I vote a.
The one question I have, is how does the banner get passed around?
Tav (from the Singapore airport)
On Sun, 2015-02-08 at 11:47 -0800, Jon A. Cruz wrote:
A majority vote of the current board members is required for this matter.
Reimburse the cost of producing:
* Up to $200 for a one-time expense to create an Inkscape stand-up banner for shows and conferences * Up to $80 for hand-out materials including mini-stickers and mini-cards with hackfest fundraising info. * Total limit of $250 for the one-time and hand-out expenses combined.
Jon A. Cruz will coordinate acquisition of items and setup for the Inkscape booth at SCALE 13x.
[ ] a. Yes, approve this funding proposal. [ ] b. I might vote yes for a more limited proposal [ ] c. No, do not provide funding for conference materials
Inkscape has participated in SCALE conferences for several years now. The exhibit floor reaches a wide audience including businessmen from various industries, students and educators, other open source projects and the general population.
Some years back we used a generic Libre Graphics banner that had been provided by Andy Fitzsimon. It has gotten worn out over the years, but also was never Inkscape-specific. Currently as one project member noted "Our barren booth at SCALE is kind of an embarrassment... we're a graphics app and we have the stock generic "banner" they provide us with."
A non-retracting two-sided floor banner should be about $170 plus tax and shipping. This item should last several years, and can be shipped as needed to different conferences.
The mini-card portion of the hand-out materials runs about $20 plus shipping and handling. It has been noted that them bringing in just a few small donations (perhaps 3-4) could more than make up for their expense. But at the least they can help raise awareness of Inkscape and appreciation for it in the general population.