2013/5/31 Martin Owens <doctormo@...400...>
I'm more concerned with what it will be called in the user interface :-) but what's the name of the algorithm? I couldn't find it in the paper.
I didn't find, but the paper homepage ( http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/kopf/pixelart/ ) has a bibtex reference sample and the key used to reference this paper is kopf2011.
2013/5/31 Sebastian Götte <jaseg@...2974...>
On 05/31/2013 04:33 AM, Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira wrote:
What do you guys think about use a more permissive license (LGPLv2.1 and later, MIT, ...) for the library?
If you are writing this from scratch and seperating this into an isolated library, you could just dual-license it with a GPL variant and some sort of commercial license.
If I use a license compatible with GPL (like LGPL), there is no need to dual-license it.
Nobody seems to disapprove this idea, then I'll license it under LGPL, so other open source projects which use other licenses different than GPL might benefit from it.