Did you put this into Launchpad so that we can track it?
Also, I believe that GNOME 2.22 is expecting Cairo 1.6, so it should get into the major distros along with the new GNOME. It means that for most users, they'll have Cairo 1.6 with the next release of their distro.
(it also means that Print to PDF will be much more useful with the next GNOME release ;)
On Tue, 2008-01-22 at 15:10 -0700, Josh Andler wrote:
There was a discussion in the irc channel today regarding exporting PDFs and Carl Worth happened to be there to triage things... well, it got taken to their lists and here's some important info for us.
From the cairo list: http://lists.cairographics.org/archives/cairo/2008-January/012800.html
Carl then said: Specifically: 1. Check cairo_status at least once. 2. Never set a non-invertible matrix.
Just passing it on...
Oh, and since I have to ask every once in a while. Carl also said they were trying to target the 4 bugs that prevent us from switching renderers for 1.6 which will hopefully be out within a month. (no promises on that though)
So, that may be a nice switch to make for 0.47 if we can.