On Apr 5, 2005 5:02 PM, David Christian Berg <david@...407...> wrote:
and Enhanced Stroke
However Adobe Illustrator seems a little restrictive about it... I'd do this with percentages of stroke width or absolute values... A stroke at 50% offset would be a path just outside around the shape. 0% would be the current default, with half the path on top of the shape and the other half outside the shape. -50% would set the stroke being right inside of the shape. Values of more than (-) 50% will result in a gap between the stroke and the shape.
What prevents you from using linked offset, designed specifically for this? (Which AI does not have, btw, to my knowledge.)
I'm more interested to find out what is "live" about it. Does it update when someone edits a linked bitmap? What if I already edited the trace and don't want to lose the edits?
Too me it seems everything just goes "live" in Adobe right now :)
Yeah, sure, that's why we must have those "live shapes" I guess :)