Thanks Tav,
I've edited it up and we'll start considering this a non-draft live document from now.
Changes can still be made, but we're basicalyl done with this task. Thanks everyone!
Best Regards, Martin Owens
On Fri, 2015-11-20 at 13:08 +0100, Tavmjong Bah wrote:
I finally got around to doing a review of the code of conduct as I agreed to do at the last IRC board meeting. I apologize for taking so long. I think the text looks great! I also think it might be time to remove the "draft" stuff (Work in Progress at top, copies of other code of conducts at bottom.)
I made some minor editing changes:
"Even if" -> "For example, if" (avoid awkward repeating of "even")
"are conflicted" -> "have a conflict of interest"
"feeling" -> "feel"
"parent organization" -> "collaborating organizations" (We don't
really have a parent organization and the text should apply, for example, to our internet hosts.)
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