III. Specific pages on the website are designated for commercial listings. Each page has a standardized format which all listings must follow for inclusion. These listings are ordered by amount paid, with highest paid at the top. No proposals for links or listings on any other location in the site including headers, footers, or menus will be entertained.
Thinking through some of the implications of this:
* "highest paid at top" - The web maintainers will need to maintain a registry of who paid what amounts.
* What if a given company paid on multiple occasions? Each donation must be earmarked to a specific listing.
* What if a company wishes their payment to be kept confidential? To participate in the ranking, the amount must be public. Confidential donations will be treated as $0.01 for sorting purposes.
* Won't it become more and more expensive to get the #1 slot, as more and more people pay? Yes, this is by design; think of it like an auction. If the page grows to too many items, the page will likely be split into multiple pages, such as by Inkscape version or categories; this is entirely left to the web maintainer's descretion, but the sorting within any given split-out page will still be in paid-amount order.
* How does web team verify who paid what? (Presumably the web team can contact the consortium and ask for verification that a given entity paid a given amount. The details of the process will need ironed out between the various parties.)
* Who should a given publisher email to request a listing be added? The web team should include appropriate directions for how to make a donation and get the listing submitted to the team for inclusion.
* How long should listings be guaranteed visible on the site? Ideally paid listings should be kept indefinitely, but I expect the value of the listing diminishes after a year or two, so if we give any guarantees perhaps it should be 2 years?
Let me know if you spot any issues with any of the above, or have any other concerns or implications that'll need accounted for.