14 Feb
14 Feb
7:20 p.m.
Hey everyone! We need moar stickers!
These are both for the hackfest stickers, and for the stickers for SFC and Inkscape reps attending conferences to hand out.
We'd also like another set of business cards with the hotkeys on the back. The SFC will be paying for these directly and shipping them out to Rene to distribute at the hackfest, so we need votes asap!
500 Cards: £44.47 2000 Inkscape Stickers: £133.40 1000 Hackfest Stickers: £30.00
Shipping: £30
Total: £237.87
Additional shipping may be required to send out hackfest stickers, so approval for up to £100.00 extra to reimburse for shipping stuff out to folks.
Total incl shipping (up to) £337.87
Vote: A. Fund stickers and cards B. Do not fund stickers and cards
Thanks! -C