A majority vote of the current board members is required for the following matter.
Increase Inkscape's 2015 budget from $10,000 to $15,000, reducing reserves by $5,000. Increase amount budgeted for LGM and Hackfest by an additional $2,500 each.
[ ] a. Yes, increase budget for LGM/Hackfest [ ] b. No, keep budget as is
Votes: Bryce Harrington Tavmjong Bah Josh Andler Jon Cruz Ted Gould Johan Engelen MentalGuy
In a prior vote, the board allocated $5000 from reserves to be spent on sponsorship costs for LGM 2015 and the Inkscape hackfest; this would be above and beyond whatever would be collected from donations. In that vote Tav suggested a more appropriate amount would be a $10,000 total allocation, a $5000 increase over the current budget.
The Software Conservancy's ledger system indicates that currently (as of midnight Feb 19th), the total donations collected and earmarked for the hackfest is: $1447.00, less $144.7 to SFC and $61.50 for banking fees, or $1240.80 total.
The Hackfest planning committee estimated a total cost of $9-18k for the hackfest sponsorships. In detail:
* From Paris: airfare $900 + $200 hotel + $100 food = $1200 * From Boston: airfare $300 + $200 hotel + $100 food = $600 * From Zurich: airfare $900 + $200 hotel + $100 food = $1200 * From Los Angeles: airfare $750 + $200 hotel + $100 food = $1150 [Note the above estimates don't include LGM hotel costs]
The Hackfest committee suggested reimbursement limits as:
* Up to $2000 each for Inkscape developers who have contributed for 3+ years and > 200 commits (About 18 developers qualify, not all currently active) * Up to $1500 each for Inkscape developers who have contributed for 2+ years and > 100 commits (About 17 additional qualify) * Up to $1000 each for Inkscape developers who have contributed for 1+ year and > 50 commits (About 24 additional qualify) * Up to $500 each for any Inkscape contributor listed in AUTHORS file with at least 10 commits by Jan 1, 2015 (About 50 additional qualify)
For reference, Bryce's itenary actuals for Hackfest + LGM are:
Hotel: Courtyard Downtown Marriott, 25APR-3MAY = $1275.81 US (incl. tax&surcharge) Airfare: 25APR UA1249+UA0843, 3MAY UA5165+UA1758 = $747.75 US