24 May
24 May
7:01 a.m.
On May 23, 2006, at 11:49 PM, Craig Bradney wrote:
Look in the defined create dirs, I think Jon Cruz (correct me if I'm wrong) did some work for this in Inkscape somewhere...?
On X11 the dirs to look for are as follows: ~/create/swatches/ ~/.create/swatches/ /usr/share/create/swatches/ /usr/local/share/create/swatches/
I think Joshua had done some preliminary work on this. As far as I can tell, it should currently be checking one of those last two, whichever matches the prefix Inkscape is compiled to. I've not tested it myself, but that should be functional as a first step.
We'll have to wait till after 0.44 to pick up the user-specific directories though.