[Webmaster] Re: Forum activity on: I Can't Change The Color of Some Objects in an Image.
Thank you very much for your help and advice. I rally appreciate it. Is there a tutorial or documentation on this topic for further study? Can you recommend something?Thanks again! Best regards,Tony On Thursday, February 11, 2021, 02:11:11 PM EST, webmaster@inkscape.org webmaster@inkscape.org wrote:
Dear TonySanGold,
A new post on the topic "I Can't Change The Color of Some Objects in an Image." by inklinea: --- It's simpler than you think. You can create a new layer in Inkscape. Keep clicking the funnel until its bounding box is shown.In this case the funnel is made of many components, you can shift click as many as you can see, then right click and choose 'move to layer'. Move then to your new layer. Toggle the visibility of the new layer, that will show you any remaining pieces you have missed in the original image.Repeat moving those pieces to the layer you made.Now the funnel is in a new layer you can group it.Then select the group and choose Filters > colour > colouriseThis will colour the funnel without losing the shading effect. Copy the funnel, hide the layer and go back to the original layer, use Edit> Paste in place. Now you have a coloured funnel and a spare funnel in the upper layer if you want to do it again. ---- Link: http://www.inkscape.org/forums/questions/i-cant-change-the-color-of-some-obj...
All the best, Inkscape.org Website
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participants (1)
Anthony Sanford