On 9/24/05, John Taber <jtaber@...480...> wrote:
Sure,it was partly done using the connector tool. Lines were turned to curves via Node tool. If that doesn't count, I can come up with some other "pure" screenshot. Absolutely no probs.
I'm torn on this. On the one hand, I want our screenshots to look very
Okay, I did this one long before SoC began, it can be redone again with connector tool and much less "cheating":
Actually, Alexandre's example would be a great way to show the power of combining the various tools in Inkscape. Can it be added to the tutorial section on connectors?
Well, maybe it would be better to sit down and write a tutorial on flowcharting in Inkscape. I hope Dia guys won't cut me into little pieces for that.
P.S. If only it was possible to select appropriate arrow heads from comboboxes in "Tool Controls" toolbar for pen/bezier/connector tools... Does anybody want an RFE for that?