Inkscape Board Meeting Sep 2nd

Hi Inkscapers,
For September's board meeting, I'd like to plan on getting together this Friday, September 2nd, at the usual time, noon Pacific, in #inkscape-devel.
Last meeting we discussed hackfest locations. My wife's been helping me scope out some awesome places in the area, and we have a good option to present.
We'd also talked about sending a few folks to a GNOME event this fall; this meeting will be the last opportunity to get that underway if we want to do it.
Another important agenda item is to follow up on the Inkscape Forum transition, and discuss follow up tasks.
I've also started working on setting up an Inkscape account on Spreadshirt and put some Q's in to SFC regarding bank info and taxes, but am hoping that will be ready for usage soonish. So I'd like to chat with Mc and anyone else that would like to participate in getting that off the ground.
participants (1)
Bryce Harrington