Hey All,
As previously mentioned, I really feel that JazzyNico and Johan should be given the opportunity to serve on the board. JazzyNico has expressed interest and Johan has not (yet, who knows, I haven't cornered him yet ;). In the grand scheme of things, is anyone willing to be succeeded by either of them? If both are interested and we only have one opening (or none), I would be willing to give up my spot on the board and just serve as community nag/liaison to the board while having no voting power just to empower a current active developer with the ability to influence the project in different ways.
Please give input/feedback.
Cheers, Josh

On 6/29/2011 3:01 AM, Josh Andler wrote:
Hey All,
As previously mentioned, I really feel that JazzyNico and Johan should be given the opportunity to serve on the board. JazzyNico has expressed interest and Johan has not (yet, who knows, I haven't cornered him yet ;). In the grand scheme of things, is anyone willing to be succeeded by either of them? If both are interested and we only have one opening (or none), I would be willing to give up my spot on the board and just serve as community nag/liaison to the board while having no voting power just to empower a current active developer with the ability to influence the project in different ways.
Please give input/feedback.
Aaron Spike

On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 08:49:57AM -0500, Aaron Spike wrote:
On 6/29/2011 3:01 AM, Josh Andler wrote:
Hey All,
As previously mentioned, I really feel that JazzyNico and Johan should be given the opportunity to serve on the board. JazzyNico has expressed interest and Johan has not (yet, who knows, I haven't cornered him yet ;). In the grand scheme of things, is anyone willing to be succeeded by either of them? If both are interested and we only have one opening (or none), I would be willing to give up my spot on the board and just serve as community nag/liaison to the board while having no voting power just to empower a current active developer with the ability to influence the project in different ways.
Please give input/feedback.
Hmm, I notice that in the vote we only had 6 voters; Jon Cruz appears to have abstained. Jon, are you on this list? Are you still interested in board activities? If not, would you be willing to step down to open the slot for someone else?
Also, looking through the mailing list archives, I notice njh officially stepped down[1], however we never replaced him. My fault; I took the action but didn't follow through.
(Omitting Nathan's vote on the commercial listings policy, it doesn't change the results, but it's a lot closer.)
So, we definitely need to hold a vote to replace Nathan (and Nathan, feel free to run again if your conflict of interest has resolved); depending on Jon's feelings that could make a second spot open.
Since we'll be doing an election, if anyone has a desire to retire, this would be a good point to do so, but let me know some time this week.
1: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=1201219161.6611.14....

On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 12:49:40AM -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
Also, looking through the mailing list archives, I notice njh officially stepped down[1], however we never replaced him. My fault; I took the action but didn't follow through.
That's ok, I just didn't get involved in any decisions.
So, we definitely need to hold a vote to replace Nathan (and Nathan, feel free to run again if your conflict of interest has resolved);
I haven't had a conflict of interest for 1.5 years :)
participants (4)
Aaron Spike
Bryce Harrington
Josh Andler
Nathan Hurst