Yeah, I'm surprised Arpad hasn't weighed in here - would someone mind sending him an invite to the list once it's up?
Last time we exchanges mails, he was quite busy i think. I will warn him.
I volunteer for animating a translator ML, with the following topics :
- where are we ?
(what are the translation status ? Which languages need some more commitment...)
- where do we (translators) usually face some issues ?
(specific vocabulary, synchronization with development...)
- get some best practices from the ML and then, write them down on the wiki
- share experiences on specific blocking points
- take a look at the various tasks, on different levels :
(core software strings, tutorials, text docs, web pages...)
Great topics! Another one that might be worth discussing at some point, is in collaborating with other translation organizations. We'd looked into them in the past (e.g. the GNOME translation team), but the requirements for participating didn't fit with what could be done. Still, we left the door open for possible future interaction. This could possibly be very worthwhile for some of the less common languages, that Inkscape has out of date translations for currently.
Yep, good idea
Thanks for the help bryce