2011/6/10 Bruno Winck <bw@...2632...>:
I take a look at the waf scripts. It's new to me. I see a benefit : portability, I am surprised it is very procedural. Large work.
The build is not procedural. When the build() function of the wscript executes, it only defines the tasks. The compilation happens *after* the build() function returns.
It is : Wscript Waf.bat Waf InkWaf.py
Is there more ?
There are also the wscripts in subdirectories, but most of them are recursion stubs.
Still I am somehow wondering about all the wscript files. Any developer willing to add a file will have to know how to modify them and so know at least something about waf and python.
Same can be said about basically any build system in existence, including btool.exe. The advantages of Waf in this regard are that file moves do not require any modification to the build system (at least the way I implemented it), and it works on all platforms we support (Windows, Unix, OSX).
Regards, Krzysztof