The board is requested to vote on the following matter:
[ ] a. Cover travel and hotel expenses for up to 5 Inkscape developers to participate in LGM 2014, maximum of $500 per developer. [ ] b. Do not cover expenses for Inkscape developers to attend LGM.
LGM is an important meeting for the Libre graphics movement. This is a good place to showcase our upcoming release, Inkscape 0.91. Having Inkscape developers get together is always a good thing. Having Inkscape developers talking with others in the Libre Graphics movement might even be better.
Unfortunately, it is probably too late to have a developer propose to give a talk on Inkscape at the meeting.
-- Tavmjong Bah
"Developer" is defined as someone listed in Inkscape's AUTHORS file as of Feb 19, 2013. -- Bryce Harrington