On Jul 5 2023, at 3:23 pm, Jonathan Neuhauser jonathan.neuhauser@outlook.com wrote:
While I do agree that this is an issue and we should solve this (with a simple vote for a stipend policy), let’s summarize the outstanding stipends:
- AI Extension Mentor: Project still ongoing, I will request the stipend to cover expenses for Creative Cloud license which I need(ed) for creating test files.
So yes, I agree with René that it should be time after "the project is complete" -- what ever that means for the stipend. Hiring, when hired. Mentoring, when the project is complete.
- AI Hiring team and GTK hiring team: a ticket has been created with the SFC’s tracker. This is waiting for SFC. Whether or not to request the stipend is a personal decision should be private by default, so people were rightfully hesitant to write that into the ticket. Both of these are waiting for SFC (one of them since April).
I don't think we're waiting for anything on the SFC here? It's authorized and we have an RT ticket. It just takes people to ask for reimbursement on that ticket. I'm a bit confused on what you're saying about it being private. Not sure we have quite a way to do that, what are you thinking? Also, I'll note that those aren't the only two stipends open. We technically still have open the stipend for Summer Project mentors for 2022. (and 2023, but that isn't complete yet)
Given the usual SFC delay, 90 days seem really tight.
I would say "submitted by", not that it would be reimbursed by. Which I think removes a lot of the delay in the SFC. But, also I just picked 90 days out of a hat because it matched the travel policy. I'd be happy with a different number you'd prefer (180?) Ted