On Wed, 2012-12-26 at 14:15 +0100, Jabier Arraiza wrote:
Any body know if this is still vigent in the next 1.2 spec. http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/WD-SVG12-20041027/rendering.html
SVG 1.2 has been dead for years! (Basically ever since Adobe bought Flash... look at the date of the draft spec: 2004). With the inclusion of SVG in HTML5 and with Internet Explorer finally supporting SVG, work on a new SVG spec is moving forward quickly, but it will be called SVG 2. See:
"Enhanced Alpha Compositing" has been removed from the SVG 2 specification and put into its own specification so that the specification can be shared by CSS and SVG. The latest draft can be found at:
Tav (Inkscape representative to the SVG working group)