[Webmaster] Rocket.Chat, 2 Users, 116 Messages, 1 Files, 1065811 Minutes, in Direct Message Between: NPJ2000 & Moini
2019-06-07 10-24-12 PDT Nathan Johansen (I'm not following the conversation, I just noticed that particular exchange and appreciated your response as it is in the style of one who wants the best.) 2019-08-19 20-30-17 PDT Nathan Johansen Thank you for the inspiration to see true works of art, Moini! :hearts: 2019-06-07 10-57-38 PDT Nathan Johansen Take Heart. These things take time. :hearts: 2019-06-07 10-34-04 PDT Nathan Johansen _Merci!_ 2019-06-07 10-32-19 PDT Nathan Johansen True. However, it is easy to learn when paying attention. 2019-04-19 15-26-32 PDT Nathan Johansen So I just go with the flow anymore and try to focus on being understood. I even knew sign language once. 2019-06-07 10-22-03 PDT Nathan Johansen Intent. The ability to do good and achieve it should not frustrate one (or others) from succeeding. 2019-04-19 16-11-28 PDT Nathan Johansen Well, once we get this 1.0alpha version working, I think there will be a lot of fun things to contemplate next. 2019-04-19 13-37-52 PDT Nathan Johansen Aber natürlich. ;) 2019-11-23 14-23-27 PST Nathan Johansen :sunglasses: 2019-06-07 10-16-15 PDT Nathan Johansen :wink: 2019-04-19 14-10-56 PDT Nathan Johansen There's the telephone and a handful of friends. =) (Sorry, on the phone with a colleague in Colorado.) 2019-04-19 13-40-56 PDT Nathan Johansen Ich habe vergessen. =) 2019-04-19 15-25-11 PDT Nathan Johansen Yep. 2019-04-19 15-26-55 PDT Nathan Johansen Hahaha. 2019-04-19 15-25-43 PDT Nathan Johansen When I speak English, they think I'm German. 2019-04-19 13-45-58 PDT Nathan Johansen Thank goodness American's never try to speak English. =) 2019-04-19 14-42-53 PDT Nathan Johansen (The Germans always got upset with me for not using the informal Du, but always sticking with the Sie.) 2019-06-07 10-47-03 PDT Nathan Johansen That's the reason for being able to engage in vast forms of conversation by saying and doing little, in subtle fashion, yet still be understood. 2019-06-07 11-03-35 PDT Nathan Johansen Certainly. Beep twice and back up a step or so to pay attention. 2019-06-07 10-34-14 PDT Nathan Johansen Oops. 2019-06-07 10-32-47 PDT Nathan Johansen Then, should I be confused, I can ask. 2019-04-19 14-42-30 PDT Nathan Johansen Ich danke Ihnen. 2019-06-07 10-17-38 PDT Nathan Johansen https://chat.inkscape.org/channel/team_devel?msg=zfkBdgMEKWEtF24DM () 2019-04-19 13-49-58 PDT Nathan Johansen I have to remember to use simple words, smile a lot, and be patient. If I use more than a few syllables at a time, they get confused. 2019-04-19 13-45-14 PDT Nathan Johansen It confuses people over here too much when I get too many languages coming out of my mouth at once. 2019-04-19 13-40-44 PDT Nathan Johansen I think it's Danish. 2019-06-07 10-59-47 PDT Nathan Johansen "Yeah uh-huh, yep. What we do next will make what we do after that easy. Here we go! Try that?" 2019-06-07 11-02-13 PDT Nathan Johansen There are so many loose ends and incorrect notions apparent that it's a bit of effort to remedy. 2019-06-07 10-39-05 PDT Nathan Johansen I do my best in multiple languages daily, but it takes me a moment to shift properly in to the ... "Geist" of mind appropriate to the circumstance. Thank goodness people manage my scheduling so I can do that. 2019-04-19 13-47-41 PDT Nathan Johansen Spek 'Merican ... damnit! 2019-11-23 14-23-22 PST Nathan Johansen Do you know of or follow Laetitla Vitaud (@vitolae on Twitter)? I was just listening to this podcast and looking at her work (but that was mostly in French) but anyway: [ https://hbr.org/podcast/2019/11/technology-and-the-new-world-of-work ] 2019-04-19 13-47-00 PDT Nathan Johansen I was born in Wyoming/Colorado. Spent about two decades in Frankfurt (mostly because Lufthansa can get you almost anywhere quickly). 2019-04-19 14-40-26 PDT Nathan Johansen I can appreciate that - it's useful to have simple explanations and patience with beginners. 2019-04-19 14-43-18 PDT Nathan Johansen (Nat-Han! We are your friends. You can use "Du" with us, you know that, right!?) 2019-04-19 14-46-03 PDT Nathan Johansen I get to listen to people being informal enough of the time, so a language like German (or Japanese is another good one) that still retains a formal form of address is almost like a sanctuary. 2019-06-07 10-40-27 PDT Nathan Johansen Patience, I'm told, is a virtue. 2019-04-19 13-42-41 PDT Nathan Johansen The thought crossed my mind. But I'm swamped with work over here in America at the moment. 2019-06-07 10-35-21 PDT Nathan Johansen Ja, wirklich. 2019-06-07 10-44-53 PDT Nathan Johansen Yes, well ... there's also the consequence subsequent. When one has such, there is little further to add. 2019-04-19 14-44-01 PDT Nathan Johansen "Oh, yes." I'd say. "I just can't bring myself to conjugate the rest of the verbs to match ... and still enjoy the sound of it." 2019-04-19 14-33-54 PDT Nathan Johansen (But I get to do that in my free time now, anyway, so it's all good.) 2019-04-19 14-41-57 PDT Nathan Johansen And you're welcome to practice your German on me whenever you'd like. I could use the practice again. 2019-06-07 10-43-01 PDT Nathan Johansen (Secretly, I'm a fan of Japanese as it is more simple than the rest. Sanskrit isn't so sensible socially.) 2019-04-19 13-47-21 PDT Nathan Johansen They talk 'Merican, of course. 2019-04-19 14-44-37 PDT Nathan Johansen I eventually got that figured out though. With enough beer, many things become possible. 2019-04-19 16-11-33 PDT Nathan Johansen I have notions ... =) 2019-06-07 10-26-00 PDT Nathan Johansen Yep. I merely wanted to emphasize his gesture to your attention. I'll shut up and watch. ;) 2019-04-19 14-42-15 PDT Nathan Johansen Listening to the news isn't the same as having to respond. 2019-11-23 14-56-39 PST Nathan Johansen She made mention of the favorable benefits of open source software tools. 2019-04-19 15-26-09 PDT Nathan Johansen When I talk like an American, people feel I'm being condescending. 2019-06-07 11-01-31 PDT Nathan Johansen (I believe I indicated previously that - while in America - it takes extra effort for me to think correctly.) 2020-09-26 08-35-13 PDT Nathan Johansen With reference to the planting of bulbs - my mother got me hooked on occasionally watching this YouTube channel. Thought you might enjoy this one - in the first few minutes she uses balls of "soil" that have been turned into little seed starters. [ https://youtu.be/kgEgOi32CE0 ] 2019-04-19 14-31-23 PDT Nathan Johansen Thank you for creating my account - I just got that logged in and setup. =) 2019-08-19 20-30-27 PDT Nathan Johansen This belongs to you. 2019-06-07 10-46-08 PDT Nathan Johansen (But look! Still, we can.) 2019-04-19 15-26-51 PDT Nathan Johansen Thank goodness for telepathy ... 2019-04-19 15-25-51 PDT Nathan Johansen When I speak German, they think I'm English. 2019-04-19 13-43-31 PDT Nathan Johansen Maybe I'll ask at the office in Frankfurt and see if anyone wants to hop over there so I don't have to cross an ocean. 2019-06-07 11-02-38 PDT Nathan Johansen Of course, you just let the flow be. 2019-04-19 13-47-46 PDT Nathan Johansen ;) 2019-06-07 10-35-01 PDT Nathan Johansen Warum? 2019-06-07 10-40-06 PDT Nathan Johansen At the moment, I blink a lot and stare. 2019-04-19 13-29-45 PDT Nathan Johansen Nathan P. Johansen nathan@npj.com NPJ2000 2019-08-19 20-32-02 PDT Nathan Johansen path454.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/WwC28AA7jZ6rv9pyZ/path454.png) 2019-04-19 13-44-57 PDT Nathan Johansen I just haven't written in German in a while. I still watch Tagesschau on my AppleTV at 20:00 Uhr so I can keep up with Central Europe. =) 2019-04-19 14-33-32 PDT Nathan Johansen Went to college for Aerospace Engineering. Should have studied Quantum Computing. 2019-04-19 13-49-08 PDT Nathan Johansen I have no idea. People here don't tend to get out of their own back yard over the course of life. 2019-04-19 14-32-25 PDT Nathan Johansen I used to write technical documentation and manuals. 2019-04-19 13-47-33 PDT Nathan Johansen This is 'Merica. 2019-04-19 14-40-41 PDT Nathan Johansen Plus being able to quickly understand something complex and address it in a blink with a grin. 2019-04-19 15-25-27 PDT Nathan Johansen Whenever I try to speak Spanish anymore, people think I'm German. 2019-04-19 14-40-08 PDT Moini For newcomers, the basic parts should probably be. 2019-04-19 13-41-40 PDT Moini Denn wir haben ein Limit, wieviele Leute wir dort ins Büro von k8 mitbringen dürfen. 2019-04-19 13-41-12 PDT Moini Noch mal zum Hackfest (Du liest das vielleicht sogar grade): Komm gern vorbei! Wenn Du Unterstützung für die Reisekosten brauchst, müsstest Du beim Vorstand anklopfen. Wenn Du kommen möchtest, trag Dich bitte auf der Wiki-Seite ein. 2019-06-07 10-34-54 PDT Moini Ah. Just the bolding. And I thought you planned to use German :) 2019-06-07 10-24-34 PDT Moini But it was Chris who wrote that... 2019-06-07 10-49-07 PDT Moini I must admit that I can't follow. If you want to be understood, you'll need to elaborate for me. Your jumps are two wide. 2019-04-19 14-38-25 PDT Moini If you ever meet Bryce, you'll have something to talk about :) He's an aeronautics engineer, so you both share some interest in rocket science. 2019-06-07 10-49-13 PDT Moini too 2019-06-07 10-23-06 PDT Moini Mmmh. Yes, that's what's behind it, I assume... Just not sure why you're pinging me about it. 2019-06-07 10-39-45 PDT Moini Sounds like fun :) What other languages do you need to communicate in? 2019-06-07 11-02-01 PDT Moini You did - although, I think, there's no way to think correctly or not. 2019-04-19 14-44-32 PDT Moini Ich schätze, man kann sich an den Klang gewöhnen ;-) 2019-06-07 10-43-45 PDT Moini There's also the issue with finding someone to speak it with to think of. 2019-06-07 10-32-59 PDT Moini Any time. 2019-06-07 10-26-59 PDT Moini :) No need to shut up, though. 2019-06-07 10-34-26 PDT Moini Confusion already started :) 2019-04-19 14-31-51 PDT Moini You're welcome - I'm glad someone cares about documentation :) 2019-04-19 13-43-08 PDT Moini Ah, :) I guess you still prefer English? 2019-06-07 10-16-30 PDT Moini Mmh? 2019-04-19 13-52-27 PDT Moini I hope there are some that you can talk with, too - they can't all be like that, hopefully? 2019-04-19 15-08-46 PDT Moini Spanish, too, although I read they only use it with older people anymore. 2019-04-19 14-43-58 PDT Moini It's like putting up a small wall. 2019-06-07 10-19-37 PDT Moini Almost like the oath you take when you start out as a politician. Not sure what *you* mean, though? 2019-04-19 14-43-43 PDT Moini But when you're asked to, they'll feel rejected if you don't do it. 2019-04-19 15-07-58 PDT Moini English had this, too, long ago... we didn't do enough Shakespeare at school for me to remember, though... 2019-04-19 14-40-54 PDT Moini Definitely a plus :) 2019-04-19 13-38-31 PDT Moini Mit dem Namen könntest Du auch aus Schweden kommen :) 2019-04-19 13-45-50 PDT Moini lol, yes. What's your native language, then? 2019-04-19 13-46-30 PDT Moini What do they speak instead? 2019-04-19 15-45-09 PDT Moini If you ever want to join Inkscape's translators team you know where to find us ;-) - and yes, it makes sense to focus on getting your message across to whomever you're talking with. 2019-06-07 11-03-00 PDT Moini And others making an effort, and saying when it goes beyond what they can follow. 2019-06-07 10-34-19 PDT Moini haha :) 2019-06-07 10-37-11 PDT Moini Du meinst, warum ich dachte Du wolltest auf Deutsch schreiben? 2019-04-19 14-42-14 PDT Moini Gern doch :) 2019-04-19 13-47-50 PDT Moini Oh, of course... I need to brush up on my slang :) 2019-04-19 13-33-35 PDT Moini Password (temporary, please change as soon as you can: Yahquo4eij ) Ich kann wahrscheinlich auch Deutsch schreiben? 2019-04-19 13-44-26 PDT Moini Why not - if anyone is interested, they're welcome to say hello or help, of course :) 2019-04-19 13-48-07 PDT Moini So, Cosmopolitan would be a fitting description. 2019-06-07 10-35-11 PDT Moini Gute Frage :) 2019-06-07 11-02-26 PDT Moini It's more a matter of adjusting speech. 2019-04-19 14-43-11 PDT Moini Nothing bad about being polite. 2019-04-19 14-39-26 PDT Moini Skills with tech documentation are very welcome here - people complain all the time that the code isn't documented. 2019-04-19 14-42-40 PDT Moini Sag ruhig Du :) 2019-06-07 10-25-41 PDT Moini I don't mind being confused, though :)
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