On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 05:26:03PM -0700, Josh Andler wrote:
On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 5:14 PM, Nathan Hurst <njh@...19...> wrote:
On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 11:06:10AM -0700, Josh Andler wrote:
Hey Alexandre (& board),
I really think this is one of those tough issues regarding Packt and the project showing any form of favoritism in the name of financial gain vs something community based (not say that there's anything comparable, but saying that tends to be the preference). If I could get a copy of it (no
don't want to pay) to judge the quality, I could then feel comfortable
I didn't see the original proposal, I think. My mail was a little unreliable for a bit.
The original proposal was sent off-list to only myself and Ted. I admit that I dropped the ball by starring the message to deal with and not filtering my mail to see if I had anything marked important recently enough. I dropped it a second time when Alexandre followed up and told him I would email the board and subsequently forgot to as opposed to doing it right then. My bad, I own it. I do greatly regret it and am sorry for it Alexandre.
If you look back in this message thread you'll find that Alexandre ended up pasting in the original email within one of his messages.
I agree with bryce for this. My extension is that I am happy to promote comercial inkscape related products on the website, but I would always give higher prominence to open source efforts. As long as we stay with our core goals of long term freedom, and avoid crass advretising, I think our users would appreciate any documentation available.
If they can feed money back into development efforts, even better. (Though how we spend our hoard has been even more contentious :)
Tied to 2geom, please look at the list archives as there was a recent thread I started which Krzysztof responded to which it would be useful to get your thoughts on.
I didn't get the one about admin privs. Of course they can. I would like to give all 2geom devels admin privs if sf.net would let me. I'm not particularly happy with sf's project management any more, perhaps we should look at github or something?
Also tied to 2geom and brought up on in the list message, if you'll give me the ability, I'd be more than happy to update the 2geom website to more accurately reflect the current state (launchpad vs sourceforge, bzr vs svn, etc).
Let's migrate away from sf.net unless there are objections? One reason I haven't done as much as I should, is that the cost of contributing in the small chunks of free + motivated time I've had, I've spent more time dealing with revision control problems than coding.
I vote for github.