On Wed, Mar 06, 2019 at 09:59:35AM -0500, Brett Smith wrote:
Hi Bryce,
I went to make the button, but there’s an implementation detail I want to check with you. Most of your buttons describe the donation as “Inkscape donation for [purpose] via Conservancy.” Unfortunately, I can’t use the obvious “Inkscape donation for Outreachy internship” because of limits in our tooling: our PayPal import system will see that the donations reference both “Inkscape” and “Outreachy,” and refuse to add it to the books automatically because it can’t figure out which project it’s supposed to go to. And that doesn’t scale.
So, I need to describe the donation to donors in a way that doesn’t explicitly say “Outreachy,” and I wanted to check if you had any preferences on that wording that would be consistent with the rest of your messaging, etc. The next closest thing I can think of is “Inkscape donation for paid internships,” so if that’s fine by you we’ll do it. But if you’ve got other ideas, it’s your button, and I’m happy to make sure it matches your messaging.
I've spoken with several of the board members, and all think your approach sounds fine.
In fact, it gives a bit of flexibility in the messaging, in case there are other internship opportunities in the future.
Bear in mind PayPal requires the description to be brief, just a few words, so a detailed description of Outreachy like “Inkscape donation to fund paid internships for developers underrepresented in FOSS” isn’t an option unfortunately.
On 3/2/19 6:07 PM, Bryce Harrington wrote:
Hi, I just wanted to follow up on this. We held the vote as requested and forwarded to the ticket, and are waiting for a button to be generated so we can start collecting funds to allow us to participate in the Outreachy program.
If there is any further steps required on our end before the button can be provided by SFC, please advise.
On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 09:50:19AM -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
Shall Inkscape participate in the Outreachy internship program, and allow the earmarking of donations for funding one or more Outreachy slots?
- [ ] a. Yes, participate in Outreachy and allow collection of donations to fund one or more internship slots.
- [ ] b. No, do not participate in Outreachy at this time.
- [ ] c. Other ___________________
| Board Member | 1. | | -------------------- |:--:| | Bryce Harrington | a. | | Josh Andler | a. | | Tavmjong Bah | a. | | Ted Gould | | | Martin Owens | a. | | Marc Jeanmougin | a. | | Chris Rogers | a. |
Inkscape will begin earmarking of donations for the Outreachy internship program, with the goal of participating in one or more Outreachy slots.
Note that at this time it is assumed the cost of the Outreachy participation will be covered entirely by the earmarked donations.
At the Boston hackfest Máirín Duffy suggested Inkscape participate in the Outreachy internship program, and offered to help with organizing and fundraising for it. We discussed it in detail at the board meetings, but I don't think we formally voted on it. Conservancy requires a formal vote for moving forward with collection of donations for us.
One way Outreachy appears to differ from the GSoC program is that funding must be arranged by the mentoring organization. Máirín believes that adequate external funding can be secured for Inkscape, to cover at least one student. With the Inkscape Committee's approval, Conservancy will create a Donate button to receive and earmark funds to be used for the Outreachy slot.
At this time it is assumed the cost of the Outreachy participation will be covered entirely by the earmarked donations. If it becomes desireable in the future for Inkscape to cover portions of the internship cost, a separate vote will be done.
On Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 08:52:08PM +0000, Bradley M. Kuhn via RT wrote:
Oh, I forgot to add in my last email, Máirín asked for us to set up an "account". To be clear, we are *not* setting up an "account" for this -- that's a term of art in accounting and it defintiely is not how we handle the situation when an existing Conservancy member project wants to fund an Outreachy internship.
What we can set up is a donate button, which is what I've changed this ticket into an action item for.
Since both Inkscape and Outreachy are Conservancy member projects, I believe it's ok to say publicly that the funds are meant for that, but please don't do that until I'm in possession of a a vote in the approvals queue where Inkscape Committee has voted to fund an Outreachy slot. Bryce, please take that as an action item and email to approvals creating a separate ticket.
But, to be clear, the money will be officially earmarked for Inkscape, in their regular "Income:Donations" account, and the thing that will bind it to go to the Outreachy slot will be the vote by the Inkscape PLC to spend money on a slot.
If you have further questions about what's appropriate to say during fundraising campaign,or other related issues to this, probably best to discuss in detail with Karen outside of any specific RT ticket.
Inkscape-board mailing list Inkscape-board@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/inkscape-board
-- Brett Smith