On Fri, 2021-08-27 at 16:31 -0500, Ted Gould wrote:
While we don't currently have a procedure, I'd be against any that allows for announcements of changes to the list over a temporal medium like chat.
I don't think you have the authority to make those changes Martin. Whether you could find the addresses or not. I think that as develop a procedure it should have a clause for people who are unable to be contacted. But until we have that process we shouldn't apply a random one. We should develop the process, then apply it.
Generally for most things I'm of the opinion to "empower the doers" and I think that it is your intent to make things better. But I don't think we can do that with things related to governance and who is allowed to vote.
This would make sense if the list was in effect, but it's not. I understand your need to make sure everything is done appropriately, but there hasn't been any application of any policy at this stage. You're applying finishing rules to a draft process.
Ted lad, you need to scale back the fear response. I trust the SFC will guide us on process and we'll have the opportunity to make sure the published list is perfect before it goes into effect.
Please come to the next meeting, if you can. And if you can't, if you can get me a list of the main points you want to make sure is factored in, it'll be great to have your voice in the mix.
Best Regards, Martin Owens