On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 8:21 PM, Martin Owens <doctormo@...400...> wrote:
Part of the bug is the inability to deal with the document size, colour etc on screen. We could fix this with a few remedies such as allowing the document to be selectable or having a document tool instead of a document properties box (which has a LOt of stuff in it)
Such a tool would also allow us to add/edit/remove viewboxes easily and visually. Only because the LPE Tool and Gradient Mesh are still disabled, it's not as obvious, but, we will need to explore the toolbox and what will be the best path for adding new tools. The expansion menu is really a poor way to handle it. We could go the gimp route of a resizeable toolbox, or possibly the click-hold to expand and show similar tools (what the adobe products and svg-edit do) as just a couple thoughts.
Cheers, Josh