jiho kirjutas:
If it could be called "Save a backup" and not "Save a copy" in the end it would make me happy ;)
I think "Save a copy" is more clear and more general, as any copy may be backup, but not necessarily need to. (I never used this for backups, but not to open new page every time when I am finished with a little drawing I save a copy of it as original and delete all to start working on next one.)
Oh and by the way, does GTK have dynamic menus, in the sense that the menu shows something in its default state and shows something different when a modifier is pressed. This would allow to show [Save as CTRL+SHIFT+S] in the default state, and when ALT is pressed, show: [Save a backup CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+S] This makes more functionality fit in less menu space and hides some complexity from the first sight. I am not sure it would be the best option for this particular one but this was an opportunity to ask.
Alt operator in menus is used to execute a item like _Edit -> Prefe_rences with keystroke Alt+E+R (you may release E before pressing R). So using ALT is impossible, but idea itself sounds interesting, Ctrl and Shift keys are unused in menus.
To explain my idea of the feature: No extra menu items, all names remain the same. At the bottom of any save page there would be checkboxes named "Append autoincremental digit" and "Append date" followed by a text box [YMDhm] determining format of savedate. When clicking on appropriate checkbox the filename could change from "Untitled.svg" to "Untitled%n.svg" or "Untitled%Y%M%D%h%m.svg". It also needs checking on every filename change (made by user), if the right appending string is still present and uncheck the checkbox if not. The save dialog may have a extra checkbox "Always save to original with no appendings". Let's assume the Filename textbox reads "Project%n.svg". It tries to save to file Project.svg, if such a file exists, it renames it to Project01.svg and saves to Project.svg, when the appending is some sort of date, the Last modified of file to be renamed would be used (which leads to problems when the filesystem is mounted using no_utime or similar performance gain options, so with zero date the moment should be used).
It can become a great mess, if the "Always save to original" is used with this "filename generation string" "Project%Y%D%M%n.svg", if coded wrong. Also the syntax should be rethought again, as in filenames % is permitted character and when saving from web filenames like hello%20world are not rare at all. Maybe generating string ought to be encapsulated by '[' and ']' marks or something similar, would be more clear also ("Untitled [%n].svg").