[Webmaster] Rocket.Chat, 1 Users, 1 Messages, 0 Files, 223318 Minutes, in Direct Message Between: vektor_frankenstein & Tav
2020-11-24 14-04-31 PST Vektor_Frankenstein Hi Tav! Just joined here because Moini (Maren Hachman) from the german forum told me so, because of a problem I have. She said that I should talk directly to you (hope I did it the right way, cause I never chatted before). My problem is, that none of my several Type-1-Fonts shows up in Inkscape. Also a few Opentype-Fonts. It's the same in LibreOffice. In GIMP the fonts are all listed in the menu, but if I choose one, the text will be formated with a surrogate-font. In opposite to this in Scribus and Krita the fonts work verry well. This is all under Windows 10 64 Bit Home. My program versions are all the newest ones - Inkscape 1.0.1. On my Ubuntu-Laptop this problem doesn't exist. All fonts show up there correctly in every program, as far as I noticed. Is there any solution for this?
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