Two caveats though. That it not be inviting in the interface to make a jpeg. Just via the extensions written by the user only.
If the user types .jpg as the extension, can we hand them a pop-up jpeg save dialog? This would not change the export dialog at all. :)
The other is some sort of crying emoji to appear in the export box next to text that reads "Danger: There are bits of lemon peel floating down the Thames that would make a better image format than JPEG" or maybe just "Warning: JPEG isn't a very good format" would do.
May be better to explain why JPEG sucks (compared to png).
Maybe: "Warning: JPEG Uses lossy compression, and eats kittens for breakfast. For best results use png." I think the sad emoji should have a bowler hat. :)
Best Regards, Martin Owens
On Fri, 2017-02-17 at 08:58 +0000, C R wrote:
Not to take us too far off topic, but quick mention that I would love to see save/export options handled as they are in GIMP, where you just type the extension (.png/.jpeg/.tiff) of what format you want at the end of the filename, and the program pops up the relevant dialog (in file save/file export). This following the logic: if the user asks for it in the dialog, give it to them if possible.
These same options would be useful in the export dialog as well. I currently use mogrify to convert inkscape pngs to jpegs... i've been doing this for years and I hate it. There is nothing better about doing it this way, or via extension, from the user perspective. I hate it each and every time Inkscape forces me to do it, and I dislike *even more* having to install extensions to do it. :) It's embarassing having to explain to new users that they can not export to this common, efficient and universally supported file format. It adds to the "half-baked" feeling mentioned earlier... by one of our proponents/fans. :)
I get the ideology behind not offering jpeg as a *default* export (I don't think that should change: if the user does not specify, by all means, give them a nice clean png), but now that we support things like mesh gradients, even pure vectors exported as pngs are becoming huge, and very un-eco-friendly vs jpeg, both in terms of storage space and bandwidth as a delivery format. It's often the case that quality takes a back seat to file size on the web, and since Inkscape is vector, there is no danger of losing quality in the original: the user can always re-export a png later if it starts to matter.
I don't own/drive a car. I walk or take public transport - it's not usually the best *quality* trip, but it is way more eco-friendly. I feel the same about png vs jpeg. Pristine quality for a web designer can/should take a back-seat to eco-friendly (not to mention load-time-friendly) concerns. We all do our part, and I think Inkscape should too, but right now it puts obstacles in the way of doing this.
Please, can we revisit this? Pretty please? :)
Thanks, as always for all the tremendous effort!
Yours always, -C
On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 6:12 AM, "Christoph Schäfer" <christoph-schaefer@...173...> wrote:
Hi Maren,
Not sure about the tiny objects dialog you get - I can resize, to any size I want, even to fullscreen, if I so desire (but that's tested with 0.92.1pre2 on Linux, so may have been fixed? Or are you on a Mac, and the issue is OS X specific, maybe?)
For the article I tested the Windows version, and the complaint didn't refer the dialogue as such but the tiny object tree window that can't be enlarged to display more elements.
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