasn't here all the time so I can't be sure, I was going back and forth between kitchen and here to get dinner. I'm confused about what decisions need a vote and which don't.
I'm sorry if I misunderstood about branding, I hope we're on the same page now. You may say that the Board doesn't rule over many things and things are open, but it holds a lot of weight when you as one of the main contributors and a Board member talk in front of the community. And when you have people who are experts why not involve them? You could have asked me to prepare and explain, or Ryan, even though this is more my area. 2018-11-23 19-37-05 PST Mihaela I need to keep it with the user then 2018-11-23 18-58-00 PST Mihaela and time element attribute datetime 2020-09-25 14-40-20 PDT Mihaela but no one likes a fear monger, so they choose not to believe 2020-09-25 14-02-29 PDT Mihaela if you don't raise an issue on the next Board meeting about the state of Inkscape you're a schmuck :D 2018-11-26 12-28-02 PST Mihaela yup loads 2018-11-25 18-16-56 PST Mihaela if it affects emojis, on mobile... 2020-09-25 13-39-16 PDT Mihaela I'm not unhappy with the private communication that happened in my case. It was detailed, maybe there were some emotions showing through but mostly it was very moderate, detailed and definitely not a knee-jerk response, not on my nor others part. But alas that might be the only positive thing about this. I don't like the result, I don't like being not understood, I don't like people who don't undertstand influence things they shouldn't, I don't like that the project is suffering even when I pulled back.......... 2018-11-25 18-04-38 PST Mihaela I made the image desatureated luminosity 2020-03-28 14-45-50 PDT Mihaela Yes, they do 2018-11-23 19-12-58 PST Mihaela that one just has to be predictably standard 2018-11-26 13-00-38 PST Mihaela when I visit the forum thread I just created before migration I see debug code 2018-11-29 13-12-16 PST Mihaela for example there are declarations that lead with 4 spaces, and some that lead with 2 2018-11-30 18-27-10 PST Mihaela and I need it on the parent containter 2018-11-26 17-05-18 PST Mihaela will do more tomorrow 2020-09-25 14-14-11 PDT Mihaela ah because Bryce asked not to 2018-11-27 13-08-07 PST Mihaela html and css play a small part in there as well 2018-11-23 19-38-36 PST Mihaela lol 2018-11-27 16-01-46 PST Mihaela forums/gallery 2018-11-30 18-29-20 PST Mihaela or any that doesn't have sidebar 2018-11-29 15-11-19 PST Mihaela :wind_blowing_face: 2018-11-28 16-34-47 PST Mihaela on hover 2018-11-20 08-52-22 PST Mihaela ive seen forum list 2018-11-20 08-58-26 PST Mihaela i dont expect she would 2018-11-25 18-41-22 PST Mihaela kewl 2018-11-27 13-07-09 PST Mihaela the concept doesn't change much between version 2018-11-26 11-57-13 PST Mihaela but this is only till xmas holidays 2018-11-17 16-25-43 PST Mihaela ok I'll do that tomorrow and let you know 2018-11-27 13-45-20 PST Mihaela wohoooooo 2018-11-17 16-12-00 PST Mihaela is that for threading? 2018-11-26 12-32-52 PST Mihaela from 7 days ago 2018-11-17 15-58-29 PST Mihaela https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25504851/how-to-enable-cors-on-firefox 2018-11-26 12-28-29 PST Mihaela and many more 2018-11-23 15-09-55 PST Mihaela English is quite analytical, if not isolating. 2020-09-25 13-58-37 PDT Mihaela what skill? 2018-11-26 12-50-49 PST Mihaela only see ------- 2018-11-30 18-27-17 PST Mihaela not on the sidebar 2020-07-04 15-48-35 PDT Mihaela any time frame for 1.1? 2018-12-09 16-22-17 PST Mihaela oh 2018-11-29 14-00-48 PST Mihaela what does that mean 2018-11-26 12-05-34 PST Mihaela so far so good 2018-11-30 18-25-17 PST Mihaela css doesn't work backwards, always cascades downwards 2018-11-29 13-56-03 PST Mihaela oh you do dat as well 2019-01-31 09-25-27 PST Mihaela oy! how was ckeditor implemented in the forum? Can I just swap the folder with a different build? I'm not sure why it's not as responsive on the forum as the examples I see elsewhere 2018-11-28 14-28-47 PST Mihaela yes I noticed 2018-11-29 13-49-28 PST Mihaela so I'm not sure if that would suddenly overcomplicate it 2020-03-28 14-35-02 PDT Mihaela thank you! 2018-12-09 16-20-02 PST Mihaela I also think we also need to do some more changes on the text at the bottom, the buttons, so this isn't yet ready for publishing 2018-11-23 19-37-27 PST Mihaela peeps love colorful content 2018-11-26 13-13-17 PST Mihaela yes icons missing shouldn't crash the whole thing :p 2018-11-25 17-39-32 PST Mihaela ty :) 2020-08-01 10-22-38 PDT Mihaela You mentioned we need to send in the pdf slides in advance? 2018-11-17 15-46-45 PST Mihaela ok 2018-11-26 09-13-03 PST Mihaela do you have a list of bugs/requests for the forum thread? 2018-11-25 17-44-06 PST Mihaela but they seem not to be free? 2018-11-26 13-10-32 PST Mihaela that's not in repo? 2018-11-27 15-45-42 PST Mihaela does that change gallery layout? 2018-11-28 15-02-11 PST Mihaela ah so 2018-11-18 14-52-36 PST Mihaela but when I try init or runserver its asking me 2018-11-30 18-22-08 PST Mihaela I need a way to have different layout classes 2018-11-23 19-08-04 PST Mihaela ty 2018-11-20 08-56-51 PST Mihaela whats the consensud abut the new forum 2018-12-01 09-15-02 PST Mihaela do I need to init or update to see the changes 2018-12-09 16-18-07 PST Mihaela do you like that bluish box style? I coded it separately as .infobox so it can be reused on the site for announcements or to highlight paragraphs 2018-11-30 18-27-33 PST Mihaela better 2018-11-28 16-36-13 PST Mihaela yes in some areas 2018-11-25 18-18-33 PST Mihaela I started this one https://inkscape.org/forums/questions/nam-aliquando-posse-recte-fieri/?c=196... 2020-09-25 13-46-44 PDT Mihaela sounds simple 2018-11-25 17-59-32 PST Mihaela I should get to sleep, staying too long again 2018-11-17 16-36-21 PST Mihaela ok 2018-11-23 19-41-17 PST Mihaela btw why do you use name attribute on anchor for comment? 2018-11-23 18-57-11 PST Mihaela I have that ready to be tested 2018-11-26 11-58-57 PST Mihaela ah py enviornment 2018-11-23 15-19-48 PST Mihaela you forgot H 2018-11-25 09-18-30 PST Mihaela public reveal? 2018-11-26 13-09-59 PST Mihaela but I don't see any controls 2018-11-17 16-35-21 PST Mihaela you only need them when writing right? 2018-11-27 12-07-24 PST Mihaela how do you like my mobile design changes? 2018-11-28 16-26-45 PST Mihaela there were no problems merging 2018-11-27 16-23-12 PST Mihaela but the content will not be output 2020-08-11 07-09-23 PDT Mihaela They would also profit from our health, I expect it's just a matter of better communication 2018-11-25 17-43-46 PST Mihaela https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery&q=emoji 2018-12-09 09-52-55 PST Mihaela https://inkscape.org/teams/ is blank 2020-09-25 14-32-28 PDT Mihaela have you chatted with other board members about the situation 2018-11-17 16-14-34 PST Mihaela :imp: 2018-11-23 14-56-44 PST Mihaela just comment page 2018-11-17 16-14-03 PST Mihaela :smiling_imp: 2018-11-23 19-31-50 PST Mihaela the topic list isn't in such dire need of styling 2018-11-27 13-38-17 PST Mihaela not sure if he's into that 2018-11-26 12-01-11 PST Mihaela ok that's more like it 2018-11-26 11-51-07 PST Mihaela what are the steps? 2018-11-23 19-30-51 PST Mihaela i'd like the comment thread pls 2018-12-02 09-50-45 PST Mihaela it's a valid suggestion, the dotted outline doesn't always fit with the design. Sorry if It's TMI, I thought it might be useful to share some nuggets I've picked up over the years 2018-11-28 15-35-36 PST Mihaela I thought that was due to some js 2019-01-31 23-52-02 PST Mihaela there is an HTML element that has display:table set, that may be causing the width not to scale down, but I'm not sure if it's coming from the ckeditor or from the website I can see config.js, that lists everything? 2020-09-25 13-21-46 PDT Mihaela my novel 2018-11-18 15-32-05 PST Mihaela is this problematic? 2018-11-29 15-12-15 PST Mihaela I got the subforum to appear with the main header 2018-11-27 15-28-13 PST Mihaela I need to change some classes 2018-11-29 13-09-26 PST Mihaela BTW I'd like to use Sass on my end to compile CSS from 2018-11-23 15-03-53 PST Mihaela IBM? 2018-11-23 10-25-41 PST Mihaela ill have it ready soon 2020-09-25 14-15-34 PDT Mihaela just glory? 2018-11-18 15-17-27 PST Mihaela Any changes to python updates recently 2018-11-17 16-09-48 PST Mihaela maybe add zebra rows, and make the attachment area more visually like it belong to the post 2020-08-11 07-10-29 PDT Mihaela I'm completely ok with calling myself some fundraising label for Inkscape project and mailing with her directly, CC Bryce, they might both prefer it that way 2018-11-25 09-17-45 PST Mihaela there are ways to make it come close, one or two positions won't be exactly as in modern browsers 2018-11-18 15-06-41 PST Mihaela :face_palm: 2018-12-02 08-31-07 PST Mihaela The outline is there by default on :focus, it's important to have some visual cue for those who navigate using keyboard. We can remove it if we replace it with some other visual cue on :focus I usually style :focus the same as :hover as it's the same intention, decision/choice step before clicking. :active state is the usually really short time after you click. It used to be red links, it gives the cue that the click was successful. 2018-11-17 16-36-15 PST Mihaela nvm I'll see tomorrow 2018-11-28 15-43-18 PST Mihaela we'll I'll need to be going soon and the page layout is wonky 2018-11-25 17-34-58 PST Mihaela I committed the change for the emoji select 2018-11-29 18-46-57 PST Mihaela I'll commit what I have now 2020-03-29 17-55-02 PDT Mihaela https://pandemija.info/respiratoreng/ 2018-11-20 09-01-33 PST Mihaela ok leave her to me, i understand whats happening there 2018-12-01 09-47-12 PST Mihaela got it yay! 2018-11-29 13-49-56 PST Mihaela add the config files to .gitignore 2018-11-26 12-00-00 PST Mihaela vm might be might best option right? 2018-11-27 15-44-28 PST Mihaela im scared to change that template 2018-11-23 15-04-39 PST Mihaela lol that IBM 2018-11-20 08-59-47 PST Mihaela as it always the case :D 2018-11-26 12-26-29 PST Mihaela done 2018-11-20 08-46-57 PST Mihaela i hope you and others lije the design its kinda bubbly 2018-11-25 17-32-48 PST Mihaela that's unrelated to styles btw 2018-11-27 13-30-26 PST Mihaela I haven't animated anything in a long while 2020-08-11 14-26-04 PDT Mihaela how many hours in average do you work on Inkscape 2018-11-26 13-11-56 PST Mihaela do I have those already? 2018-11-26 12-31-19 PST Mihaela ok 2018-11-23 18-53-28 PST Mihaela not yet ready 2020-09-25 14-03-17 PDT Mihaela or to get him to come back? 2020-09-25 14-58-17 PDT Mihaela Something happened this year and she changed, I think she experienced something bad 2018-11-23 19-06-41 PST Mihaela I'm trying to find the diff view 2018-11-23 18-56-52 PST Mihaela html 2018-11-18 14-51-53 PST Mihaela why is it asking me for gitlab username and pass? 2018-11-26 13-16-24 PST Mihaela yes the colors and shapes 2018-11-18 15-39-23 PST Mihaela np, tomorrow hopefully 2020-08-11 07-04-41 PDT Mihaela but you've all clearly stated that the Board doesn't do much :D 2020-09-25 15-07-10 PDT Mihaela :nerd: 2020-09-25 14-45-15 PDT Mihaela most people are followers, even when they appear forceful and confident and opinionated 2018-11-23 15-07-18 PST Mihaela that's why it's hard to learn some parts for us, sentence construction and phrasing 2020-09-25 13-57-28 PDT Mihaela that would show people they are safe and it's not just empty promises 2018-11-17 15-51-03 PST Mihaela ah I do see them in the popup 2018-11-27 11-53-52 PST Mihaela just like in programming :p 2020-09-25 14-06-00 PDT Mihaela ah yes old money lol 2018-11-27 12-03-15 PST Mihaela js I think it might be neccesary 2018-11-20 08-57-04 PST Mihaela is she onboard with django 2018-11-29 13-49-04 PST Mihaela and I have that installed through npm 2020-03-28 14-25-27 PDT Mihaela BTW I expect the sentences in the assembly list need clarifying, conditional clauses 2018-11-27 16-45-07 PST Mihaela Your models have changes that are not yet reflected in a migration, and so won't be applied. Run 'manage.py makemigrations' to make new migrations, and then re-run 'manage.py migrate' to apply them. 2018-11-28 15-34-21 PST Mihaela it can happen with floats 2018-11-28 15-02-44 PST Mihaela for example the breadcrumbs for forum boards 2018-11-26 12-24-39 PST Mihaela Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/utils/../inkscape/manage.py", line 32, in from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line ImportError: No module named 'django' 2018-11-27 11-58-25 PST Mihaela so we now need a lot more css than design help? 2020-09-25 14-11-21 PDT Mihaela but why? you're on the Board? 2020-03-28 14-54-36 PDT Mihaela they could have written it more clearly but I guess they have other worries now than setting up a licence page 2018-11-23 19-47-31 PST Mihaela ty 2018-11-18 15-03-42 PST Mihaela git checkout -b forum3 2020-09-25 13-21-27 PDT Mihaela sure 2018-11-25 09-15-25 PST Mihaela hehe it's what I'm dealing with now, grid units 2020-09-25 13-40-18 PDT Mihaela by that last thing I mean they didn't continue without me, everything just stopped 2020-03-28 14-34-01 PDT Mihaela thank you, I'll change it back 2019-02-01 00-00-10 PST Mihaela I'll have to go through those posts and test again, but maybe with a new ckeditor? the new one has better responsivness on mobiles, I think we're using version 4? 2018-11-23 19-10-54 PST Mihaela yes pls 2018-11-25 09-16-05 PST Mihaela I'm switching time zones so I was very tired and had to take a nap but I'm better now and I hope to have something ready for you 2020-09-25 14-15-15 PDT Mihaela he's not getting paid? 2018-11-23 15-12-10 PST Mihaela I think it might be easier to learn English than Croatian, speak anyway, only your writing messes it up 2018-11-27 16-01-50 PST Mihaela I'm fixing that now 2018-11-20 08-53-13 PST Mihaela but if the design is acceptable by people then it doesnt take much to apply the same visual logic to other pages 2018-11-26 12-37-12 PST Mihaela and now 2018-11-27 16-18-11 PST Mihaela if they're visible to admins only why no content? 2018-11-30 18-00-28 PST Mihaela how do I manually? 2018-11-17 15-59-06 PST Mihaela I still see the placement, they're not as pretty but I can imagine it :) 2018-12-01 09-14-27 PST Mihaela kewl! 2018-11-17 15-52-17 PST Mihaela ah ok 2018-11-26 12-22-38 PST Mihaela do I first exit this (venv_devopspy) 2018-11-23 19-43-16 PST Mihaela ok 2018-11-26 11-52-18 PST Mihaela uf 2018-11-29 15-11-58 PST Mihaela I think i figured out the template 2018-11-23 10-27-02 PST Mihaela it's been crazy this week family obligations and some clients have thankgiving needs lol 2018-11-26 12-20-54 PST Mihaela Updating Django... * migrate Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/utils/../inkscape/manage.py", line 32, in from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line ImportError: No module named 'django' * DONE 2018-11-23 18-52-26 PST Mihaela just the html 2018-11-25 18-16-30 PST Mihaela but I'll still have to test various combinations 2020-08-11 07-07-21 PDT Mihaela but not necessarily, things can be done without being on the Board right? 2018-11-26 13-15-46 PST Mihaela any more feedback about the styles? 2018-11-18 15-16-51 PST Mihaela ``` File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/pythonenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 113, in __init__ raise ImproperlyConfigured("The SECRET_KEY setting must not be empty.") django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: The SECRET_KEY setting must not be empty. ``` 2020-09-25 14-23-02 PDT Mihaela kewl, represent all parts of the project 2018-11-17 16-14-30 PST Mihaela sure I'd love to effect some control there 2018-11-20 08-51-52 PST Mihaela new html from repo 2020-07-13 16-21-21 PDT Mihaela yup we're aware of the custom integrations, but have no solution yet, we don't even have a nice list of features of what would have to be recreated, so this is all up in the air 2018-12-01 09-19-11 PST Mihaela ah ok 2018-11-24 20-35-38 PST Mihaela if I don't get it ready I'll come back to it later today 2018-11-26 12-04-24 PST Mihaela I always learn new words from you 2018-11-28 15-02-32 PST Mihaela but I don't know how to print out all the things we need in forum header 2018-11-27 17-25-08 PST Mihaela I pushed to master, see ya tomorrow 2020-09-25 13-49-36 PDT Mihaela so that can give an impression that there's something wrong there, but what is wrong is that people are irrational and they don't learn about the subject before jumping into it 2018-11-27 11-40-10 PST Mihaela I'll do whatever I can of course 2018-11-26 12-15-56 PST Mihaela now it's forum-styles 2018-11-18 15-13-22 PST Mihaela ``` File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/pythonenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 113, in __init__ raise ImproperlyConfigured("The SECRET_KEY setting must not be empty.") django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: The SECRET_KEY setting must not be empty.
``` 2018-11-18 15-01-50 PST Mihaela I had forum3 branch checkout 2018-11-18 15-37-58 PST Mihaela I won't be making big chnages 2018-11-27 15-49-41 PST Mihaela I wasn't involved a lot in the past months so I don't know what was happening, why two galleries? 2018-11-23 19-10-26 PST Mihaela btw your screenshots are too large, make a smaller window before snapping 2018-11-30 18-29-48 PST Mihaela it would help if I knew the whole concept how many different layouts there are and which ones don't have sidebar 2018-11-27 12-05-47 PST Mihaela then cross out when they're solved 2018-12-09 12-28-21 PST Mihaela it wasn't that bad lol but we're working on a new version 2018-11-29 15-11-34 PST Mihaela it's very cold here too, below 0 2020-09-25 13-48-30 PDT Mihaela I've learned that the "rules" that businesses _should_ follow aren't really business specific, they are very common sense rational approaches that were proven to work 2018-11-18 15-37-31 PST Mihaela I'll do it blind then and commit through gitlab interface 2018-11-27 15-45-56 PST Mihaela why has my forum css affected that 2018-11-25 17-38-15 PST Mihaela ah yes I only see number locally 2018-11-17 16-22-02 PST Mihaela init whatever to get it on localhost 2018-11-23 19-09-27 PST Mihaela I'm glad I didn't mess it up 2018-11-23 08-58-22 PST Mihaela but since the loop is a bit outside of things it actually outputs each comment into its own 2018-11-23 19-32-05 PST Mihaela but thread view can be improved 2020-09-24 16-01-15 PDT Mihaela lol no it wasn't you, I brought it up internally through email, I just thought that the people involved handled it somehow so it doesn't affect the project after I pulled back, but as far as I can see nothing happened? No info at all
I don't always agree with everything you say or how you act but you're open to talk about it and your intentions seem sound.
I have no idea how to handle it as far as the project goes, I do know what my personal boundaries are and it's easy for me to draw the line. I care about the project too but this seems soooooo complicated to solve that I just think why try, it's a waste of my energy. If a project (that means people btw) can be such that they drive away a long term willing contributor then there's something wrong.
And it happened before, to me, and to others.
This project's culture is fucked up!
Just because it doesn't happen every day and most of interactions are very positive, a question should be raised is it worth it to go blind to negative things that can be rare but come at a high cost of losing contributors.
omg I was appointed a Contributions Officer and got driven away. Fuck that shit! 2018-11-29 13-57-49 PST Mihaela ok I will commit css formatted 2018-11-26 12-32-16 PST Mihaela there is such a folder 2020-09-25 14-43-44 PDT Mihaela yup 2018-11-23 19-55-45 PST Mihaela the icons are good, display ok 2020-09-25 13-42-50 PDT Mihaela there is some of it happening here, but it's so multilayered and complex it would take a full time job to untangle 2018-11-28 16-36-21 PST Mihaela not so much in others 2018-12-09 16-15-36 PST Mihaela I was thinking of doing that after others agree to the changes 2018-11-30 18-24-15 PST Mihaela but I expected to add the quick links in the header 2018-11-24 20-38-11 PST Mihaela looks small enough on desktop 2018-11-23 19-24-50 PST Mihaela What is the purpose of the Attachments button in comment footer? 2020-03-28 14-24-46 PDT Mihaela which word would you use, so people worldwide would understand what it refers to? 2018-11-29 14-02-58 PST Mihaela good to know 2020-09-25 14-57-47 PDT Mihaela I can preach about some topics whenever :D 2018-11-20 08-46-30 PST Mihaela yes np 2018-11-18 15-36-57 PST Mihaela heh I'm glad to test 2018-11-26 13-13-45 PST Mihaela wohoooooo it's working 2018-11-27 16-15-45 PST Mihaela shoot 2018-11-26 12-25-14 PST Mihaela ok 2020-08-11 07-06-37 PDT Mihaela Michele has been available consistently for a long time 2018-11-27 15-41-26 PST Mihaela isn't gallery on main site code 2020-09-25 14-27-38 PDT Mihaela hehehe and Vectos were so criticized .... 2018-11-26 17-04-47 PST Mihaela I committed todays work 2018-11-26 11-59-09 PST Mihaela I don't know how that works 2018-11-18 15-39-27 PST Mihaela need to go now 2018-11-18 15-04-24 PST Mihaela how do I pull it and make it local? 2018-11-25 17-46-04 PST Mihaela I thought fontawesome is all in there 2018-11-25 09-16-20 PST Mihaela I'll have to see about IE support though 2018-11-30 18-19-20 PST Mihaela it seems ok 2018-11-26 12-37-19 PST Mihaela ? 2020-07-13 16-25-34 PDT Mihaela I need to go, Wednesday's early rise for me :laughing: so I better start today 2018-11-26 12-49-44 PST Mihaela yes I'm logged in 2018-11-26 12-10-05 PST Mihaela why wouldn't it terminate then? 2018-11-27 13-47-42 PST Mihaela :scream_cat: 2018-11-18 15-20-20 PST Mihaela changes I might lose 2018-11-25 18-16-03 PST Mihaela ty! 2018-11-27 13-03-23 PST Mihaela what do you like about bootstrap 2018-11-18 15-01-38 PST Mihaela do I need to do anything? 2018-11-28 15-03-11 PST Mihaela maybe that would give you a better idea what we're after 2018-11-26 12-42-25 PST Mihaela processing a bunch of files from there 2018-11-30 18-23-33 PST Mihaela when on main forum pages the forum description should be treated differently, not like topic title like now 2018-11-23 18-54-10 PST Mihaela lol it made a color chip 2018-11-23 19-32-13 PST Mihaela so that's why I did first 2018-11-27 13-46-16 PST Mihaela The comment list isn't well designed and it needs more colours and better layouts. 2018-11-18 15-35-18 PST Mihaela yes i've been planning for the past 6 months :p 2018-11-27 13-46-54 PST Mihaela they just tinker and get shit done 2018-12-16 17-14-33 PST Mihaela ooops wrong channel 2018-11-26 12-39-19 PST Mihaela can I try init now? 2020-09-25 14-07-50 PDT Mihaela wut? 2018-11-27 13-36-32 PST Mihaela good to choose one that has all accessibility supported 2018-11-25 18-14-35 PST Mihaela and on mobiles make a larger gap between comments since there is no border divider 2018-11-25 17-15-37 PST Mihaela I've just committed my changes 2018-11-26 12-44-22 PST Mihaela WARNING:root:No fastly module installed (skipping) [skipping] Expected file: /var/www/html/inkscape-web/data/fixtures/media/cms_page_media/5/inkscape-0.48-webdesign-text_thumb.png [skipping] Expected file: /var/www/html/inkscape-web/data/fixtures/media/cms_page_media/5/inkscape-0.48-multipath_thumb.png [skipping] Expected file: /var/www/html/inkscape-web/data/fixtures/media/cms_page_media/5/inkscape-0.48-moonlight-views_thumb.png [skipping] Expected file: /var/www/html/inkscape-web/data/fixtures/media/cms_page_media/5/inkscape-0.48-ferrari_thumb.png [skipping] Expected file: /var/www/html/inkscape-web/data/fixtures/media/cms_page_media/5/inkscape-0.48-blur_thumb.png [skipping] Expected file: /var/www/html/inkscape-web/data/fixtures/media/cms_page_media/5/moodytree_sm.jpg [skipping] Expected file: /var/www/html/inkscape-web/data/fixtures/media/cms_page_media/7/Inkscape_Logo (another copy)_1.png [skipping] Expected file: /var/www/html/inkscape-web/data/fixtures/media/cms_page_media/7/Inkscape_Logo (another copy)_1_lu5L0cI.png [skipping] Expected file: /var/www/html/inkscape-web/data/fixtures/media/cms_page_media/946/Inkscape_Logo (copy).png 2018-11-30 18-16-16 PST Mihaela but how do I get the two versions to compare 2018-11-26 12-45-03 PST Mihaela seems to be done without errors 2018-12-01 09-17-10 PST Mihaela how come it shows correctly on live but my local has wrong paths? 2018-11-23 19-12-19 PST Mihaela the datetime attribute 2020-09-25 14-50-56 PDT Mihaela sometimes it's enough to just repeat the same in a different way, not everyone thinks the same way and hearing it from another angle might be what resonates with them, so don't give up, rather explain again, don't save your breath 2018-11-30 18-30-28 PST Mihaela actually not change that element but its parent forum-box 2018-12-01 18-19-31 PST Mihaela I pushed some changes, made a special element for forum description 2018-11-27 13-58-50 PST Mihaela because you like building things? 2018-11-17 16-36-03 PST Mihaela where does that appear? 2018-12-09 16-20-40 PST Mihaela it needs to be the final version, because translators will have work to do since there are a lot of changes 2018-11-27 11-56-24 PST Mihaela do you need any UX work for the website, for that Brazilian guy? 2018-11-23 19-20-49 PST Mihaela can you zip me a thread pls :D 2018-11-27 13-34-14 PST Mihaela can we have both? 2018-11-25 09-18-24 PST Mihaela what did you want to do with the forums once this is all done 2018-11-27 13-20-37 PST Mihaela btw could we have these smileys from rocket on the website? 2018-11-18 15-21-50 PST Mihaela ok will do that now and let you know 2020-09-25 14-14-45 PDT Mihaela there are some control issues here 2018-11-26 12-13-32 PST Mihaela ah that's output 2018-11-23 10-28-08 PST Mihaela we had snow this week, kinda unusual 2020-07-13 14-33-59 PDT Mihaela Oh gawd :rolling_eyes:
After all this talk about what the Board does I'm still not clear on what it means. I can show up once a month for the meeting, and vote when necessary, I might need clarifications in some cases. What else should I expect? 2018-11-26 11-59-27 PST Mihaela but would it be slow 2018-11-18 14-59-30 PST Mihaela I deleted it just earlier 2018-11-17 15-51-54 PST Mihaela but old ubuntu 2020-09-25 14-26-54 PDT Mihaela wow 2020-09-25 14-46-45 PDT Mihaela you will most likely be that initiator 2018-11-23 18-54-14 PST Mihaela not issue link 2018-11-28 15-12-09 PST Mihaela only the dancing banana is missing 2018-11-26 12-03-24 PST Mihaela prerequisits 2018-11-28 15-04-47 PST Mihaela I'm trying to make the base tpl layout responsive 2018-11-30 18-28-33 PST Mihaela yes 2018-11-26 12-34-52 PST Mihaela how deactivate? 2018-11-25 17-31-49 PST Mihaela did I copy the twig in the wrong way? 2018-11-30 18-13-11 PST Mihaela do i need to manage db 2018-11-27 16-29-33 PST Mihaela html comments? 2018-11-23 19-31-30 PST Mihaela thats the whole point 2018-11-27 11-40-43 PST Mihaela and I didn't know where to point him 2020-09-25 14-14-22 PDT Mihaela just asked? 2018-11-27 16-32-06 PST Mihaela I can't load the local instance any more, after git pull 2018-11-26 12-39-43 PST Mihaela or update first? 2018-11-26 12-19-35 PST Mihaela not at all! 2018-12-16 17-43-46 PST Mihaela yes, they often have articles like that on that website 2020-09-25 13-47-21 PDT Mihaela but a lot of people see freedom software as a type of entity that _must_ behave very different from a business 2020-09-25 13-33-42 PDT Mihaela Or before? 2018-11-30 18-27-40 PST Mihaela a class on the forum container 2018-11-20 08-52-25 PST Mihaela thats it 2018-11-17 16-23-45 PST Mihaela git pull ./utils/update ./utils/init ./utils/manage runserver 2018-11-26 12-11-54 PST Mihaela $ sudo pip3 install virtualenv Downloading/unpacking virtualenv Downloading virtualenv-16.1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (1.9MB): 1.9MB downloaded Installing collected packages: virtualenv Successfully installed virtualenv Cleaning up... 2018-11-29 13-55-08 PST Mihaela but don't spend too much on this 2018-11-28 15-35-00 PST Mihaela is it on narrow screens 2018-11-23 19-26-49 PST Mihaela what does the first one do? 2018-11-29 14-10-33 PST Mihaela ok found some 2018-11-30 18-24-47 PST Mihaela but I need to know when 2020-09-23 18-01-48 PDT Mihaela Oy! You're doing a great job on Twitter, you're catching tweets I'd never notice, replying to peoples complaints is gold and I love the way you nudge to contribute!
Did you post on the Vectors channel about adding the docs to that platform? It's not a big task at all. I'm kinda retired from Inkscape so I don't want to just pop in unexpectedly. 2018-11-25 18-14-03 PST Mihaela yes that is more or less the way I imagined it 2018-11-28 16-31-43 PST Mihaela there's a bug I introduced with naming a block header in base.html, because we also have that name block in forumtopic_detail, the one showing a particular subforum name 2018-11-29 13-10-20 PST Mihaela I have it all set up, but because it structures it automatically based on some space and new line rules it changes a lot of the lines in the CSS 2018-11-27 12-04-46 PST Mihaela btw do you have that mobile bug list? 2018-11-23 19-33-07 PST Mihaela it's a bit frustrating deving like this blind and without my usual tools 2018-11-18 15-44-05 PST Mihaela you too 2018-11-23 18-53-34 PST Mihaela I changed the html after your changes 2018-11-18 15-03-09 PST Mihaela ? 2018-11-30 18-31-22 PST Mihaela and .forum-thread if for the other case (we only need one) 2018-11-27 12-03-21 PST Mihaela I can take care of css 2018-11-23 19-12-12 PST Mihaela I have no idea if this works well with your django magic 2018-11-18 15-09-24 PST Mihaela here's the ending 2018-11-26 13-03-06 PST Mihaela lol 2018-11-27 16-45-04 PST Mihaela I deleted the settings 2018-11-26 13-12-07 PST Mihaela in the fonts? folder you sent 2018-11-23 19-53-57 PST Mihaela so it's more clear it's not a comment 2018-11-27 15-46-59 PST Mihaela or are only comments people post on gallery forum code 2018-11-18 15-14-23 PST Mihaela since I deleted it there is no local_settings.py 2018-11-26 12-13-43 PST Mihaela I got it 2018-11-18 15-20-01 PST Mihaela ok I think I don't have any tails right? all is up there committed on gitlab 2018-11-28 16-32-53 PST Mihaela is there a nice dia file showing the templates structure? 2018-11-27 11-56-40 PST Mihaela or maybe just guide him to whatever is current in app UX? 2018-11-26 13-04-18 PST Mihaela and I don't seem to have the add forum interface 2018-12-05 17-27-28 PST Mihaela maybe in a gitlab issue I can link them to 2018-11-28 14-28-13 PST Mihaela but it doesn't do anything on its own, no output 2020-09-25 13-44-14 PDT Mihaela we don't advertise for jobs, we just use people who come in, and we don't test them in any way other than dedication to the project, and where there are more people involved with varying degrees of understanding it becomes a problem 2020-08-01 14-36-57 PDT Mihaela Elisa Godoy de Castro Guerra elisa.dcg@gmail.com 2018-11-17 16-48-52 PST Mihaela im off to bed now, see ya tomorrow 2020-09-25 13-51-31 PDT Mihaela it just happens that business ways have the best ways of solving things, because they are forced to make it work, failure is bad, it's not like in science where you fail an experiment a 1000 times and say you've discovered 1000 way it doesn't work, in business it must add up, and come with a tangible result in the end if you want it sustainable 2018-11-28 15-13-01 PST Mihaela ! 2020-09-25 14-52-42 PDT Mihaela you have to know what you want the outcomes to be 2020-09-25 14-21-09 PDT Mihaela hahaha my big mouth and taking no prisoners ::giggle:: 2018-11-25 09-16-31 PST Mihaela any requirements there? 2020-09-25 13-31-00 PDT Mihaela what did you imagine happens in those situations? 2018-11-29 13-56-12 PST Mihaela you don't need css then 2018-11-30 18-20-35 PST Mihaela but there was the sidebar duplicated, and weird markings HEAD ==========> or sth like that with hash string too 2018-11-29 15-21-00 PST Mihaela wouldn't it just override it? 2020-09-25 14-36-48 PDT Mihaela I thought that what people said to you made you sad 2018-11-28 15-12-46 PST Mihaela https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/candy-crush-saga/images/8/8e/Dancing_ban... 2018-11-26 12-28-57 PST Mihaela $ ./utils/manage shell Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/utils/../inkscape/manage.py", line 32, in from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line ImportError: No module named 'django' 2018-11-23 18-53-45 PST Mihaela so need to change css too 2018-11-27 13-29-16 PST Mihaela eeeeeeek 2018-11-23 19-09-45 PST Mihaela wot 2018-12-09 12-40-46 PST Mihaela text update and also css if people accept it 2018-11-17 15-51-50 PST Mihaela yup 2018-11-23 08-56-56 PST Mihaela header and footer of each comment 2018-11-30 18-22-33 PST Mihaela how can I reliably know when the sidebar will or will not appear 2018-12-01 09-08-05 PST Mihaela basehtmlForumurl.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/d9dTD6TjYmMjC9aAi/basehtmlForumurl.png) 2018-11-26 12-20-29 PST Mihaela No python headers detected! I require python-dev, but it is not installed, attempting install... 2018-11-30 18-27-03 PST Mihaela but it's actually missing 2018-11-28 15-40-19 PST Mihaela people know that live forums aren't officially released and they're only testing? 2019-01-31 23-58-08 PST Mihaela https://inkscape.org/forums/questions/nam-aliquando-posse-recte-fieri/#c1971 it may be this one 2018-11-23 19-19-44 PST Mihaela CSS that is 2018-11-20 08-44-10 PST Mihaela sori eating and typing 2018-11-25 17-40-10 PST Mihaela or use some font icon 2020-08-11 07-09-44 PDT Mihaela you want me on Board to bypass Bryce who you think SFC doesn't like any more? 2018-11-25 09-19-54 PST Mihaela yes I expect there might be more polishing to do later 2020-03-28 14-18-53 PDT Mihaela wohooooooo 2018-11-24 20-33-03 PST Mihaela I'm being tortured by the css grid 2018-11-17 16-26-09 PST Mihaela what else should I take a look at besides the comment thread 2018-11-26 13-09-32 PST Mihaela I can visit /forums 2020-07-04 15-49-44 PDT Mihaela on twitter 2018-11-23 19-37-15 PST Mihaela good good 2020-09-25 13-46-39 PDT Mihaela no, I would just apply what I've learned in business to solve problems 2018-11-30 18-15-53 PST Mihaela but it's frustrating I don't know the procedure 2018-11-27 16-02-48 PST Mihaela so when I applied some layout to its children, it affected that too, because the same class is used 2018-11-26 12-52-50 PST Mihaela but I see old styles 2020-09-25 14-44-19 PDT Mihaela was it a written question? 2018-11-23 19-32-48 PST Mihaela and if you give me a zip I won't have to edit the html manually locally to keep up with the template changes 2018-11-29 13-10-42 PST Mihaela this big change will only happen once 2020-09-25 10-14-11 PDT Mihaela You didn't miss anything, it was hidden by design I guess. I expected the people who know what happened and who continued after me to take more initiative and reorganize, but that didn't happen, and it's not surprising to see lack of leadership in a Freedom software project, although it's very frustrating and should be addressed but I feel like in the past when I was warning about this people who don't know much about the topic just shot it down.
I'm beginning to see more and more the many flaws in the common way these projects are organized. So I see it as a systemic problem. Then when you reveal that to the people involved it will become a people problem because they will resist to change their way even when proven they're doing it wrong. That's how I see it at least.
I have no idea how to break it out in public. It can make waves and it could label Inkscape a not friendly project, and that would deter people from getting involved. But it is the truth! IMO even if most of interactions are good and most people have completely pleasant experience, it seems that those who are motivated to do more, to stay long term and get to larger results have the worst experience. People I know who suffered this are all female. It's not statistically relevant, but there is something there, since the man in the similar position got a lot more support. 2018-11-23 19-49-12 PST Mihaela or should I just add them to forum.css as necessary? 2018-11-30 18-12-56 PST Mihaela merge did sth, I'm trying to fix 2018-11-27 13-07-18 PST Mihaela at least I expect not to 2018-11-26 13-16-12 PST Mihaela off the record I'm calling them Bubbles 2018-11-26 11-59-40 PST Mihaela but I have vm fedora 19 2018-11-18 15-06-20 PST Mihaela yay 2018-11-30 18-38-41 PST Mihaela I only have one there, my old one 2018-11-23 19-44-09 PST Mihaela I'm working css now but if I get sleepy I'll finish tomorrow 2018-11-17 16-21-51 PST Mihaela I have done that in the past 2018-11-26 12-21-13 PST Mihaela Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/utils/../inkscape/manage.py", line 32, in from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line ImportError: No module named 'django' Updating inkscape-web log... Retrieving inkscape-docs... Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. New revisions found, updating! HEAD is now at 451b66f Automatic update from CI ./utils/deploy-docs: line 46: data/media/doc/revision: No such file or directory Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/utils/../inkscape/manage.py", line 32, in from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line ImportError: No module named 'django'
Copied static files from pythonenv to local static
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/utils/../inkscape/manage.py", line 32, in from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line ImportError: No module named 'django' 2018-11-29 13-56-55 PST Mihaela I can't figure out how that interlinking goes 2018-11-18 15-35-37 PST Mihaela I can't do it while I'm working on projects 2018-11-29 14-00-44 PST Mihaela {% extends "forums/base.html" %} 2018-11-29 13-46-12 PST Mihaela it's just to make my life easier 2018-12-16 17-14-10 PST Mihaela Great article about recent changes in open source funding, probably specially relevant to @bryce and @ryangorley https://opensource.com/article/18/11/3-new-tipping-points-open-source 2018-12-01 09-15-55 PST Mihaela but I still don't see the small forum images in the sidebar 2018-11-25 09-14-59 PST Mihaela a lot of CSS magic is in knowing which units to use in which cases 2018-11-18 15-34-17 PST Mihaela main, no changes since the last time I worked on ink web 2018-11-23 15-02-37 PST Mihaela all the things is my fav meme :D 2020-08-11 07-10-56 PDT Mihaela I won't know what she thinks before we talk ey 2018-11-23 10-20-20 PST Mihaela music always takes precedence 2020-09-25 14-17-42 PDT Mihaela what then? 2020-09-25 14-05-24 PDT Mihaela but you have the same powers as him, you're all on the Board 2018-11-23 19-53-49 PST Mihaela maybe only add some styles to that first description 2018-11-26 13-08-53 PST Mihaela I only see Page now 2018-11-27 15-42-36 PST Mihaela apart from forum.css and bootstrap 2020-09-25 14-43-48 PDT Mihaela and the others? 2020-09-25 14-48-39 PDT Mihaela and you have to be open and transparent and calm in what you're proposing 2018-11-20 08-56-11 PST Mihaela btw im out of loop 2018-11-27 14-07-04 PST Mihaela what is django good for? 2020-09-25 14-39-53 PDT Mihaela I saw flaws from the inside 2018-11-27 13-36-44 PST Mihaela keyboard navigation, swiping etc 2018-11-23 19-53-27 PST Mihaela it has some own styles so i don't expect my changes will mess it up 2018-11-30 18-16-28 PST Mihaela I have no idea what pull does when it sees conflict 2018-11-26 11-58-34 PST Mihaela can I use the usb as os but the /var/ from my local hdd 2018-11-26 12-11-32 PST Mihaela NameError: name 'q' is not defined
Use exit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit
2020-09-25 14-14-55 PDT Mihaela lol 2020-09-25 14-42-52 PDT Mihaela to him 2018-11-29 13-10-31 PST Mihaela is it ok if I use it? 2018-11-28 15-12-58 PST Mihaela kewl 2018-11-29 13-57-32 PST Mihaela I changed the header block from forumdetails template into forumheader, then the header block I put in base.html started working 2018-11-24 20-36-51 PST Mihaela I did a small fix for mobiles but I don't think it's up there yet 2018-11-26 11-54-18 PST Mihaela you'll spend less time helping me with zips than spending your brain power on an outdated machine 2020-09-25 13-48-51 PDT Mihaela not all businesses follow those rules, most businesses fail 2018-11-17 16-35-03 PST Mihaela not in edit 2018-11-29 13-55-21 PST Mihaela I already have that locally to make it easier 2018-11-28 15-02-17 PST Mihaela it's not urgent 2020-09-25 15-27-54 PDT Mihaela I'm glad to help! Let me know how things go and if you need help with anything 2018-11-26 12-09-30 PST Mihaela is that py thing only? 2020-03-28 14-46-45 PDT Mihaela yes def. 2020-03-28 14-23-20 PDT Mihaela wow not even tar.gz allowed 2018-11-17 15-53-38 PST Mihaela I added some more html as text 2018-12-05 17-26-32 PST Mihaela oy, I'm writing a request to UX team 2018-11-25 09-14-39 PST Mihaela oh they're super super useful 2018-11-27 13-07-39 PST Mihaela how are we on the performance side? 2020-08-11 07-08-29 PDT Mihaela do you expect that the Board would block an initiative that we prepare and ask money for? For example some paid dev that we couldn't raise through crowdfunding? 2018-11-27 16-10-30 PST Mihaela you had to do something to output squares 2018-11-26 12-12-17 PST Mihaela $ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.6 ~/virtualenvs/venv_devopspy Running virtualenv with interpreter /usr/bin/python3.6 Using base prefix '/usr' New python executable in /home/mihaela/virtualenvs/venv_devopspy/bin/python3.6 Also creating executable in /home/mihaela/virtualenvs/venv_devopspy/bin/python Installing setuptools, pip, wheel... done. 2018-11-30 18-27-27 PST Mihaela yes a body class makes sense 2018-11-23 19-13-17 PST Mihaela https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/time 2018-11-26 17-06-13 PST Mihaela :tractor: 2018-11-26 11-53-43 PST Mihaela it's not that important is it? 2020-08-11 07-05-37 PDT Mihaela it's always been an issue of what things look like from the inside vs. outside. Users see the Board as the driving force, and the Board is kinda washing their hands of responsibility because it's been set up that way 2018-11-26 12-42-57 PST Mihaela Running migrations: No migrations to apply. Your models have changes that are not yet reflected in a migration, and so won't be applied. Run 'manage.py makemigrations' to make new migrations, and then re-run 'manage.py migrate' to apply them. 2018-11-29 14-05-03 PST Mihaela but it's better to only use one direction otherwise you get tangles 2018-11-18 14-50-50 PST Mihaela I did 2018-11-20 09-03-01 PST Mihaela its just differing communication styles and a bit sieve holes for information, but I can fill in the holes and we'll be on the same page 2018-11-26 13-15-25 PST Mihaela ok 2018-11-25 18-06-27 PST Mihaela `/var/www/html/inkscape-web/forums/static/emoji/48/1f642.png` 2020-09-25 14-27-05 PDT Mihaela how long usually? 2018-11-23 15-02-52 PST Mihaela lolol 2020-09-25 14-08-51 PDT Mihaela wow it's definitely a very bad situation 2018-11-26 12-41-46 PST Mihaela doing sth 2020-08-11 14-41-38 PDT Mihaela here's my quick take, it's still a lot of WIP and new ideas stream in as it's all happening (adding a call to donate to the project in general, if it's allowed by Patreon) 2018-11-23 10-26-35 PST Mihaela ill try to make it as soon as possible so you or someone can test my markup changes in time 2018-11-29 14-06-14 PST Mihaela :smirk_cat: 2018-11-18 15-32-12 PST Mihaela prkosUpdate.txt (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/hDpyAgpbtvgzGtQpm/prkosUpdate.txt) 2018-11-26 11-56-58 PST Mihaela and I might have old ubuntu, so I'd have to build a new vm 2018-12-01 09-07-20 PST Mihaela I think I'll be able to work out the collapsing layout with css, I was so tired I couldn't think straight 2018-11-23 19-34-39 PST Mihaela it's only a small change np, first world problems 2018-11-27 13-09-30 PST Mihaela client speed can count a lot these days 2018-11-20 08-43-43 PST Mihaela ill commit changes with screenshots 2018-11-28 14-29-52 PST Mihaela and rearrange the aside one because I need to move some HTML out of it 2018-11-30 18-13-54 PST Mihaela Your models have changes that are not yet reflected in a migration, and so won't be applied. Run 'manage.py makemigrations' to make new migrations, and then re-run 'manage.py migrate' to apply them. 2018-11-28 15-36-20 PST Mihaela ah I see it 2018-12-01 09-45-07 PST Mihaela nogo 2020-09-25 14-39-14 PDT Mihaela things change, some projects die, new come up with fresh energy 2018-11-23 18-50-53 PST Mihaela well its quick 2018-11-18 15-36-11 PST Mihaela Python 3.4.3 2018-11-18 15-19-21 PST Mihaela yes 2019-01-31 23-02-15 PST Mihaela so the folder we have isn't the same code as downloading it from their builder? It has the fixes applied? Can this somehow be separated? What version are we using? I'd like to use 5, and a different theme, and some more features (the basic one isn't usable IMO). Is there any interface through which we can enable/disable buttons or is this only done through their builder before downloading? How is the editor implemented into the forum? If I replace the folder will the functions be the same names and work? 2018-11-29 14-04-13 PST Mihaela ah so it can go both ways? 2018-11-29 14-07-59 PST Mihaela I still don't get why I'm not getting header output on forum thread 2018-11-23 08-56-36 PST Mihaela I'm still rearranging the html a bit to get things into right place for the design 2018-11-29 13-18-50 PST Mihaela it won't affect you in any significant way if you're not that into css, and it makes sense to clean out the output a bit 2018-11-27 11-48-33 PST Mihaela I'm just chatting about these things with bryce and maren 2018-11-27 13-30-57 PST Mihaela hehe 2018-11-27 13-35-11 PST Mihaela maybe there's a django plugin 2018-11-26 12-47-19 PST Mihaela No forums configured 2018-11-26 12-57-28 PST Mihaela how do I do that? 2018-11-25 17-15-55 PST Mihaela can you apply to live so I can check? 2018-11-29 14-02-13 PST Mihaela so it takes base.html and edits the details it wants and outputs base-modified 2020-09-25 14-22-37 PDT Mihaela what ideas? something surprising? 2018-11-26 12-44-44 PST Mihaela geoip? 2020-09-25 14-56-03 PDT Mihaela don't wait for the meeting to happen to gather info at the meeting, so again if there are objections you have arguments to counter them. Remind people of the end goal if you get tangled into details, always come back to the end goal and purpose of it all. If there's no clarity ask more questions and support discussion. Try to make them take it seriously so you don't waste time with one line comments, and try to get to some conclusions. 2020-08-11 14-26-07 PDT Mihaela unpaid that is 2020-08-11 07-03-32 PDT Mihaela but that is the issue for the whole Board, and it has been for years 2018-12-02 09-53-58 PST Mihaela yay! I didn't know 2018-11-17 15-50-05 PST Mihaela yes I see, I'm not getting the unicodes either 2018-11-26 12-07-06 PST Mihaela $ python3.6 Python 3.6.3 (default, Oct 6 2017, 00:00:00) [GCC 4.8.4] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
2018-11-27 15-46-18 PST Mihaela https://inkscape.org/forums/gallery/str-logo-2018/ 2020-09-25 14-59-07 PDT Mihaela open source development has a lot of flaws like that 2018-11-20 09-00-14 PST Mihaela so if we give her features she needs shell be exstatic 2018-11-25 18-16-41 PST Mihaela what happens when theres an attachment 2018-11-30 18-15-26 PST Mihaela but no icons 2018-11-30 18-36-20 PST Mihaela I used to have one icon 2018-11-27 13-32-21 PST Mihaela do the forum badges count new comments, not threads where there are changes? 2018-11-20 08-51-44 PST Mihaela nono all good 2018-12-01 18-20-15 PST Mihaela it doesn't appear on the comment list, I'm not sure if we should have it there but if it's not too difficult technically can you allow it there too? 2018-11-26 12-52-45 PST Mihaela i created a group, went ok, new thread 2018-11-29 13-52-18 PST Mihaela learning sass isn't that useful before you're css expert 2018-11-25 18-43-45 PST Mihaela I did remove some elements though 2018-11-26 11-52-31 PST Mihaela anyone else doing that? 2020-09-25 13-44-50 PDT Mihaela but you're asking a business owner :D you might not like the answer 2018-12-09 16-22-36 PST Mihaela aren't they just like other pages on the site? 2018-11-20 08-54-01 PST Mihaela yes 2018-11-28 15-36-29 PST Mihaela because of overlap need to set z-index 2018-11-27 12-05-39 PST Mihaela I think it would be useful to have one issue on GL to list them 2018-11-23 18-52-59 PST Mihaela maybe adjust the indentation not sure the convention there 2018-11-24 20-34-42 PST Mihaela you just have to write it all up for all items 2020-09-25 14-38-08 PDT Mihaela but I was warning about the project health a looooooong time ago 2018-11-17 16-09-56 PST Mihaela I'm nitpicking here lol 2018-12-02 18-06-18 PST Mihaela ty, I need to go now, and I'll probably be busy tomorrow too, so I'll address this on Tuesday if it's not too late 2018-11-28 15-04-28 PST Mihaela one of these days 2018-11-20 08-43-16 PST Mihaela yes 2020-09-25 13-54-46 PDT Mihaela this is just a tiny sliver of the problem 2018-11-27 13-36-15 PST Mihaela ok colorbox, lightbox all come to mind, not sure which one is the most popular nowadays 2018-11-26 11-55-56 PST Mihaela I have vms 2018-11-23 15-01-14 PST Mihaela yes I see the tools, I'll try to make them fit a bit more 2018-11-28 16-32-07 PST Mihaela I'll fix tomorrow 2018-11-26 12-36-38 PST Mihaela yup 2019-02-01 00-25-15 PST Mihaela what did you tweak? was it bugs and things didn't work? 2020-09-25 13-21-52 PDT Mihaela ok 5 mins 2018-11-30 18-24-55 PST Mihaela there's nothing in code now that tells me that 2020-09-25 14-37-28 PDT Mihaela I'm also a bit shocked that they kept silent, it's so irresponsible it makes me angry 2018-11-25 17-45-11 PST Mihaela https://fontawesome.com/icons/smile?style=regular maybe just that one then 2018-11-26 12-37-35 PST Mihaela got it 2020-08-11 14-23-09 PDT Mihaela :angry: didn't we agree to always use "Freedom Software" 2020-03-28 14-46-15 PDT Mihaela they have it working for other mask manufacturers too but it's not in the doc yet 2018-11-29 13-54-36 PST Mihaela for me gulp is set up to watch the folder for changes so it compiles whenever I save sass 2018-11-23 18-58-36 PST Mihaela not forums3? 2018-11-17 16-19-19 PST Mihaela oh my dog why take on something so huge on yourself 2018-11-29 13-55-40 PST Mihaela wow lol 2018-11-28 15-02-59 PST Mihaela I can mockup a design for the forum header 2018-11-20 08-56-30 PST Mihaela brynn emailed this morning about the old forum 2020-09-25 14-34-05 PDT Mihaela what is making you unhappy? what are they saying? 2018-11-20 08-57-58 PST Mihaela ok 2018-11-25 18-42-21 PST Mihaela old, so not my changes? 2018-11-23 19-11-53 PST Mihaela ` {{ comment.submit_date|timetag }} ` 2018-11-23 18-57-44 PST Mihaela just its placement 2018-11-26 12-13-58 PST Mihaela can I try and build local web? 2018-11-17 16-21-11 PST Mihaela as it should be :imp: 2018-12-09 13-12-52 PST Mihaela yes that was the intention 2018-11-29 13-50-50 PST Mihaela not sure about that py sass you suggested, seem like it might be enough 2018-11-23 18-52-20 PST Mihaela and it would be good if that could be tested 2018-11-24 20-34-28 PST Mihaela grids are notorious for not being step by step things 2018-11-26 12-30-56 PST Mihaela and then? 2018-11-27 16-09-23 PST Mihaela commit to branch forum-styles? 2018-11-29 15-12-59 PST Mihaela it can't be a completely new block in the file that extends it 2018-11-28 15-11-54 PST Mihaela :dancer: 2018-11-23 15-20-06 PST Mihaela no letters are silent 2018-11-25 17-37-12 PST Mihaela I can polish some more, need to make the other buttons fit better with the new bubbles 2018-11-23 19-14-19 PST Mihaela yes you can use the Ago in the element, but the attribute needs specific format 2020-03-28 14-17-41 PDT Mihaela https://pandemija.info/respiratorhr/ We're translating into English now, not yet live 2018-11-25 18-09-13 PST Mihaela you still on holiday? 2018-11-17 16-00-52 PST Mihaela sure 2018-11-23 18-51-54 PST Mihaela so I shouldn't do the Issue-branch-whatever process? 2018-12-05 17-26-42 PST Mihaela comments? 2018-11-30 18-29-10 PST Mihaela I would like to have a different class there if on forum thread page 2018-11-20 08-51-04 PST Mihaela you know ubuntu 14 nogo py 2020-03-28 14-34-38 PDT Mihaela membrane 2018-11-29 19-48-09 PST Mihaela I pushed to master, there is ONE hardcoded bits you should replace in the `forumtopic_detail_html` in line 6. It is marked with my text starting with Hardcoded and a comment {#........#} replace that with real code. If we have subforums of subforums create a loop including the anchor element with glyphicon span, but excluding the last span .forum-thread-title 2018-11-27 15-30-24 PST Mihaela when I search for `panel-resource` I only get css files, no template where that class is used 2020-09-25 14-19-08 PDT Mihaela haha I recognize the feel 2018-11-18 15-37-14 PST Mihaela but I was so looking forward to mangling forum css 2018-11-26 13-17-14 PST Mihaela ok I'll adjust the other buttons to resemble more 2018-11-17 16-16-59 PST Mihaela there isn't something already ready for django forum? 2018-11-25 18-08-58 PST Mihaela case package? 2018-11-18 15-18-00 PST Mihaela 2.7 seems to be 2020-03-28 14-37-18 PDT Mihaela are you sure about the "it's"? 2018-11-26 12-47-55 PST Mihaela :fries: but I'd like some fried with dat 2018-11-27 16-06-24 PST Mihaela is that by design? 2018-11-24 20-38-41 PST Mihaela I usually use % or vw as horizontal units 2018-11-18 15-32-41 PST Mihaela ImportError: No module named 'django' * DONE touch: cannot touch βdata/updated.lastβ: No such file or directory 2018-11-28 14-30-59 PST Mihaela ok ty 2018-11-23 15-01-33 PST Mihaela but they look great overall 2018-11-24 20-35-01 PST Mihaela and then debug 2018-11-23 10-19-52 PST Mihaela lolol np 2018-11-23 18-55-15 PST Mihaela wow media type html not accepted here 2020-09-25 13-35-10 PDT Mihaela That can be helped much more easily than culture issues 2018-11-26 12-46-44 PST Mihaela no link to forum right? 2018-11-18 14-52-00 PST Mihaela I don't remember needing it before 2018-11-27 12-51-44 PST Mihaela and one other maybe stupid q: why bootstrap? 2018-11-17 16-12-59 PST Mihaela ok, weird choice of markup but it doesn't hurt too much I guess 2018-11-17 16-31-24 PST Mihaela will attachments accept svg? 2018-11-18 15-12-07 PST Mihaela so far a bit different: 2020-09-25 14-49-53 PDT Mihaela just in a bit more detail 2020-03-28 14-17-10 PDT Mihaela Oy! Can you help proof read some text that has been translated from Croatian to English?
It's about a doc about a volunteer project about how to 3D print a piece to connect a snorkle mask with a virus filter, licensed CC No Commercial
It's not likely we'll need it in Croatia, knock on wood, but they already have a lot of interest from abroad, India especially.
My biggest issue is what to call the part, the 3D printed piece that goes between the mask and the filter, we call it "adapter". Is that a good word? Maybe "connector"? What would makers call that do you know?
2018-11-27 15-42-21 PST Mihaela css is common? 2018-11-23 19-35-48 PST Mihaela but what about the one next to author name 2018-11-17 16-01-20 PST Mihaela `/* Copyright (c) 2003-2017, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license */` 2018-11-28 14-56-31 PST Mihaela comment? 2018-11-27 13-09-56 PST Mihaela to display the above fold content as soon as 2018-11-18 14-55-14 PST Mihaela prkosInitProblem.txt (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/Bydi4sbn3Z64QJ2o4/prkosInitProblem.txt) 2018-12-14 09-45-25 PST Mihaela that's ok, I think it will still be good to chat about what he'd like to achieve 2018-11-25 18-16-17 PST Mihaela although it would help to have a thread with all the trimmings 2018-11-27 13-28-31 PST Mihaela where dat? 2018-11-26 12-59-34 PST Mihaela ok it's runing now but the main navigation is missing 2018-11-27 08-45-51 PST Mihaela Is it too much? That's why I was worried that it's too much for one person, people are used to existing forum features and there are quite a few built over the years. Perhaps building special pages for unread posts and new posts isn't that big of a deal, but the spam and account management can be tricky 2018-11-30 18-22-15 PST Mihaela for cases with and without sidebar 2020-09-25 15-04-00 PDT Mihaela are you playing truant? 2018-11-17 16-20-56 PST Mihaela or is it on gitlab? 2018-11-23 19-31-32 PST Mihaela yes 2018-11-27 13-50-56 PST Mihaela is it possible to have themes? 2018-11-18 15-16-03 PST Mihaela ``` django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: The SECRET_KEY setting must not be empty. * DONE Retrieving translations... Already on 'live' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/live'. HEAD is now at f8e8c55 Merge branch 'master' into live CommandError: This script should be run from the Django Git checkout or your project or app tree, or with the settings module specified. Updating inkscape-web log... Retrieving inkscape-docs... Username for 'https://gitlab.com': prkos Password for 'https://prkos@gitlab.com': fatal: repository 'https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape-docs-export-website.git/' not found Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. New revisions found, updating! HEAD is now at 06980d2 Update LICENSE ./utils/deploy-docs: line 46: data/media/doc/revision: No such file or directory Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/utils/../inkscape/manage.py", line 33, in
``` 2018-11-27 11-50-14 PST Mihaela lolol 2018-11-23 10-27-53 PST Mihaela snow? 2020-09-25 14-36-22 PDT Mihaela :sweat: :cry: 2018-11-24 20-38-23 PST Mihaela but on mobiles it steals half the screen 2018-11-18 15-10-44 PST Mihaela yes but still that NoneType? 2018-11-29 13-52-56 PST Mihaela but the more I read about this py thing I think it might work 2018-11-26 12-28-35 PST Mihaela ok I'll do that 2018-11-29 13-59-15 PST Mihaela but I don't understand why is `forumheader` from forumtopic_detail.html output above the `header` from base.html 2018-11-18 14-53-26 PST Mihaela here's what I get: 2020-09-25 14-21-59 PDT Mihaela what did you hope for the new Board structure to be? People and changes 2018-12-09 16-19-26 PST Mihaela I added clipart from openclipart but have no idea if they look good, if a designer steps in with something nicer I'd be happy to code it in, but I don't have more time to work on the design 2018-11-23 18-52-37 PST Mihaela that the loops are looping correctly 2018-11-20 08-57-34 PST Mihaela we wont get far without her on forums she does almost everything 2018-11-28 15-40-00 PST Mihaela can I push unfinished work to master? 2018-11-23 19-14-55 PST Mihaela you can see the acceptable formats on that page a bit lower 2018-11-29 13-48-52 PST Mihaela usually when building with sass you have the json and gulp files that execute it 2020-08-11 07-00-19 PDT Mihaela Any way I'd like to meet with Karen and see what she says, I expect it will be enlightening 2018-11-30 18-26-59 PST Mihaela that only tells me sidebar is empty 2018-11-28 16-41-10 PST Mihaela ty 2018-11-30 18-20-00 PST Mihaela but then after merge failed I expected to see my old unchanged file 2018-11-23 15-21-55 PST Mihaela :rolling_eyes: 2018-11-17 16-13-35 PST Mihaela do we control html templates? 2020-09-25 13-20-38 PDT Mihaela haha you're fishing
Don't look at it as an issue concerning women. It's a general issue. It's just that it comes up more easily with women because they're easy targets, because of the overall situation of less respect and all the other stuff that goes along...
The "correct" procedure would be to follow the Code of Conduct. I have considered it at first, but opted to give a chance in private. How that went, although I got an apology, made me not to want to get involved any further, just to avoid wasting time, and because of uncertainty of all sorts, and partially because Chris is the one in charge. This isn't a simple clean CoC issue. Maybe it would help the project to go through that procedure, but it wouldn't increase the chance of me coming back in the same capacity as before.
I have yet to hear my contributions are welcome and wanted. The atmosphere is "meh, whatever, it's open source if you don't want to you don't have to". That's not how a project can thrive. And I don't feel any of you understands that! You're just stuck in the historic ways of dealing with things where very little apart from the code was considered. It's already happened. It's impossible to tell where Inkscape would be today had it not lost (invisibly) a huge part of work that could have been contributed. Yet no one cares, no one talks about sustainability, nor goals, nor what financial goals might be. It's all lets just see how far we can go on unorganized volunteer work. That type of a project can't solve the culture problem in a million years.
For me to want to do something about it it would be necessary to feel that it _can_ change.
I'm also not telling you partially because I have no idea what you'd think or how you'd react, meaning it could be negative towards me. I might no be believed, or worse the other side would seem more valid to you (that would happen if you're just trying to defend your own irrational biases). I feel alone, and the people "on the other side" seem to be struggling to continue, which is hurting the project. This is a huge lesson in why leadership is important, but I don't expect you understand that, nor that you understand the difference between good and bad leadership.
If anything above sounds vague to you, hard to understand, then you wouldn't understand the problem even if you knew the details of events.
What do you expect of the CoC procedure, if that were to happen? What would that resolve? How do you expect it to help the project? 2018-11-29 13-49-45 PST Mihaela but I can include sass too if you like 2018-11-26 12-46-36 PST Mihaela seems to be working 2020-03-28 14-45-45 PDT Mihaela thank you! The medical guy will check our translation to English once we gather it all into one doc, then after he checks the medical I'll send you to check for clarity 2018-11-27 16-08-29 PST Mihaela also: can I commit and push through cli? 2020-08-11 07-06-17 PDT Mihaela I think Ryan might accept and he might get a lot of support too 2018-11-25 18-18-03 PST Mihaela if you know which cases those are maybe you can list them somewhere 2018-12-01 09-07-34 PST Mihaela I pulled and updated but I'm getting an error 2018-11-30 18-24-01 PST Mihaela maybe ask Brynn if she wants the sidebar always there 2020-09-25 14-10-08 PDT Mihaela and who smacks back, Bryce? 2018-11-29 14-00-31 PST Mihaela no? 2020-09-25 14-29-01 PDT Mihaela does he see the tweets thanking for the mac version? 2018-11-23 19-09-02 PST Mihaela but this was a big change 2018-11-27 13-09-11 PST Mihaela I'll go along with any framework I can understand well enough to use 2018-11-25 17-37-30 PST Mihaela but I'd like to hear some feedback first 2020-09-25 14-39-45 PDT Mihaela but what I saw wasn't even to do with the times changing 2020-09-25 13-55-00 PDT Mihaela I'd really have to write a novel about what the solution might be 2018-11-27 15-41-19 PST Mihaela aren't we keeping forums separate styles 2018-11-23 18-50-36 PST Mihaela yes 2018-11-17 16-35-42 PST Mihaela aaaaaah 2018-12-07 10-50-50 PST Mihaela yup 2018-11-23 15-02-24 PST Mihaela CSS all the things! 2018-11-28 14-30-24 PST Mihaela I just need to make sure that isn't tied to something else, if I start rearrangin code that some features disappear 2018-11-26 12-33-36 PST Mihaela that one? 2018-11-27 13-13-30 PST Mihaela you sure it's on the client side? insidehtml and css? 2018-11-27 13-34-59 PST Mihaela colorbox or something like that 2018-11-23 19-15-38 PST Mihaela aaaaah sorry didn't notice the time already in output 2020-09-25 14-27-55 PDT Mihaela why quit? 2018-12-01 09-45-21 PST Mihaela $ ./utils/manage loaddata forums
WARNING:root:No fastly module installed (skipping) [skipping] Expected file: /var/www/html/inkscape-web/data/fixtures/media/forum/icon/art_gallery.svg [skipping] Expected file: /var/www/html/inkscape-web/data/fixtures/media/forum/icon/art_general.svg [skipping] Expected file: /var/www/html/inkscape-web/data/fixtures/media/forum/icon/school.svg [skipping] Expected file: /var/www/html/inkscape-web/data/fixtures/media/forum/icon/ext.png [skipping] Expected file: /var/www/html/inkscape-web/data/fixtures/media/forum/icon/bugs.svg [skipping] Expected file: /var/www/html/inkscape-web/data/fixtures/media/forum/icon/basic_q.svg [skipping] Expected file: /var/www/html/inkscape-web/data/fixtures/media/forum/icon/basic_b.svg [skipping] Expected file: /var/www/html/inkscape-web/data/fixtures/media/forum/icon/compet.svg [skipping] Expected file: /var/www/html/inkscape-web/data/fixtures/media/forum/icon/graph.svg [skipping] Expected file: /var/www/html/inkscape-web/data/fixtures/media/forum/icon/laser.svg [skipping] Expected file: /var/www/html/inkscape-web/data/fixtures/media/forum/icon/www.svg [skipping] Expected file: /var/www/html/inkscape-web/data/fixtures/media/forum/icon/ani.svg [skipping] Expected file: /var/www/html/inkscape-web/data/fixtures/media/forum/icon/pony.svg [skipping] Expected file: /var/www/html/inkscape-web/data/fixtures/media/forum/icon/educators.svg Installed 18 object(s) from 1 fixture(s) 2018-11-26 12-01-31 PST Mihaela when I need to 2018-11-23 15-03-07 PST Mihaela I need to add that to my sig 2018-11-18 15-14-41 PST Mihaela I'll restore from trash 2020-09-25 14-04-00 PDT Mihaela why is him being MIA so paralyzing? 2020-09-25 13-33-36 PDT Mihaela Do you mean after the moderation? 2018-11-24 20-37-39 PST Mihaela using px as units for horizontal measures isn't the best strategy 2020-07-13 16-22-49 PDT Mihaela and if Bryce and the Board tell SFC that I'm the appointed person, and they only have to deal with me, and I know my duties then they should be ok with it 2018-11-26 12-50-44 PST Mihaela group field required 2020-08-11 07-03-16 PDT Mihaela nope 2020-09-25 14-47-59 PDT Mihaela you just got your first speech :D 2018-11-27 13-30-14 PST Mihaela I used to be so into css animations 2018-11-28 15-04-16 PST Mihaela aaaaaaaah good idea 2018-11-30 18-21-01 PST Mihaela but you check what's happening 2020-09-25 14-26-35 PDT Mihaela not unless they also learn those other things 2018-11-25 17-59-07 PST Mihaela lol 2020-09-25 14-17-56 PDT Mihaela hasn't anyone chatted with him about his intentions and goals 2018-11-27 13-03-10 PST Mihaela I was thinking about the UX side as well 2018-11-30 18-31-52 PST Mihaela why don't I have icons? 2018-11-27 16-02-18 PST Mihaela it's because the same class is used for different areas on the comment thread 2018-11-25 17-39-22 PST Mihaela yes I was thinking about that, it should probably be something far less eye catching 2018-11-27 13-06-30 PST Mihaela how come 2018-11-26 11-59-34 PST Mihaela no, ubuntu 14 2018-11-17 16-27-57 PST Mihaela ok 2018-11-28 16-26-47 PST Mihaela i pushed 2020-07-04 15-35-17 PDT Mihaela Oy!
What was the new feature you wanted us to tweet about?
I have access now to Inky Twitter so I can post it 2018-12-09 16-18-38 PST Mihaela I added separate vectors classes to apply only to those particular boxes 2018-11-28 15-04-19 PST Mihaela ok 2018-11-23 19-35-39 PST Mihaela aha so these are the comment feedback 2020-03-28 14-36-06 PDT Mihaela lol that's ok as long as we ship the production version correctly :) 2020-09-25 13-21-41 PDT Mihaela you wanna read first? 2018-12-01 09-46-33 PST Mihaela lolol 2018-11-27 13-44-58 PST Mihaela https://inkscape.org/forums/questions/cant-draw-circles-anymore/#c1989 2018-11-27 16-05-37 PST Mihaela np, as long as I know I won't mess up anything else 2018-11-23 19-31-16 PST Mihaela with pls 2018-11-28 15-55-29 PST Mihaela ok 2018-11-18 15-14-32 PST Mihaela it doesn't get generated autoamtically? 2018-11-17 15-45-48 PST Mihaela of course, what exactly should I do? 2018-11-23 08-55-52 PST Mihaela Brynn hasn't replied yet, she's usually out this part of the week 2020-03-28 14-41-19 PDT Mihaela yes that will be adapter, not connector 2018-11-25 17-38-26 PST Mihaela that's why I need to see live 2018-11-25 18-18-14 PST Mihaela or create threads just for testing 2018-11-25 17-38-38 PST Mihaela really hard to dev blind without a local instance 2018-11-29 13-45-55 PST Mihaela so the idea is only I use it 2018-11-26 12-57-23 PST Mihaela System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
You have 8 unapplied migration(s). Your project may not work properly until you apply the migrations for app(s): el_menu, forums, resources. Run 'python manage.py migrate' to apply them. 2018-11-18 15-00-02 PST Mihaela it's not empty 2018-11-20 08-47-24 PST Mihaela i think ill be able to commit and screensht later today 2020-09-25 13-30-33 PDT Mihaela did they go into specifics? 2018-11-27 16-10-15 PST Mihaela lol an error 2018-11-29 13-28-14 PST Mihaela BTW if it's not too much of a bother can you zip me a thread with moderation buttons 2018-11-17 16-20-51 PST Mihaela I can propose changes for html and css 2018-11-18 15-03-34 PST Mihaela or 2018-11-30 18-27-31 PST Mihaela or 2020-09-25 14-31-21 PDT Mihaela yay 2018-11-30 18-12-41 PST Mihaela base.html is borked for me 2018-11-25 17-16-01 PST Mihaela there will probably be bugs 2018-11-26 12-43-55 PST Mihaela yes 2018-12-09 16-35-21 PST Mihaela where should I add the changes? main.css? I need to add comments and check mobile so it won't be today 2018-11-27 13-44-21 PST Mihaela rare unicorns like humble me 2020-08-11 07-12-44 PDT Mihaela I understand your concerns, I've just been in enough of touch situations and found a way out so I allow for some positive unknowns to come our way 2018-11-30 18-28-47 PST Mihaela but look at the element .forum-content 2018-11-26 12-00-24 PST Mihaela but it's still a lot slower 2018-11-30 18-36-29 PST Mihaela now after update its not there 2020-09-25 14-30-26 PDT Mihaela what ideas did I put inside your head? 2018-11-24 20-33-38 PST Mihaela I had a plan to just do some simple touch ups but it escalated lol 2018-11-28 14-29-07 PST Mihaela so I'll do that for header area for example 2018-11-23 10-25-32 PST Mihaela count me in 2018-11-25 17-37-44 PST Mihaela already? 2018-11-18 15-05-07 PST Mihaela $ git checkout forum3 error: pathspec 'forum3' did not match any file(s) known to git. 2018-11-28 16-34-43 PST Mihaela btw I animated the main forums logo 2020-03-28 14-37-36 PDT Mihaela I thought the possesion is without the apostrophe 2018-11-30 18-25-50 PST Mihaela I need backend to take care of that 2018-11-30 18-15-38 PST Mihaela np about the conflict 2018-11-25 17-43-58 PST Mihaela there are ones with the plus + 2018-11-23 18-52-09 PST Mihaela I edited the comment-list.html a lot 2020-03-28 14-36-21 PDT Mihaela do you mean to bolden it within text on the site? 2018-11-25 17-40-04 PST Mihaela maybe there's a more generic one we can use BW only 2018-11-17 16-33-28 PST Mihaela why is the emoji showing on all posts and even in view mode? 2020-07-13 07-02-58 PDT Mihaela Marc said he still needs a lot of clarifications about what needs to be done, so he can't estimate before that, and you mentioned that it might be done with a cap, Marc said GSoC or Outreachy (BTW in that case I propose that Inkscape also pays the mentor in addition to Outreachy). So that seems to be going in its own pace.
What is left to do with Bryce and SFC is to start the convo about fundraising. Given that this topic isn't new and there might be some friction from SFC maybe simply asking for their legal templates isn't a good idea. We need to fix the relationship first and clear the air. Vectors have tasked me with all things Fundraising and I'd love to help Bryce with SFC. Maybe we can arrange a meeting that would be introductory to me from SFC, as a designated Fundraising Inkscape person. I could get a feel for their fears and show them how we could collaborate in a way that is pleasant to both sides. If it really was just an issue of lack of proper communication they could see having a dedicated position as a good sign.
All this isn't really aimed at you, I should be going to Bryce with it. I don't know how comfortable you are about me revealing to Bryce I've heard things went in the past. Should I just email Bryce and tell him that as a designated person I'd like for him to set up an introductory meeting with SFC? 2020-03-28 14-46-33 PDT Mihaela they haven't been sleeping for days to get this to work and write the initial doc 2018-11-23 15-00-58 PST Mihaela dont worry me neither lol 2018-11-26 13-12-12 PST Mihaela so I can see them lcoally 2018-11-29 13-45-46 PST Mihaela I already set it up for myself locally 2018-11-27 11-53-41 PST Mihaela to cut out all the steps that can be automated 2018-11-29 13-56-42 PST Mihaela it's better we focus on those templates 2018-11-18 15-35-54 PST Mihaela hopefully I'll catch some time during xmas holidays 2020-09-25 14-41-32 PDT Mihaela do you expect most will be for the changes? 2018-11-25 18-01-24 PST Mihaela and a screenshots so I can see about the emoji position 2020-09-25 13-58-24 PDT Mihaela what do you mean? 2018-11-26 12-06-23 PST Mihaela The following extra packages will be installed: libmpdec2 libpython3.6-minimal libpython3.6-stdlib python3.6-minimal Suggested packages: python3.6-venv python3.6-doc The following NEW packages will be installed: libmpdec2 libpython3.6-minimal libpython3.6-stdlib python3.6 python3.6-minimal 2018-11-26 12-13-50 PST Mihaela is that done now? 2018-11-17 15-54-35 PST Mihaela what are the numbers in the footer of each post on the left? 2020-09-25 13-21-19 PDT Mihaela here? 2018-11-26 12-12-09 PST Mihaela $ pip3 --version pip 1.5.4 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (python 3.4) 2020-09-25 14-49-40 PDT Mihaela anticipate what their objections might be before you reveal your proposal, so when the questions come up you have a ready answer, the answer will most likely be one of those things I just listed above 2018-11-23 19-05-55 PST Mihaela I dont like the web ide view much 2020-03-28 14-20-06 PDT Mihaela rocket won't let me attacht odt 2018-11-27 15-28-01 PST Mihaela what is the template responsible for first gallery comment? 2018-11-23 18-57-01 PST Mihaela comment-list.html 2020-09-25 13-57-01 PDT Mihaela I've learned from other examples that it's possible to change the culture: by first very clearly understanding the problem and having everyone standing behind the change, then come up with changes that would fix what you've observed to be wrong, then enforce those so super diligently and without exception 2018-12-09 16-22-24 PST Mihaela they should be :p 2018-11-29 13-48-01 PST Mihaela I already a local folder with some options to compile css from sass, so I make it to output the forum.css into the local repo in the right location 2018-11-26 12-13-37 PST Mihaela the last line 2018-11-18 15-16-48 PST Mihaela at the end it repeats about the secretkey 2020-08-01 10-22-59 PDT Mihaela websiteNextPartial.pdf (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/jATrnyFLECBSjgfie/websiteNextPartial.p...) 2018-11-26 11-53-28 PST Mihaela I'll be doing some fixes now and let you know when I'm done 2018-11-27 15-40-53 PST Mihaela but now I don't know what else it might affect 2018-11-27 13-26-54 PST Mihaela :banana: the only thing missing is the dancing banana 2018-11-29 13-11-30 PST Mihaela and subsequently if you add some CSS to it that follows a different rule, then if I edit and compile with my changes it will change your spacing as well 2018-11-26 12-38-37 PST Mihaela done requirements 2018-11-25 17-16-42 PST Mihaela np 2018-11-26 13-03-03 PST Mihaela I have no idea what was happening, I was just along for the ride watching out a window 2018-11-26 12-11-46 PST Mihaela yes I seem to have pip3 2018-11-23 18-50-19 PST Mihaela don't know which approach to use 2018-11-29 14-09-50 PST Mihaela is there some doc I can read? 2018-11-30 18-16-04 PST Mihaela I know how to merge the code in meld 2018-11-26 12-10-07 PST Mihaela I tried it 2018-11-18 15-20-39 PST Mihaela I haven't done anything for the forum yet 2020-09-25 14-01-19 PDT Mihaela I thought those were kinda external experiences 2018-11-30 18-17-22 PST Mihaela I can learn that some other day 2018-11-27 16-44-17 PST Mihaela File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/pythonenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/haystack/utils/loading.py", line 97, in ensure_defaults raise ImproperlyConfigured("The key '%s' isn't an available connection." % alias) django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: The key 'forums' isn't an available connection. 2020-03-29 17-55-00 PDT Mihaela Here you go if you want to take a look, although I don't think they'll be updating the English version much, they're swamped with organizing stuff and responding to requests. I'll take a note though and push any changes when I can. 2018-11-30 18-20-47 PST Mihaela it was basically the duplicated sidebar 2018-11-30 18-16-58 PST Mihaela i go through terminal 2020-09-25 14-15-08 PDT Mihaela what does Bryce get out of all this 2018-11-26 17-05-13 PST Mihaela only did thread styles today 2018-11-30 18-19-16 PST Mihaela i pushed 2018-11-30 18-15-21 PST Mihaela I see a shitload of forums now 2018-11-27 13-44-39 PST Mihaela :unicorn: 2018-11-30 18-24-42 PST Mihaela I just need to adjust css, its easy 2020-07-13 14-42-36 PDT Mihaela What's the procedure/elections to come on Board anyway? 2018-11-17 16-12-08 PST Mihaela maybe include some reply levels 2018-11-26 12-43-18 PST Mihaela downloading some media 2018-11-30 18-26-05 PST Mihaela output a class on the container or something when sidebar is or isn't there 2018-11-18 15-09-21 PST Mihaela still the same 2018-11-26 12-33-32 PST Mihaela virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.6 ~/virtualenvs/venv_devopspy 2018-11-27 11-45-07 PST Mihaela why instead? 2018-11-30 18-30-53 PST Mihaela .forum-list 2018-11-17 16-20-38 PST Mihaela can you send me the template for the thread 2018-11-17 16-20-19 PST Mihaela yes I expect you can get some co-maintainers from the community 2018-11-18 15-02-11 PST Mihaela * remotes/origin/forums3 2018-11-23 14-56-50 PST Mihaela comment list 2018-11-27 16-23-28 PST Mihaela you'll have to integrate some logic there right? 2020-08-11 14-24-26 PDT Mihaela rephrase it from the perspective of What's in it for me, from the perspective of the potential patron? reading it 2018-11-28 14-26-36 PST Mihaela what does block do? `{% block "container" %}`, `{% block "side" %}` I need to rearrange base forum layout, put header stuff in header element, get main content out of, how does that affect that code? 2018-11-17 16-15-02 PST Mihaela is this example the most complex we can get? 2018-11-27 16-06-33 PST Mihaela they seem to be square on other comments 2018-11-26 12-22-44 PST Mihaela how is that called? 2018-11-25 17-39-50 PST Mihaela is that an image from an existing gallery? 2018-11-23 19-19-14 PST Mihaela ok I committed 2020-09-25 14-24-27 PDT Mihaela that's what everyone expects of it anyway 2018-11-17 16-15-23 PST Mihaela because some features may rely on the markup to be there 2018-11-26 13-11-07 PST Mihaela sure 2018-12-14 09-44-13 PST Mihaela the problem is I'm not quite sure what his goal was with some of it, I already looked before and thought I would approve but I'd like to get feedback from him and suggest what CSS to use so we both understand it, I'll adjust my methods if they're too confusing 2018-11-18 15-03-07 PST Mihaela git checkout -b remotes/origin/forum3 2018-11-29 13-12-22 PST Mihaela I now have them all with 2 2018-11-18 12-57-24 PST Mihaela it didn't go without problems: 2018-11-18 15-12-22 PST Mihaela ``` File "/var/www/html/inkscape-web/pythonenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 113, in __init__ raise ImproperlyConfigured("The SECRET_KEY setting must not be empty.") django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: The SECRET_KEY setting must not be empty. * DONE Retrieving translations... Already on 'live' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/live'. HEAD is now at f8e8c55 Merge branch 'master' into live CommandError: This script should be run from the Django Git checkout or your project or app tree, or with the settings module specified. Updating inkscape-web log... Retrieving inkscape-docs... Username for 'https://gitlab.com':
``` 2018-11-17 16-02-45 PST Mihaela Screen Shot 2018-11-18 at 01.00.33-fullpage.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/EtbzvRAsPAyadxeQ7/Screen%20Shot%202018...) 2018-11-30 18-20-53 PST Mihaela I deleted that 2018-11-27 13-58-40 PST Mihaela why 2018-11-17 16-06-02 PST Mihaela yes it's good to include larger samples, sometimes they can destroy layout so it's good to test 2018-11-17 16-01-00 PST Mihaela BTW i see this in contents.css 2020-09-25 15-08-24 PDT Mihaela ok teacher must go get sth to eat, talk amongst yourselves 2018-11-17 16-15-35 PST Mihaela I have to know if I'm to do some cleaning up 2018-11-26 12-03-18 PST Mihaela it does 2018-11-24 20-35-21 PST Mihaela I should have it solved soon, but I'll have to go out soon 2018-11-18 14-59-36 PST Mihaela I can bring it back 2018-11-26 13-03-13 PST Mihaela the screenshot is huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge 2018-11-26 12-42-36 PST Mihaela 1131 static files copied to '/var/www/html/inkscape-web/data/static'.
Copied static files from pythonenv to local static 2018-11-20 08-54-37 PST Mihaela do send but its no hurry, id like to get feedback first from people 2020-09-25 14-51-57 PDT Mihaela when you're in a meeting, don't ever give up before you've got a satisfying answer to the meeting topics. Obviously define the topics up front and what the desired outcomes are 2018-11-28 16-33-44 PST Mihaela :nerd: 2018-11-25 18-00-59 PST Mihaela yes if it won't be on live tomorrow 2018-11-27 15-49-02 PST Mihaela I see two are two separate things, Gallery the old, and the forum gallery 2020-09-25 13-54-34 PDT Mihaela maybe it would be a tad different in freedom software, in a way that it wouldn't be an open position, you'd still recruit from people who come forward on their own, but you wouldn't assign them randomly into roles, and you'd give them to do what is appropriate for them. You'd still need good leadership which is hard to find, even companies struggle to find when they offer lots of money 2018-11-23 15-20-16 PST Mihaela in normal pronounciation 2018-11-17 16-16-37 PST Mihaela oh that's a lot to do from scratch 2018-11-18 14-52-16 PST Mihaela I had to enter key ssh yes when I did git pull 2020-07-13 15-25-28 PDT Mihaela BTW it's come up in the website revamp we might be considering a different CMS. I know it's your baby, you've put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into it. How do you feel about this? You should be given several medals for the work you put into it. I don't want you to wrongly feel like it isn't appreciated. 2020-03-28 14-34-53 PDT Mihaela good point 2018-11-27 13-14-12 PST Mihaela you talking about sth else? 2018-11-25 18-17-33 PST Mihaela and there are probably different threads, cases that people see, anonymous, mods etc that all need to look acceptable 2018-11-17 16-08-26 PST Mihaela the user images are quite big, maybe make them smaller? 2018-11-23 18-50-27 PST Mihaela planned to hack it through interface 2018-11-18 14-55-49 PST Mihaela same problem 2018-11-30 18-25-41 PST Mihaela I can't tell parent to react according to some of children missing 2018-11-26 12-08-10 PST Mihaela why d? 2018-11-27 13-51-14 PST Mihaela so you can easily switch between styles, combinations of templates and css 2020-09-25 14-41-12 PDT Mihaela gather info from everyone Bryce included 2018-11-23 15-10-55 PST Mihaela I'd need to read and think more to see about Croatian, but it's definitely synthetic and not analytic 2020-09-25 14-13-22 PDT Mihaela transgress? 2018-11-26 12-14-44 PST Mihaela do I have to do that last command always for local inky? 2018-11-23 19-09-20 PST Mihaela eccelente! 2018-12-01 09-06-49 PST Mihaela ohai, sorry about last night had to leave in a hurry 2018-11-26 12-00-07 PST Mihaela I can share folders 2018-11-20 08-44-01 PST Mihaela but somrone has to test for real 2020-09-25 14-15-26 PDT Mihaela does he hope to get something? 2018-11-18 15-33-20 PST Mihaela ubuntu 14.04 2020-08-11 06-59-08 PDT Mihaela I know we discussed this already, but I'd prefer to just do the work and bother Bryce to do the admin :D 2018-11-30 18-00-22 PST Mihaela CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in forums/templates/forums/base.html 2018-11-17 16-11-55 PST Mihaela I see each post is an ul 2018-11-23 19-38-19 PST Mihaela I added HTML comments to template so it's easier to navigate around it, you can remove them once we're done if it's too much for you 2020-07-12 10-09-56 PDT Mihaela Hello! I hope you're on the mend from yesterday! I was only participating and it was tiring, you're probably completely exhausted. Michele offered to lead some parts or rooms for you if you like.
Anyway, I wanted to ask about what happened yesterday with devs helping out with the purpose task? I thought it would be discussed on the Board meeting if there was time, or later if it didn't fit, but everyone acted as if they didn't know about it.
And Bryce seems out of the loop about what was agreed about the Multipage support. If the Board needed to approve why wasn't it on the agenda? Did something happen in the meantime I don't know about?
Why did you act like you never got clarifications about branding before? I put in a lot of effort into that several years ago, did really nothing get through you past the cattle branding?
2018-11-20 08-59-36 PST Mihaela to forum people the most important thing is to make life easier for users and admins 2020-03-28 14-41-47 PDT Mihaela yes, connector is also on the snorkel mask 2018-11-23 18-51-24 PST Mihaela I'm creating the Issue now, but wanted to include the screenshot, but css not ready yet 2018-11-26 12-53-23 PST Mihaela can't add attachments 2020-09-25 14-46-24 PDT Mihaela so if a leader emerges who appears strong enough to beat the opposition and the leaders' proposal kinda aligns with their opinions they will follow in a heart beat 2018-11-29 13-47-05 PST Mihaela I haven't tried it that way before but I don't expect I'd need to refactor your code to make it work, because css is within sass spec 2018-11-29 14-10-52 PST Mihaela sorry I'm overbearing :bear: 2018-11-18 14-55-44 PST Mihaela I did that too earlier 2018-11-26 11-58-10 PST Mihaela I'm not sure if I'd know how to do that 2018-11-29 13-45-59 PST Mihaela you stick with css 2020-09-25 14-29-38 PDT Mihaela good work! 2018-11-23 19-04-22 PST Mihaela I committed already 2018-11-26 12-19-23 PST Mihaela unpacking django..... 2018-11-23 15-07-36 PST Mihaela because it's a different strategy 2020-09-25 14-38-51 PDT Mihaela it's the problem of not having enough skills in the project to keep it afloat 2018-11-27 13-02-56 PST Mihaela I'm not done, can't do all in one day 2019-01-31 23-55-37 PST Mihaela that wasn't the one, there was a much longer one, where issues from other threads were collected 2020-09-25 14-29-58 PDT Mihaela you're definitely not just a dev :D 2020-09-25 14-38-22 PDT Mihaela often it was Bryce who contradicted me 2018-11-26 12-28-18 PST Mihaela Collecting python-dateutil==2.7.3 (from -r requirements.txt (line 3)) Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/cf/f5/af2b09c957ace60dcfac112b669c45... (211kB) 100% |ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ| 215kB 2.9MB/s Collecting whoosh==2.7.4 (from -r requirements.txt (line 4)) Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/ba/19/24d0f1f454a2c1eb689ca28d2f178d... (468kB) 100% |ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ| 471kB 2.9MB/s Collecting pygments==2.2.0 (from -r requirements.txt (line 5)) 2018-11-23 14-56-15 PST Mihaela can you send me a zip of processed code of a page like the last time? 2018-11-30 18-24-23 PST Mihaela this is a big decision 2018-11-29 13-51-19 PST Mihaela I haven't stumbled upon anyone doing sass with me 2020-09-25 14-01-55 PDT Mihaela oh g 2019-01-31 23-53-21 PST Mihaela BTW do we still have that forum thread with forum improvements listed? I can't find it and I don't think we solved the bugs listed there 2018-11-27 13-56-26 PST Mihaela I understand, we probably won't get to that point though, I was just curious 2020-09-25 14-01-07 PDT Mihaela wait, those devs, were they complaining about being treated in Inkscape? 2018-11-29 13-55-49 PST Mihaela in python? 2018-11-26 12-05-13 PST Mihaela A plain backport of *just* Python 3.6. System extensions/Python libraries may or may not work.
Don't remove Python 3.5 from your system - it will break. More info: https://launchpad.net/~jonathonf/+archive/ubuntu/python-3.6 Press [ENTER] to continue or ctrl-c to cancel adding it 2020-09-25 13-40-37 PDT Mihaela role? define 2018-11-18 14-52-20 PST Mihaela it worked 2018-11-17 16-24-21 PST Mihaela how to I del database? I don't remember doing that before for inkscape 2020-09-25 14-13-08 PDT Mihaela you officially have the contract with SFC so they look at you as legitimate 2018-11-23 15-06-43 PST Mihaela those are different types of languages, I forgot the names but apparently there are two categories 2018-11-30 18-19-37 PST Mihaela I move the whole sidebar code to be below the content 2018-11-23 19-48-59 PST Mihaela is there a special layout css file for @media queries 2020-09-25 14-44-51 PDT Mihaela ok they'll get to it 2018-11-26 13-03-39 PST Mihaela Screen Shot 2018-11-26 at 22.02.17-fullpage.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/AnLKzSxwo6hFqTqcj/Screen%20Shot%202018...) 2018-11-26 12-01-01 PST Mihaela I can do these fixes the "manual" way 2018-11-25 18-04-58 PST Mihaela maybe you can also swap it with a more neutral one 2018-12-01 09-46-41 PST Mihaela sorry mutitasking 2018-11-27 11-48-54 PST Mihaela I don't even know who is interested in css 2018-11-17 16-18-01 PST Mihaela will you release it back to them so they can use the improved code? 2018-11-23 15-05-19 PST Mihaela no 2018-11-29 18-45-49 PST Mihaela I just added the subforum title below the main forum header 2018-11-23 19-41-28 PST Mihaela I thought names were only for form elements 2018-11-18 15-16-26 PST Mihaela I restored from trash and that is what I get 2018-12-07 10-50-56 PST Mihaela long username 2018-11-27 16-06-19 PST Mihaela user images for the first comment aren't square 2018-11-24 20-38-02 PST Mihaela padding 20px for example on some page container, or any container 2018-11-20 08-52-12 PST Mihaela i just cant imagine post list 2018-11-27 13-08-26 PST Mihaela esp mobile 2018-11-27 16-11-57 PST Mihaela no hurry! 2018-11-26 11-54-50 PST Mihaela and are you sure it would work? 2020-08-11 14-41-44 PDT Mihaela Hello. I am a Freedom Software programmer who has worked on the Inkscape project with great dedication for a number of years.
In addition to adding new features, adjusting user interfaces, fixing bugs, and refactoring Python Extensions I am also the primary developer of the Inkscape website.
I believe in focusing on user needs and that users are best served when we as developers depend on our users for our jobs. As a volunteer I try my best to help users and fix issues that affect many users, but with this Patreon I'm hoping to expand that further.
I pledge myself to [insert what perks your patreon supporters get, hours per week? articles? support questions?]. Your support will enable me to dedicate more of my work life to Inkscape.
As part of the Freedom Software community Inkscape is in need of dedicated supporters to be able to fulfill its users' needs. [Please also consider donating to the project directly as well as supporting individual developers.] 2018-11-27 13-35-15 PST Mihaela yes 2018-11-26 12-32-34 PST Mihaela lib/python3.4 2018-11-26 12-15-37 PST Mihaela Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref 'forums3' from the remote, but no such ref was fetched. 2020-09-25 14-42-47 PDT Mihaela what does slow look like? 2018-11-30 18-37-40 PST Mihaela I don't have /media/ 2018-11-27 11-39-55 PST Mihaela I think you should post any design/UX request as tagged issues on GitLab so we can point people to them 2020-09-25 14-40-44 PDT Mihaela I definitely think you should plan to do something about the Board 2018-11-27 13-24-16 PST Mihaela I'll investigate :nerd: 2018-11-26 12-56-08 PST Mihaela there is no interface to add attachments 2018-11-20 08-50-24 PST Mihaela other pages? 2020-03-28 14-19-47 PDT Mihaela here's what I have so far, this bit is crucial, about how to assemble it, I used Record changes, we're still piecing the English translation, lots of people working on it at the same time 2018-11-23 19-36-56 PST Mihaela ah good to know 2018-11-26 12-37-18 PST Mihaela source ./pythonenv/bin/activate 2020-03-28 14-54-40 PDT Mihaela https://www.isinnova.it/easy-covid19-eng/ 2018-11-18 14-54-25 PST Mihaela too long 2018-11-20 08-50-48 PST Mihaela boring topic list lol
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