On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 5:14 PM, Nathan Hurst <njh@...19...> wrote:
On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 11:06:10AM -0700, Josh Andler wrote:
Hey Alexandre (& board),
I really think this is one of those tough issues regarding Packt and the project showing any form of favoritism in the name of financial gain vs something community based (not say that there's anything comparable, but saying that tends to be the preference). If I could get a copy of it (no
don't want to pay) to judge the quality, I could then feel comfortable
I didn't see the original proposal, I think. My mail was a little unreliable for a bit.
The original proposal was sent off-list to only myself and Ted. I admit that I dropped the ball by starring the message to deal with and not filtering my mail to see if I had anything marked important recently enough. I dropped it a second time when Alexandre followed up and told him I would email the board and subsequently forgot to as opposed to doing it right then. My bad, I own it. I do greatly regret it and am sorry for it Alexandre.
If you look back in this message thread you'll find that Alexandre ended up pasting in the original email within one of his messages.
As for the board though, I do believe that at some point it was
supposed to be term based. I think we should revisit this issue as there
be people on the board who are no longer actively involved with the
and are unresponsive. Additionally, there may also be some of our newer & more active contributors who might have different perspectives that could
I agree with this, my involvement with inkscape outside 2geom is minimal so I would be happy to hand the baton on to someone else. However, I am not sure what benefit removing people from the board will have, if the problem is people not getting or reading emails.
Tied to 2geom, please look at the list archives as there was a recent thread I started which Krzysztof responded to which it would be useful to get your thoughts on. I agree that in the case of people not getting emails it would be absurd to remove people from the board. However, if outside of something like lack of net access, vacation, life being busy, family stuff, or whatever other things happen if it's actually a choice to not read emails it would show a lack of commitment (note, I'm explicitly saying in terms of selectively reading other emails and leaving board ones unread).
Also tied to 2geom and brought up on in the list message, if you'll give me the ability, I'd be more than happy to update the 2geom website to more accurately reflect the current state (launchpad vs sourceforge, bzr vs svn, etc).
Cheers, Josh