On Wed, 23 Nov 2005 mental@...3... wrote:
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2005 13:35:53 -0500 From: mental@...3... To: Alan Horkan <horkana@...44...> Cc: Inkscape Devel List inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net Subject: Re: SVG compliance? [was Re: [Inkscape-devel] 0.44 plans]
Quoting Alan Horkan <horkana@...44...>:
In response to mental my alternative was not to save the new centre points across sessions (I think the extra step might not really be necessary) avoiding the need for custom markup but still providing the desired functionality.
...when the desired functionality was explicitly identified as remembering the centre points across sessions?
"I've just commited some code that makes inkscape retain the centre of rotations location after you move it so that next time you come back to it the centre is where you put it."
No mention in this post of this being across saved sessions. I interpreted it as being within the same editing session and until readin futher was unsure if the proposed changed included saving across sessions. (Also not saving across sessions gives you a built in reset of the pivot point.)
Next mail by Peter Moulder http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=13847235 "I don't think this should extend even across different editing sessions:"
bulia would like it saved across sessions http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=13848609 David agrees http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=13887983
For what it is worth I rechecked OpenOffice Draw and it does allow you to change the centre of rotation but it does not save this information after you close the document. (In the Position and Size dialog there are options on if the centre or corner should be the default pivot point and input spinboxes allow the precise positioning of the pivot point.)
It seemed like storing the points might not be entirely necessary once the primary issue of remembering them across the current session was sorted and it didn't seem like it had been decided absolutely one way or the other.
Please don't post any more on this particular topic until you can explain why your suggestion would directly violate the SVG standard.
I didn't phrase it very well but perhaps from my other mail you got a better sense of my concerns.
It is easier to create more undocumented items within the inkscape namespace than trying to find and reuse an existing documented standard in use by other software (if it exists) but going back later and trying to figure out if better solutions exist will be difficult. If the use of the inkscape namespace was documented and kept up to date it would make it easier for all to identify when alternatives might be used. This will be useful when trying to identify if certain features are covered by newer SVG specifications. (The sodipodi namedView seems like it might contain information which could be expressed in SVG but it will take time to check and be sure.)
I'm not going to killfile you as some others already have,
I'm disappointed if people have decided to completely ignore my comments without first telling me my behaviour was so bad the felt it was necessary to go to that extreme. I realise some of my comments have been harsh but I am genuinely surprised anyone felt the need to completely block my comments.
but I'm not going to dignify future posts with a response except where you demonstrate an understanding of the technical issues involved.
Can't say fairer than that.
As a positive example, I think your recent post regarding the "Horiz." and "Vert." labels was concise, relatively non-confrontational, and demonstrated an understanding of the relevent issues.
Part of the problem is little issues like this make me see bigger Usability and Accessibility issues, which are trivial on their own and you might hardly notice them but trying to change details later might be considerably more difficult.
I will have to be more specific in future and not worry so much about the bigger picture.
- Alan