Hi everyone
Since it's my first attempt at trying to make things improve in a software, using cvs, and trying to understand a whole project (and written in c++... sometimes), please don't be too harsh on me and on my english level, I'm just a little frenchy :)
Very used to illustrator, I miss some little things that make life easier, like moreeffective snapping.
So I tried to understand the whole object tree, reading both the doxygen and the code (...when there were comments) and finally managed to have a patch made. The functionnality is a pretty little one, I just made guides highlight when moved objects snap against them. For now, this only works for dragged objects and rectangles being drawed.
I post this for anyone to check if I do right, naming functions, indenting, thinking the whole problem, so please, feel free to over-comment my "work", for me to know if I can go on with these kind of updates. This is the first patch of my life, I hope I've made it well. Could you test that ?
Next things I could look at could be : - Snapping modes (enable/disable) Bounding box and dots snapping. I thik it could be great too temporarily disable bounding box snapping, just to make sure only dots do it.
- Providing visual feedback of which of these is used now (you grab a rectangle, its bounding box snaps a guide, the guide turns red (default highlight color), and a little text appears along the guide saying (snapping to boungbox). If you drag farther, the boundingbox will stop snapping and it's the corner dot that will do, so the text'll be "dot snapping" or something like this... maybe snapped dots could be highlited too
- Making grid lines highlight when snapped, just like guides (it was much easier for guides since they are separate objects and the color/hicolor alread existed)
- Trying to make more snapping objects... maybe angled guides, objects themselves, middle of objects, etc... all these could be mode enabled/disabled.
What do people think ? What feature would you like most ?