jiho wrote:
1/ The bigger problem is probably that few scientific softwares produce plots in SVG (damn, why is that?!). They all export EPS and the first problem is to get these EPS in Inkscape. At least on OS X, EPS import does not work because Inkscape cannot find pstoedit or ghostscript, though they are installed from fink. Where does inkscape takes the PATH from? With my fink tree added to the PATH in .bashrc or .profile in my home (.profile is the default) it does not work. With uberconverter on the way I hope all this will be solved in a not- so-far-away future.
2/ After some pstoedit command line stuff a second problem arises: all files converted this way are displayed fine in Inkscape but behave strangely: any new element is enormous, no dashes can be applied to existing strokes... This is all related to some strange transformation matrices. And some magic (from my point of view at least): copy-pasting all elements in a new document solves everything. Is there a reason why what is done when copying and pasting should not be done when opening the file?
I was looking at pdf output on windows a few days ago. I'd be happy to offer any assistance I can with the Mac. I don't have a Mac here, but I might be able to find a friend with a Mac around.
Aaron Spike