[Webmaster] Rocket.Chat, 2 Users, 98 Messages, 1 Files, 1081906 Minutes, in Direct Message Between: doctormo & SrrReal
2019-04-08 09-49-11 PDT Martin Owens Thats your first target. Get yourself introduced to the whole community 2019-05-02 08-57-40 PDT Martin Owens If I may be so bold; what did you have? 2019-05-03 12-09-49 PDT Martin Owens Oh how interesting. My dad was big on names that couldn't be shortened. 2019-05-02 07-45-00 PDT Martin Owens Ah yes I heard about some muslim butchers getting (er killed?) 2019-05-02 09-02-38 PDT Martin Owens Did you want to talk shop? 2019-05-03 12-24-24 PDT Martin Owens Oh in 2016 he was called out for having small hands, and by extension a small penis. And it got him really defensive about it; so you'll see a lot of cartoons and comedians make fun of his hands being small. 2019-05-02 07-58-38 PDT Martin Owens Sure, do you want to chat now? 2019-05-02 07-38-15 PDT Martin Owens Morning Sir Real! 2019-05-02 07-51-04 PDT Martin Owens https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/may/01/revealed-populists-more-likely... 2019-05-02 07-49-53 PDT Martin Owens Yeah, interestingly they measured Podemos, and they come out quite normal. 2019-05-03 11-46-42 PDT Martin Owens btw, how do you pronounce your name? 2019-05-03 12-16-18 PDT Martin Owens Although now I come to think about it, Being both `doc` and `marty` is a bit back to the future. 2019-05-02 07-44-18 PDT Martin Owens (I hear there's an election soon) 2019-05-02 08-56-57 PDT Martin Owens Welcome back, I hope your meal was good! 2019-05-03 12-19-59 PDT Martin Owens Short hands, isn't that Donald Tump's nickname? 2019-05-03 12-08-38 PDT Martin Owens How does Srr become Shravya? 2019-05-03 12-36-14 PDT Martin Owens This is an example from the Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/picture/2018/jul/12/steve-bell-on-... 2019-05-03 12-13-19 PDT Martin Owens You don't like She-Ra? Bit too western? 2019-05-02 07-43-16 PDT Martin Owens Did Modi move from toilets to cows? 2019-05-02 09-02-02 PDT Martin Owens Ah yes, my wife makes pulao, but without the cashews because I'm allergic. 2019-05-03 11-59-02 PDT Martin Owens No audio came through, maybe write it in sanskrit (or whichever script) and I'll translate it? 2019-05-02 07-39-39 PDT Martin Owens you know you can form an image of an internet person based on their name: Sir Real, Knight of the obvious! 2019-05-02 09-07-04 PDT Martin Owens Meet here: https://meet.jit.si/RealKnight ? 2019-04-08 09-27-54 PDT Martin Owens Did you introduce yourself to the inkscape developers mailing list? 2019-05-02 08-03-15 PDT Martin Owens No problem! 2019-04-08 09-59-55 PDT Martin Owens Great! 2019-05-02 07-53-27 PDT Martin Owens They've been doing some interesthing things. 2019-05-03 12-08-24 PDT Martin Owens So to mis-imagine your name, I should think She-Ra, not Sir Real :-P 2019-05-02 07-50-28 PDT Martin Owens hmm maybe that's not the specific article. 2019-04-08 09-23-10 PDT Martin Owens Hello! 2019-05-03 12-14-16 PDT Martin Owens I think `doc` has become a meaningful short hand for me. Not a name I gave myself, but people like it. 2019-05-03 12-10-59 PDT Martin Owens Lol, Martin, Americans sometimes say `Marty` but because I've been infected with his ideas about shortened names, I stick to Martin. 2019-05-03 12-17-22 PDT Martin Owens yes 2019-05-02 07-47-41 PDT Martin Owens Did you see the Guardian piece about crazy conspiracy theories and populist voting? 2019-05-02 09-08-43 PDT Martin Owens Not working for you? 2019-05-02 07-42-40 PDT Martin Owens Holy cow! 2019-05-02 07-48-06 PDT Martin Owens Aparently you need to be at least ^this crazy^ to vote for the local version of Hitler :-P 2019-05-03 12-04-26 PDT Martin Owens :-D 2019-05-02 07-45-39 PDT Martin Owens Ah, it's the British in me, we can't stop thinking maybe we fucked it up. 2019-05-02 09-03-16 PDT Martin Owens It' up to you, what kind of bandwidth do you need? 2019-04-08 09-25-27 PDT SrrReal any names in particular? 2019-05-02 07-45-18 PDT SrrReal you seem super updated about India 2019-05-03 12-09-22 PDT SrrReal Because my spelling is Srravya (a consequence of a numerology believing dad) - what should have been shravya became srravya 2019-04-08 09-49-05 PDT SrrReal do you suggest that? 2019-05-02 08-59-47 PDT SrrReal So it was cashew pulao and raitha (original names for the boldness) - cashew pulao looks like this https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Vegetable_pulao.JPG except with lot more cashews 2019-05-02 07-59-48 PDT SrrReal in about 40 mins? I'll just grab dinner before they shut the campus canteen at 9. 2019-04-08 09-49-22 PDT SrrReal okay 2019-05-03 12-33-15 PDT SrrReal ohh, yeah I vaguely recall this. At least on one of the comedy shows 2019-05-03 12-17-01 PDT SrrReal Oh yess 2019-05-02 07-50-00 PDT SrrReal [ ](https://chat.inkscape.org/direct/doctormo?msg=2MiCzwr7868ZdCDm7) and yet, that's the new normal (-_) () 2019-05-02 07-44-25 PDT SrrReal Oh yes, cows have proven to give him a lot more mileage. As the defender of cows. Beef got banned for a while 2019-05-03 12-10-26 PDT SrrReal he must be disappointed with doctormo then 2019-05-02 07-46-39 PDT SrrReal Haha. Probably not, some troubles are imported, some home grown. 2019-05-02 09-02-56 PDT SrrReal yes, would you prefer chatting or a call? 2019-04-08 09-49-45 PDT SrrReal I'll do that 2019-04-08 09-49-39 PDT SrrReal devel mailing list, then 2019-05-03 11-58-02 PDT SrrReal let me see if I can record a voice note for that - I am not sure how to phonetically split it up 2019-05-02 07-49-24 PDT SrrReal https://www.theguardian.com/world/ng-interactive/2018/nov/20/revealed-one-in... this? 2019-05-02 07-45-06 PDT SrrReal yep 2019-05-02 08-55-50 PDT SrrReal Hey, I am back! 2019-04-08 09-25-20 PDT SrrReal I recall that you mentioned that I should speak to a few people... 2019-05-02 09-00-22 PDT SrrReal and raitha is diluted yogurt spiced with green chilly and onions 2019-05-03 12-22-36 PDT SrrReal oh is it? (wondering what I am missing) 2019-04-08 10-29-00 PDT SrrReal Thanks :) 2019-04-08 09-48-48 PDT SrrReal no, not on the developers mailing list. 2019-05-02 07-47-55 PDT SrrReal oh, no? let me check 2019-05-02 07-44-54 PDT SrrReal And elections are underway. He might mostly get a second term (sadly) 2019-05-03 12-03-40 PDT SrrReal sh (as in shut or shell) + ra (as in rat) + vya (as in nivea the brand?) 2019-05-02 07-52-42 PDT SrrReal Oh I see the bit about Podemos voters here. 2019-05-02 09-03-27 PDT SrrReal I did a couple of interviews on chat here and realise they can go on for a while.. since typing takes a while. 2019-05-03 12-18-07 PDT SrrReal See? You got cool short hands and refs to go with them 2019-04-08 09-24-36 PDT SrrReal Would you have suggestions about who I can/must speak with, for my study? 2019-05-02 07-51-08 PDT SrrReal they seem to have a whole series on populism. Interesting. 2019-05-03 12-04-03 PDT SrrReal since script is a bit of a handicap for me :sweat_smile: 2019-05-02 08-57-15 PDT SrrReal It was :D 2019-05-02 06-31-15 PDT SrrReal Hi! 2019-05-02 07-57-05 PDT SrrReal Especially cos the next couple of days maybe busy with board/Vectors meetings among other things 2019-05-03 11-58-49 PDT SrrReal I can't seem to hear anything, can you? 2019-04-08 09-23-26 PDT SrrReal Hi! 2019-05-02 09-01-26 PDT SrrReal https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Food-Raita.jpg like this. I see that most other images look too fancy and distance from the everyday version of the dish 2019-05-02 09-07-45 PDT SrrReal Sure 2019-04-08 09-22-40 PDT SrrReal Hi! I have a quick question to ask 2019-05-03 12-12-50 PDT SrrReal Like Max or Pri or so many other names 2019-05-03 11-58-19 PDT SrrReal Audio record.mp3 (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/tTJeQfPgw2Ppdh5En/Audio%20record.mp3) 2019-05-02 07-42-51 PDT SrrReal Precisely the contention 2019-05-03 11-59-51 PDT SrrReal okay 2019-05-02 09-04-26 PDT SrrReal If you have about 30 mins, we can do a Skype call? Or else we could chat here and that might take at least double that time but needn't be super available 2019-05-02 07-45-39 PDT SrrReal It would be nice if my non-resident Indian friends were half as informed 2019-05-03 12-15-52 PDT SrrReal She-Ra is a first, feels adventurous to take on 2019-05-02 07-56-34 PDT SrrReal Whenever it is convenient. 2019-05-02 07-53-13 PDT SrrReal Nice, especially the graphics. 2019-05-02 07-42-31 PDT SrrReal Off late, cows are a hot political topic here. 2019-05-02 07-42-17 PDT SrrReal And in India here, if anybody misread your name as doctormow (very likely), it might attract either lots of love or lots of hate, depending on how they feel about cows. 2019-05-03 12-12-35 PDT SrrReal too bad, I envy people who can manage to shorten their name meaningfully! 2019-05-03 12-17-14 PDT SrrReal hahaha, did you also just realise it? 2019-05-02 07-44-32 PDT SrrReal and it's chilling effects remain 2019-05-02 07-38-58 PDT SrrReal Hahaha, sir is far from real, but sure. 2019-05-02 07-54-37 PDT SrrReal I was going through the responses to the form I had put out. I wanted to give it at least a week before I reached out to ppl, would you like to chat sometime in the next few days?
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