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2020-05-01 14-30-43 PDT Nathan Johansen (The compressed 7z is also a 404.) 2020-05-01 14-28-45 PDT Nathan Johansen Should I wait a minute? 2019-11-26 13-38-29 PST Nathan Johansen Just an FYI. =) 2020-05-01 14-28-37 PDT Nathan Johansen (Ditto for the .msi option.) 2020-05-01 14-31-19 PDT Nathan Johansen Of course, that is for the 32-bit ... 2020-05-01 14-17-14 PDT Nathan Johansen Yep, I can see that ... has an orange banner saying: "This release for this platform is in draft mode. It is not visible to the public yet." 2020-05-01 14-17-45 PDT Nathan Johansen Thank you! Let me give that a try on the ThinkPad. 2020-05-01 14-15-53 PDT Nathan Johansen In particular, which one would you recommend trying first? 2019-11-26 13-36-10 PST Nathan Johansen I had just made a guess that perhaps the code did not have the proper methods (upon application exit) to clear out any listeners for those shortcuts? 2020-05-01 14-27-56 PDT Nathan Johansen (The .exe option gives a 404 when loaded to: [ https://inkscape.org/release/inkscape-1.0/windows/32-bit/exe/dl/ ] at the moment ...) 2020-05-01 14-32-31 PDT Nathan Johansen The 64-bit has similar responses for all three presently. I'll be patient and try later. 2020-05-01 14-18-23 PDT Nathan Johansen Awww! 2020-05-01 14-15-33 PDT Nathan Johansen [ https://inkscape.org/release/1.0rc1/platforms/ ] 2019-11-26 10-49-22 PST Nathan Johansen When Inkscape exits, I always get a set of these Gtk-WARNING messages, they vary with respect to the particulars, but always include the following "letters" in place of where I've just put the double quotes with a single space:
```Gtk-WARNING **: mnemonic " " wasn't removed for widget "e, f, h, l, n, o, p, s, t, v"``` 2020-05-01 14-13-33 PDT Nathan Johansen What's the URL for your uploaded Windows build, if it's available yet? =) 2019-11-26 13-37-36 PST Nathan Johansen Or maybe they were defined in duplicate, or not at all ... I have no idea. Aside from those ten warnings, the only other type that I frequently see are are Gtk-CRITICAL like this:
```Gtk-CRITICAL **: 13:37:00.149: gtk_box_gadget_distribute: assertion 'size >= 0' failed in GdlSwitcher``` 2019-11-26 13-38-17 PST Nathan Johansen If both of those were eliminated, there wouldn't be much written to the terminal output that I can see. 2019-11-26 10-50-02 PST Nathan Johansen Where in the code or to what might those warnings refer and how can they be fixed? 2020-05-01 15-50-23 PDT Patrick From the gallery link I sent you should be able to download the files. 2020-05-01 14-18-17 PDT Patrick Haha, it was built on one, so it will feel at home ;-) 2020-05-01 14-16-12 PDT Patrick https://inkscape.org/release/1.0/windows/ (if you can see that) 2020-05-01 15-50-07 PDT Patrick It's possible you don't have the proper permission levels to the site (the release is in draft mode, so not visible for most users) 2020-05-01 14-16-29 PDT Patrick Otherwise https://inkscape.org/~Ede_123/galleries/inkscape-10/ 2019-11-26 10-57-00 PST Patrick "Mnemonics" refer to the shortcuts you can use to activate menu items (see underlined letters, possibly you have to press "Alt" first to see them). No idea what triggers those warnings, though.
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