On Mon, Apr 24, 2006 at 10:50:48AM +0200, Ralf Stephan wrote:
Layer dialog
This is an important feature for the release, and on MentalGuy's todo list. However, work has been stuck getting Inkscape::LayerManager to compile due to a subtle detail with sigc::mem_fun(), and it's uncertain if there is sufficient time to unstick it and finish the feature prior to the release. Additional people's help may be needed here.
I have already mailed him with that but no response so far.
!!! More info needed - Carl and Mathieu (and maybe Ralf?) !!!
- Need to fix the freeze when dragging multiple selected objects:
I'm currently wrapping my mind around this one.
Cool, noted.
- Update Release Notes
Will do if Carl really wants to throw it all in the dust. Does he really?
In any case I'm sure updating the release notes for this feature will be well appreciated.