8 Feb
8 Feb
3:55 p.m.
Same, I am still open to discussion about those topics, but my starting position would be:
1c: Up the price for footer links (by *a lot* : I see the footer acknowledgment as "Your contribution is *essential* to the project or the website") and make sure it's very clear that footer links will always have nofollow
2a: Sure, the sponsorships seem not very expensive currently, tbh
3d: I see the follow/nofollow question as a "is that link relevant to the context ?" question. So when you make a blogpost about X, it seems normal to put a (follow) link. I would also agree to them on the "current sponsors" page, for the same reason. However, for footer links or for the front page, it would seem artificial, so nope.
Le 05/02/2021 à 20:16, tavmjong@free.fr a écrit :
> Hmm, I'm not 100% sure of my votes, but for the moment:
> 1c. Keep the perk but up the prices.
> 2a. But do we have a summary of all previous sponsorships?
> 3d. Allow follow links on news articles and for sponsorships. For a fee elsewhere provided the sponsor has some connection to Inkscape's mission (vector art site, etc.).
> ----- Original Message -----
> | From: "Martin Owens" doctormo@geek-2.com
> | To: inkscape-board@lists.inkscape.org
> | Sent: Friday, February 5, 2021 7:31:56 PM
> | Subject: [Inkscape-board] Vote: Sponsorship Refactoring
> |
> | Sponsorships Refactoring 2021
> | =============================
> |
> | Proposal:
> | ---------
> |
> | 1. Removal from our top sponsorship level of $10k the perk of having
> | a
> | footer link.
> |
> | * [ ] a. Yes, remove the footer reward
> | * [ ] b. No, keep the footer reward
> | * [ ] c. Something else, please specify.
> |
> |
> | 2. The increase in our sponsorships, from 0.5k 2k, 5k 10k to 0.5k 2k
> | 10k 20k
> |
> | * [ ] a. Yes, refactor the sponsorships as above.
> | * [ ] b. No, leave the levels as they are now.
> | * [ ] c. Yes, but use a different set of levels, please detail.
> |
> | 3. Maintain nofollow links for all our sponsorship links, but allow
> | them on news articles. other pages: sponsors page, front page, footer
> | etc
> |
> | * [ ] a. Yes, allow follow links on news articles only
> | * [ ] b. Yes, allow follow links for all sponsorship links
> | * [ ] c. No, don't allow follow links anywhere
> | * [ ] d. Something else. Please specify
> |
> | Votes:
> | ------
> |
> | | Board Member | 1 | 2 | 3 |
> | | -------------------- |:---:|:---:|:---:|
> | | Josh Andler | | | |
> | | Tavmjong Bah | | | |
> | | Ted Gould | | | |
> | | Martin Owens | | | |
> | | Marc Jeanmougin | | | |
> | | Chris Rogers | | | |
> |
> | Background
> | ----------
> |
> | A new sponsor is asking us for follow links and footer links in a
> | pretty aggressive way. It seems like the project might be offering
> | ourselves up for abuse by people who want search engine optimisation.
> |
> | RedHat have recently also sponsored us for $20k, this puts their
> | sponsorship at twice our highest level, and it wasn't even a sweat
> | for
> | them.
> |
> | Sponsorship details: https://inkscape.org/support-us/sponsors/
> |
> | Martin,
> | _______________________________________________
> | Inkscape Board of Directors mailing list --
> | inkscape-board@lists.inkscape.org
> | To unsubscribe send an email to
> | inkscape-board-leave@lists.inkscape.org
> |
> _______________________________________________
> Inkscape Board of Directors mailing list -- inkscape-board@lists.inkscape.org
> To unsubscribe send an email to inkscape-board-leave@lists.inkscape.org