21 Oct
21 Oct
3:41 p.m.
This subject has been discussed at the two hackfests of 2016 and 2017. The fact that we want to strive for a more inclusive and diverse community is not up for debate.
This is not just about code, but about development: we need to keep an open and welcoming environment to attract new contributors, and diversity helps a lot to build a healthy community.
This discussion is not about *whether* but *how* to build a more diverse/inclusive community. I mention this program for comments because it was mentioned at the summit, but if you know of similar initiatives, please share them.
On 10/21/2017 04:26 PM, Miguel Lopez wrote:
> Hey Inkscape developers, and those otherwho are on the mailing list,
> Ok, I am utterly lost here. What does diversity have anything to do with
> Inkscape development? And second of all, ain't skills is what is
> relevant at Inkscape development? Orientation, skin color, and so on
> does not matter at all to the development of Inkscape. And third of all,
> is there any proof that someone here care so much about irrelevant
> aspect of a individual? And last of all, can we not bring politics here?