[Webmaster] Rocket.Chat, 2 Users, 273 Messages, 2 Files, 383949 Minutes, in Direct Message Between: significantcell02 & alezzacreative
2020-09-06 06-52-57 PDT alezzacreative https://youtu.be/I34m0344o-g 2020-09-07 14-27-22 PDT alezzacreative https://inkscape.org/release/inkscape-1.0.1/ 2020-08-06 09-52-05 PDT alezzacreative i was searching for it for along time " i didnt know english at that moment" only a frenchy as usual 2020-08-06 10-29-13 PDT alezzacreative no the problem is with me not the languages it self am very lazy when it comes to learning programming 2020-09-15 08-10-37 PDT alezzacreative i did see many english videos over the years in english but none were as detailed as this 2020-08-06 09-57-00 PDT alezzacreative oh cool i didnt know that i hade the idea it was full of memes and gamers 2020-08-06 10-46-18 PDT alezzacreative https://www.mediafire.com/folder/omhd0x6fuoat2 2020-08-06 09-38-26 PDT alezzacreative you use it as a parametric design tool like the CAD ones? 2020-08-06 09-46-03 PDT alezzacreative cool no am a self educated 2020-10-01 08-59-43 PDT alezzacreative this one also https://fpermana.id/svg-build/island-of-creativity 2020-08-06 10-36-38 PDT alezzacreative in your opinion is c and c++ needed or rust is more suitable for the future 2020-08-06 10-39-58 PDT alezzacreative ah i see but it develops at a rapid pace ( libraries ) 2020-09-02 09-10-14 PDT alezzacreative i didn understood "Could you call me?" 2020-08-06 09-31-31 PDT alezzacreative الحمد لله بيخير و نتا 2020-08-06 09-41-30 PDT alezzacreative do you have some knowledge in python 2020-08-06 09-54-45 PDT alezzacreative after shutting down google plus i discovered that they were in twitter then i moved along 2020-11-10 04-53-11 PST alezzacreative https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyV5NWbXFls 2020-12-11 08-09-11 PST alezzacreative alaykom salam brother am fine al hamdulillah , how about you? 2020-08-06 09-47-03 PDT alezzacreative there is mastodon and pixelfed 2020-09-07 07-10-04 PDT alezzacreative #team_vectors the chat room where it happen 2020-08-06 09-48-19 PDT alezzacreative they are open source privacy alternatives to big companies socials 2020-09-02 09-10-41 PDT alezzacreative whatsapp 2020-08-06 10-43-33 PDT alezzacreative 33 2020-08-06 09-42-45 PDT alezzacreative oh thats great you could do extensions to help with your work 2020-08-06 10-30-32 PDT alezzacreative i learned windows batch and autoit i use them to creat tools to help me with software related problems in android 2020-09-25 04-50-55 PDT alezzacreative baraka allaho fik... its a very handy app 2020-09-15 06-34-48 PDT alezzacreative السلام عليكم https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxXGLMPJnFQ 2020-08-10 05-04-18 PDT alezzacreative alhamdu lilah am ok how about you? 2020-08-06 09-33-42 PDT alezzacreative designer logo branding takhasosi https://www.instagram.com/alezzacreative/ 2020-08-06 11-00-56 PDT alezzacreative indeed theory / specific to a domain / tutorials / manuals i choose them carefully according of what i was searching at that moment 2020-08-06 10-17-47 PDT alezzacreative how can i do it and why 2020-10-01 08-39-34 PDT alezzacreative this can be handy https://gitlab.com/a.l.e/pixel2svg 2020-09-15 08-14-45 PDT alezzacreative he did also a video on how he chooses his OS https://youtu.be/z1-yuolwrVs 2020-09-15 08-12-40 PDT alezzacreative especially the BSD history i didnt know that and i didnt know darwin (mac os x kernal ) i know its BSD licensed but no thats it actually a bsd kernal that was a surprise to me 2020-08-06 09-58-22 PDT alezzacreative there also a project built on the same technology as mastodon its an alternative to reddit 2020-08-06 10-11-05 PDT alezzacreative does it have verified accounts or something similar 2020-08-06 10-47-19 PDT alezzacreative you are welcome brother 2020-09-02 10-59-32 PDT alezzacreative https://www.softmaker.com/en/softmaker-office-download 2020-09-15 08-09-25 PDT alezzacreative yea very fruitful he did a great job specially to the arabic speaking audience its a much needed piece of information 2020-08-06 10-20-39 PDT alezzacreative do you have some time to improve an python open source project? 2020-12-24 15-06-50 PST alezzacreative جزاك الله خيرا خويا رآه مفيد 2020-08-06 10-28-02 PDT alezzacreative python is my oldest nightmare every time i start a course i got stuck and stop for a long time 2020-08-06 10-32-31 PDT alezzacreative am on dual boot linux for everything / windows for smart phone repair because the unlocking boxes have windows only tools 2020-08-05 05-54-49 PDT alezzacreative you are welcome 2020-09-02 09-08-54 PDT alezzacreative where? 2020-09-06 06-52-55 PDT alezzacreative خبار تفرح 2020-08-06 09-47-38 PDT alezzacreative pixelfed is so slow its barely usable in my experience 2020-08-06 10-36-05 PDT alezzacreative no 0 knowledge in low level 2020-08-06 10-16-30 PDT alezzacreative am very thankful for your help 2020-08-06 10-06-16 PDT alezzacreative i did signup now can you send me the pages to follow 2020-09-02 10-57-47 PDT alezzacreative https://www.freeoffice.com/en/download/applications 2020-08-06 10-40-19 PDT alezzacreative you mean it years? 2020-08-06 10-26-39 PDT alezzacreative me too it helped me a lot in my day work "i repair smartphones" 2020-08-06 10-42-58 PDT alezzacreative i learnd manly from american books and some forums 2020-08-06 10-22-39 PDT alezzacreative ok cool if you need help design or even UX related infos feel free to ask me i will be happy to help 2020-08-06 09-41-03 PDT alezzacreative everyone needs a graphic designing tool especially an open one like inkscape 2020-08-06 09-36-30 PDT alezzacreative الله ييسر . واش كتخدم ب إنكسكيب ف تخصصك؟ 2020-08-06 10-19-48 PDT alezzacreative oh thats normal i do it one other platforms as well most know me by my brand name not my realone 2020-09-02 14-55-51 PDT alezzacreative الحمد لله then they did a great job reverse engineering the close source formats than the libre office team 2020-08-06 10-34-11 PDT alezzacreative also i wanted to learn python to create the first linux tools - they dont exist outside windows 2020-08-06 09-30-51 PDT alezzacreative مرحبا بيك خويا انا من المغرب 2020-09-07 07-11-01 PDT alezzacreative the article is a work in progress https://inkscape.org/news/unpublished/1016/ 2020-08-06 10-07-01 PDT alezzacreative ok because am lost 2020-08-06 10-42-27 PDT alezzacreative i started with a photoshop in 2001/2002 then illustrator then i used to teach people in my high school photoshop and illustrator courses then discoverd inkscape 2020-08-06 10-44-36 PDT alezzacreative do you need pdfs in theory? 2020-10-01 08-32-14 PDT alezzacreative thank you thats a wonderfull and very clever way of using a very boring app here is a another one but more difficult https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1YnwWgpEyw 2020-08-06 10-25-19 PDT alezzacreative oh its along time since i was in graphicsdesign.stackexchange.com 2020-08-06 10-00-23 PDT alezzacreative can i have your profile name 2020-09-02 09-08-48 PDT alezzacreative thats great news if you need help with it martin is you guy 2020-08-06 09-51-00 PDT alezzacreative i stumble upon martin owen "doctormo" page in an artist social platform "deviantart" thats the first time i knew there was an alternative to illustrator 2020-09-01 06-50-07 PDT alezzacreative hello brother how are you 2020-09-01 06-53-51 PDT alezzacreative did you start with the extension development? 2020-08-06 10-43-30 PDT alezzacreative am a book worm from childhood 2020-09-02 10-58-34 PDT alezzacreative https://www.onlyoffice.com/download-desktop.aspx 2020-08-06 10-14-32 PDT alezzacreative hmmm thats cool its like facebook groups but with votes 2020-09-24 03-07-24 PDT alezzacreative cool i heard about it but never used it. .. i had some problems this week with ubuntu and nvidia drivers and i had enaugh cuz it always happen. so i did format it all and installed zorin 15 lite. and it works great and faster ( xfce ) .. its verry similar to windows 10 easy to customize 2020-09-15 08-10-55 PDT alezzacreative same with me 2020-08-06 09-53-33 PDT alezzacreative then a got involved in many groups in deviantart then google plus came and most of free open source people moved to it from facebook and i knew a lot of them from it 2020-08-06 10-46-40 PDT alezzacreative my personal library i learned a lot from them 2020-08-06 10-09-22 PDT alezzacreative the problem i got stuck with it in twitter in the first time is a followed many fake accounts of open source project 2020-08-06 09-35-26 PDT alezzacreative أشمن تخصص عندك 2020-08-06 09-34-26 PDT alezzacreative ونتا 2020-08-06 10-30-44 PDT alezzacreative my youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKRq5MR1F4Pr64l_gGfksLg 2020-08-06 06-50-42 PDT alezzacreative أهلا من أي بلد أنت؟ 2020-08-06 11-02-53 PDT alezzacreative some times i upload a book twice sorry for that i need time to rearrange them properly 2020-08-06 09-34-07 PDT alezzacreative https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKRq5MR1F4Pr64l_gGfksLg 2020-08-06 10-15-24 PDT alezzacreative i did join the inkscape one am searching for the rest of them 2020-09-02 09-09-09 PDT Significantcell As you like 2020-08-06 09-32-14 PDT Significantcell hmd 2020-08-06 10-15-46 PDT Significantcell Yes, you will find everything onReddit (literally everything) 2020-08-06 09-56-01 PDT Significantcell Open source projects in zillions of domains, 2020-08-06 10-05-59 PDT Significantcell I've followed you back 2020-08-06 10-25-59 PDT Significantcell Do you need some help with Python? 2020-08-06 10-18-02 PDT Significantcell there is no option to make it anonymous 2020-08-06 09-32-33 PDT Significantcell Nta Artiste? wela développeur? 2020-09-24 04-13-08 PDT Significantcell Zorin is a nice distro, I've used it only on VirtualBox, it's based on Ubuntu 2020-08-06 10-37-09 PDT Significantcell However, C/C++ still be widely used 2020-08-06 09-37-25 PDT Significantcell Post-processing 2020-10-01 05-27-36 PDT Significantcell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vG_hxJCMSNc 2020-08-06 09-39-46 PDT Significantcell I've never thought that I will use a graphics design tool 2020-08-06 09-43-33 PDT Significantcell Something like, plot digitizer (similar to raster images) 2020-09-01 23-45-47 PDT Significantcell I spent approximately 1 day or two to aquire the basics 2020-08-06 10-06-28 PDT Significantcell Inkscape page 2020-09-01 23-42-28 PDT Significantcell good morning 2020-09-02 09-10-27 PDT Significantcell I am asking if we could talk 2020-08-06 11-01-48 PDT Significantcell Yes, I see, very well chosen 2020-08-06 09-59-33 PDT Significantcell I learn a lot of stuff everyday, 2020-09-02 15-02-21 PDT Significantcell Here are some examples of 3D pdf files, if you are interested 2020-08-06 10-19-02 PDT Significantcell Of course that's not necessary but that's the "Tradition" there 2020-09-01 23-46-18 PDT Significantcell given that the most of the instructions are outdated and have to be updated for inkscape 1.0 2020-08-06 09-30-14 PDT Significantcell أنا من الجزائر 2020-08-05 01-51-27 PDT Significantcell Hello 2020-12-10 11-14-45 PST Significantcell Salam 2020-08-06 10-44-08 PDT Significantcell Very good 2020-08-06 09-41-54 PDT Significantcell Python is my primary language 2020-08-06 09-37-36 PDT Significantcell OK just let's continue in English 2020-08-06 10-00-49 PDT Significantcell Yes 2020-08-06 10-21-01 PDT Significantcell Currently I don't have a lot of time, 2020-08-06 10-15-11 PDT Significantcell that's my opinion 2020-09-15 08-10-17 PDT Significantcell I had some knoweldge about that history already but I had never the complete story together 2020-08-06 09-50-04 PDT Significantcell Thanks for the suggestion 2020-08-06 10-31-38 PDT Significantcell I've subscribed to ur YT channel 2020-08-06 09-45-10 PDT Significantcell Have u studied graphics design in university? 2020-08-06 10-18-41 PDT Significantcell I mean in my experience, most reddit users keep their accounts anonymous (they don't reveal their real identity) 2020-08-06 10-25-40 PDT Significantcell Stackexchange sites changed my life 2020-08-06 10-00-46 PDT Significantcell On reddit? 2020-08-06 10-46-53 PDT Significantcell that's a huge collection. Thank you very much 2020-08-06 10-29-04 PDT Significantcell In my studies, it helps me a lot I could imagine how could I do some task without Python 2020-08-06 09-43-54 PDT Significantcell https://automeris.io/WebPlotDigitizer/ 2020-08-06 10-21-07 PDT Significantcell I am doing a PhD 2020-08-06 10-59-12 PDT Significantcell I am reading some books (skimming over them, to read carefully later) 2020-09-02 15-02-22 PDT Significantcell https://www.pdf3d.com/all-examples/ 2020-08-06 10-13-24 PDT Significantcell You can contribute by posting there and people will evaluate them (Upvotes, comments) 2020-08-06 09-43-06 PDT Significantcell Yes, I had some plans to make some extensions 2020-08-06 10-38-32 PDT Significantcell Rust was introduced by mozilla to solve some common problems with C/C++ 2020-08-06 10-10-00 PDT Significantcell In reddit it's different 2020-08-06 10-14-41 PDT Significantcell Clipboard - August 6, 2020 7:14 PM (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/YTckuKooTcKsbc5Ep/Clipboard%20-%20Augu...) 2020-09-02 09-10-32 PDT Significantcell of course if you have time 2020-09-25 01-07-02 PDT Significantcell Just in case you need it: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2020/09/whatip-graphical-tool-public-loc... 2020-12-22 10-47-12 PST Significantcell This is a curation website similar to Hacker News but for design 2020-08-06 10-46-38 PDT Significantcell Wow 2020-08-06 10-17-10 PDT Significantcell But just an advice 2020-08-06 09-49-11 PDT Significantcell I use Reddit 2020-08-06 10-12-20 PDT Significantcell Following people on Reddit is not that much interesting 2020-09-08 00-28-27 PDT Significantcell Thank you :) 2020-08-06 10-43-19 PDT Significantcell And how old are you 2020-08-06 10-32-58 PDT Significantcell If you have windows 10 you can use WSL (to install linux without reboot) 2020-09-01 23-44-35 PDT Significantcell Yes, I started that. I've tried to build some examples and it looks promsing 2020-08-06 10-10-13 PDT Significantcell You can see how many follwer out there 2020-08-06 11-03-13 PDT Significantcell No, it's ok 2020-09-15 08-07-11 PDT Significantcell Such a grerat video. He summarized nearly everything! 2020-08-06 09-36-06 PDT Significantcell Donc spécialité technique 2020-08-06 09-52-32 PDT Significantcell Yeah, English is the key to discover the world 2020-09-24 02-55-35 PDT Significantcell If you are using gnome on your distro, you can consider taking a look at "Arc menu" 2020-08-05 01-51-46 PDT Significantcell :) 2020-08-06 09-41-38 PDT Significantcell Yes, I guess 2020-08-06 10-28-30 PDT Significantcell it's everywhere 2020-08-06 09-58-59 PDT Significantcell I remember that there is a new project that aims to replace reddit 2020-08-06 10-07-16 PDT Significantcell You could follows everything related to "Art" "Illustrator", etc 2020-08-06 09-55-46 PDT Significantcell Reddit is also a very good source, a lot of people are sharing their experiences 2020-08-06 10-39-40 PDT Significantcell with graphic design? 2020-08-06 09-47-52 PDT Significantcell I don't know about that 2020-08-06 10-15-06 PDT Significantcell But as I said before, It's way better than facebook 2020-10-01 05-27-19 PDT Significantcell Hello, 2020-08-06 09-35-38 PDT Significantcell aérodynamique 2020-08-06 10-12-35 PDT Significantcell Here is for example the subreddit of inkscape 2020-08-06 10-06-37 PDT Significantcell I mean Inkscape subreddit 2020-08-06 10-01-20 PDT Significantcell https://www.reddit.com/user/yoor_thiziri 2020-08-06 10-45-24 PDT Significantcell I tried to search yesterday, I found some books, but I need some time to read them 2020-08-06 10-16-09 PDT Significantcell Reddit 2020-08-06 09-41-31 PDT Significantcell But unfortunately no one told me that 2020-08-06 10-36-38 PDT Significantcell Github is your friend 2020-09-02 09-10-18 PDT Significantcell could you recommend anything, maybe WhatsApp, Skype, etc 2020-08-06 09-48-02 PDT Significantcell Softwares? 2020-08-06 10-23-11 PDT Significantcell Thank you very much 2020-08-06 10-16-05 PDT Significantcell Sorry I meant Reddut 2020-08-06 10-00-52 PDT Significantcell here it is 2020-08-06 10-40-36 PDT Significantcell Yes 2020-08-06 10-58-46 PDT Significantcell Very nice books 2020-09-07 07-11-34 PDT Significantcell Thank you 2020-08-06 09-31-10 PDT Significantcell CV 2020-08-06 09-59-18 PDT Significantcell but in my opinion, it will not, Reddit is very useful and very special 2020-08-06 10-42-53 PDT Significantcell So you have a lot of experience 2020-09-15 08-09-45 PDT Significantcell That's right. 2020-08-06 10-36-56 PDT Significantcell I think Rust is the future 2020-08-06 09-59-51 PDT Significantcell Just keep yourself with high level people to enhance your skills, 2020-08-06 09-37-02 PDT Significantcell rebi ya7afdek 2020-08-06 10-21-24 PDT Significantcell But I do really want to make some Python extensions 2021-04-06 10-03-50 PDT Significantcell Salam Alaykom 2021-04-06 10-03-56 PDT Significantcell I hope you are doing well 2021-04-06 10-05-31 PDT Significantcell Enter your phone number here to check if it figures in the list of leaked data of facebook 2021-04-06 10-05-31 PDT Significantcell https://haveibeenpwned.com/ 2020-08-06 09-46-21 PDT Significantcell Very nice, you have a very interesting profile on instagram 2020-08-06 10-37-14 PDT Significantcell For example: 2020-08-06 10-28-25 PDT Significantcell Python is the future 2020-12-22 10-47-21 PST Significantcell I hope you will find it useful. 2020-08-06 10-06-26 PDT Significantcell Start by 2020-08-06 09-37-03 PDT Significantcell Oui 2020-08-06 10-29-41 PDT Significantcell Join "LearnPython" subreddit 2020-09-24 02-55-09 PDT Significantcell Hello 2020-09-02 09-01-58 PDT Significantcell Could you call me? 2020-09-24 02-56-14 PDT Significantcell If you would like to customize it to look like Windows 10, or whatever you prefer 2020-09-02 13-40-54 PDT Significantcell Thank you very much for your recommendations 2020-09-01 06-45-55 PDT Significantcell Hello 2020-09-06 08-59-10 PDT Significantcell Very interesting! 2020-08-06 10-44-53 PDT Significantcell Yes, 2020-08-06 10-27-17 PDT Significantcell That's very interesting, you have a very wonderful life 2020-09-15 08-15-12 PDT Significantcell I' am watching it already :) 2020-10-30 12-00-26 PDT Significantcell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2eQ-uzPD3g 2020-11-06 10-53-46 PST Significantcell Life Pro Tip (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/YHhGmq2TkixJrebEX/Life%20Pro%20Tip) 2020-08-06 10-17-16 PDT Significantcell make your reddit anonymous 2020-09-07 07-11-39 PDT Significantcell I was looking for the changelog 2020-11-10 09-39-05 PST Significantcell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGMaH7eaNxM&t=1s 2020-08-06 10-06-48 PDT Significantcell Groups in Reddit are called "Subreddits" 2020-10-02 01-47-11 PDT Significantcell [ ](https://chat.inkscape.org/direct/alezzacreative?msg=H2BPnfuymbWN55aXi) Incredible! () 2020-08-06 10-23-56 PDT Significantcell Sometimes I ask questions here, or on graphicsdesign.stackexchange.com 2020-09-15 08-10-33 PDT Significantcell As one unit 2020-09-02 10-14-50 PDT Significantcell https://git.ir/ 2020-08-06 09-37-48 PDT Significantcell I couldn't find the right terms in arabic, sorry 2020-08-06 10-10-20 PDT Significantcell And how many post, comments, etc 2020-08-06 10-12-53 PDT Significantcell https://www.reddit.com/r/Inkscape/ 2020-08-06 10-30-50 PDT Significantcell Interesting. 2020-08-06 10-30-55 PDT Significantcell I don't use Windows 2020-09-15 08-14-27 PDT Significantcell it's rare to find such topics explained thoroughly in one complete article/video with simple language for lambda users 2020-08-06 10-36-30 PDT Significantcell But you could find some tools, 2020-08-06 09-41-23 PDT Significantcell Yes, that's right 2020-08-06 10-07-46 PDT Significantcell You will get around it after a few days it's easy 2020-12-22 10-47-12 PST Significantcell https://www.designernews.co/ 2020-09-02 09-11-09 PDT Significantcell +33 755 77 76 77 2020-08-06 10-07-30 PDT Significantcell Just use search box 2020-08-06 10-39-31 PDT Significantcell I am just curious, how many of experience do u have iwth GD 2020-08-06 10-37-39 PDT Significantcell Linux kernel, is written in C (think of millions of lines of code source) 2020-08-06 10-35-28 PDT Significantcell Yes, you have to have some knowledge in some low level programming languages (C, C++ , ...) 2020-12-12 13-03-37 PST Significantcell Alhamdolilah 2020-08-06 09-34-10 PDT Significantcell ah très bien 2020-10-02 01-50-00 PDT Significantcell Thank you very much for that tool, That's what I've been looking for a while. 2020-09-02 13-41-23 PDT Significantcell After testing those, I found that OnlyOffice is the software I was looking for for a long time 2020-08-06 10-48-18 PDT Significantcell :) 2020-09-06 08-59-16 PDT Significantcell Thank you for sharing :) 2020-08-06 10-30-07 PDT Significantcell https://www.reddit.com/r/learnpython/ 2020-08-06 10-20-18 PDT Significantcell :) 2020-08-06 09-39-21 PDT Significantcell But to be honest I have only 2 years of experience with it 2020-08-06 10-26-38 PDT Significantcell Do you have a Youtube channel? 2020-08-05 01-51-44 PDT Significantcell Thank you very much for your suggestion about SVG animation 2020-08-06 09-37-17 PDT Significantcell nkhdem bih généralement la phase finale 2020-09-25 01-06-44 PDT Significantcell Salam alaykom 2020-09-15 06-43-17 PDT Significantcell وعليكم السلام بارك الله فيك 2020-09-15 08-10-47 PDT Significantcell I confirm 2020-08-06 09-51-40 PDT Significantcell Ah that's interesting 2020-09-24 04-12-34 PDT Significantcell Nivdia drivers almost always will mess up your PC, I had very bad experience with that as well in the past 2020-12-22 10-46-48 PST Significantcell Hi, 2020-08-06 10-33-09 PDT Significantcell Ah ok 2020-08-06 09-35-07 PDT Significantcell ana ingénieur 2020-08-06 09-55-25 PDT Significantcell That's very interesting, 2020-08-06 09-31-14 PDT Significantcell wash ahwalek 2020-08-06 10-42-45 PDT Significantcell Amazing 2020-12-10 11-14-56 PST Significantcell I hope you are doing well 2020-08-06 09-35-42 PDT Significantcell des éoliennes 2020-08-06 02-31-08 PDT Significantcell شكرا جزيلا أخويا 2020-08-06 09-38-57 PDT Significantcell I use it generally to post-process the results, to make technical illustrations 2020-08-06 09-48-22 PDT Significantcell But I am really interested in how did you discovered Inkscape in the first place 2020-08-06 09-46-35 PDT Significantcell Unfortunately, I don't use those websites (instagram, facebook, etc) 2020-12-10 11-14-51 PST Significantcell How are you? 2020-08-09 03-38-18 PDT Significantcell Hi, I hope you are doing well 2020-08-06 10-12-27 PDT Significantcell You can join subreddit 2020-08-06 09-29-59 PDT Significantcell أهلا 2020-08-06 10-40-41 PDT Significantcell How many years 2020-08-10 05-22-09 PDT Significantcell alhamdolilah, Fine too 2020-10-01 05-27-33 PDT Significantcell This is an example of PowerPoint usage by some people 2020-09-02 15-01-02 PDT Significantcell Yeah, exactly, the compatibility with MS office formats is nearly perfect 2020-08-06 09-40-00 PDT Significantcell But fortunately, it changed my life 2020-08-06 10-11-48 PDT Significantcell Everything is subreddit 2020-08-06 10-16-41 PDT Significantcell You're welcome
participants (1)