Hi all,
I've compiled the status for the 0.44 development checklist. I'm sure this is already out of date, so please email me updates and I'll update next weekend.
Luckily, most everything people are working on sound like they could be wrapped up by the end of the month, however the quantity of things going on suggests that at least some efforts may require longer. Thus, I would like to propose the following schedule for getting to Feature Freeze mode:
Now - Development continues on the ~24 items identified For non-0.44 feature work, please use branches
May 1st - Achieve completion of at least 50% of the items. Work continues on the remaining 12. Work ceases on any other features. Notification to translators Begin focusing on bugfixes. Identify preliminary "must-fix" buglist
May 15th - Feature Freeze All feature development work ends Finalize the "must-fix" buglist Issue pre-release packages for testing Focus on bug fixes, translations, & docs
TBD - Hard Freeze Translation work finishes Final resolution on all "must-fix" bugs Issue one or more release candidates
TBD - 0.44 Release
How does this plan sound? Has anything been missed?
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inkscape 0.44 Development Checklist
ICC Preview =========== Jon Cruz is working on this. Plans to have feature to a finished point for the release.
* Update Release Notes
CMYK support ============ Jon Cruz is working on this. Plans to have feature to a finished point for the release.
* Update Release Notes
ArtLibre named icon and cursor loading ====================================== Jon Cruz is working on this. Plans to have feature to a finished point for the release.
* Update Release Notes
Palette editing and per-file color sets ======================================= Jon Cruz is working on this. Plans to have feature to a finished point for the release.
* Update Release Notes
Tablet Bugs =========== MentalGuy is working on this. Says for the release he wants to get these resolved.
Brush size adjustment on zoom toggle for calligraphic pen ========================================================= MentalGuy is working on this and plans to have it to a finished point for the release.
Layer dialog ============ This is an important feature for the release, and on MentalGuy's todo list. However, work has been stuck getting Inkscape::LayerManager to compile due to a subtle detail with sigc::mem_fun(), and it's uncertain if there is sufficient time to unstick it and finish the feature prior to the release. Additional people's help may be needed here.
[Beyond the memory issue, are there other aspects to the layer dialog that others could help with, such as UI work or coding helper features or whatever? --bh]
* Update Release Notes
Fit Canvas to Selection ======================= This is a feature ACSpike has been working on, and plans to complete for the release. The patch is here:
ODG Format Support ================== Ishmal is working on this currently. It basically works and is 90% done; the one issue at the moment that needs to be fixed for the release is that image rotations are backwards. [I think this might be fixed now. -- bh]
DOM Support =========== Ishmal has been working on this. The newest code is all imported and builds. [Is there anything else needing to be done prior to release?]
SIOX Support ============ Ishmal has this over half done. The code is all imported and building, and the selection mechanism is about done. Getting Inkscape and SIOX intercommunication working, but this can be built as a filter to potrace, which simplifies things. There are some transformation issues that need to be sorted out.
Extensions ========== Ted is focusing on cleaning up extension parameters and felt he'd have this wrapped up by the end of the month. The plan is to have longer text (tool tips) available, and a few more widgets. More spacing in the autogui will be added to make it look nicer.
* Ted reports there is an unverified bug in the ordering of the effects in the menu, to be investigated.
The Extension Editor is further off, and not being planned for this release.
Snapping ======== !!! More info needed - Carl and Mathieu (and maybe Ralf?) !!!
* Need to fix the freeze when dragging multiple selected objects: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1429049&gro...
* Update Release Notes
Rendering Performance Speedup ============================= Andrius has a very interesting rendering speedup patch. The feature is complete and accepted for the release. There is one known issue to address with scrolling, but Andrius feels this can be fixed.
* Additional testing needs to be performed
Screenshots =========== Scislac has taken this task on, and plans to have it done for the release.
Two screenshots are done currently, and one more is in the works. There will be a call for more screenshots on the Deviant Art site.
Tutorials ========= Calligraphy is mostly done, and a few of the other updates to the other tutorials have been drafted but that stuff definitely needs more work. Should be possible to have them done by the end of April.
Calligraphic interface tweak ============================ Bulia is working on this change requested by MentalGuy, and feels they are minor and should have no trouble completing for the release.
Windows font handling bugfixes (DONE) ============================== Richard (cyreve) has completed these bug fixes and updated the release notes.
* Update ReleaseNotes
Python Extensions on Windows ============================ !!! No owner has been identified for this task !!!
Bulia reports that extensions that rely on PyXML still do not work on Windows. Due to the number of python extensions, this would be a major missing feature for Windows users.
Text/Fonts UI ============= deadchip (aka Milosz Derezynski <internalerror at gmail dot com>) has written a font lister Gtkmm class, to enable re-use of the font list. He is planning to write a font picker dialog, and rewrite the current font picker to use the font _listing_ class. This enables using normal Gtk components (ListStore, etc.) for accessing the font info. He plans to have this work done by May 1st, or May 15th at the latest.
Windows "dialogs on top" Patch for GTK ====================================== !!! No owner has been identified for this task !!!
This is not exactly an Inkscape-specific problem, since the code changes wouldn't be to Inkscape, but it would be nice to have it finally fixed. This 0.44 release effort may be a good vehicle to tie it to, but we won't hold up the release if it doesn't get done. Scislac had contacted the author previously.
* Send a reminder email to the author to find status on this
Undo/Redo Dialog ================ !!! No owner has been identified for this task !!!
We have a patch for this, but the author has not been reachable. Also needed is undo annotations.
* Unless the author or another developer takes ownership of this patch within a week or so, perhaps the wise thing to do would be to incorporate it right after the release, to give maximum debugging time for 0.55.
New File Chooser in Export ========================== We have a patch for this, but there were some thoughts of embedding it in the export dialog directly. In the spirit of "patch first, discuss later", the best approach may be to stick in the current patch for 0.44, see what folks think, and do the embedding later.
Additional Release Tasks ======================== The following tasks will need to be done for the release, but are not required to be done prior to the Feature Freeze:
* Identify the list of must-fix bugs. To keep the freeze phase from dragging out, we will need to be very choosy in what we allow to be must-fix bugs.
* Set up a ReleaseChecklist wiki page or similar to keep track of The List.
* Designate 2 release maintainers.
* Keep and update the above list and encourage people to achieve completion of the items.
* Notify translators to complete translation work
* Wiki updates + Update Roadmap + Review/Update FAQ + Update InkscapeFeatures
* PR / marketing efforts + Plan efforts + Draft press release + Finalize press release + Send out press release [rejon]
* Packaging

On 4/24/06, Bryce Harrington wrote:
- Unless the author or another developer takes ownership of this patch within a week or so, perhaps the wise thing to do would be to incorporate it right after the release, to give maximum debugging time for 0.55.
Are we jumping straight to 0.55 after 0.44?

On Mon, Apr 24, 2006 at 01:05:56AM +0400, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
On 4/24/06, Bryce Harrington wrote:
- Unless the author or another developer takes ownership of this patch within a week or so, perhaps the wise thing to do would be to incorporate it right after the release, to give maximum debugging time for 0.55.
Are we jumping straight to 0.55 after 0.44?
We can if you want, but I'll just blame it on bad fingers ;-)

Le dimanche 23 avril 2006 à 13:51 -0700, Bryce Harrington a écrit :
Now - Development continues on the ~24 items identified For non-0.44 feature work, please use branches
May 15th - Feature Freeze All feature development work ends Finalize the "must-fix" buglist Issue pre-release packages for testing Focus on bug fixes, translations, & docs
TBD - Hard Freeze Translation work finishes Final resolution on all "must-fix" bugs Issue one or more release candidates
TBD - 0.44 Release
How does this plan sound? Has anything been missed?
As a translator, it sounds perfect to me, but i'm missing one thing : a status on the documents shipped with inkscape (mouse/keyboard shortcuts, tutorials, man pages...). In fact, as for those docs, the sooner they are updated frozen, the easier it is to translate them before 0.44.

On 4/23/06, Matiphas <matiphas@...8...> wrote:
As a translator, it sounds perfect to me, but i'm missing one thing : a status on the documents shipped with inkscape (mouse/keyboard shortcuts, tutorials, man pages...).
Tutorials are on Scislac; man page should be current I think; the keys.xml I will update shortly (I intended to develop it into the main source from which both the profile file and the documentation are generated, but this will have to wait until the next version).
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org

Le dimanche 23 avril 2006 à 18:53 -0400, bulia byak a écrit :
On 4/23/06, Matiphas <matiphas@...8...> wrote:
As a translator, it sounds perfect to me, but i'm missing one thing : a status on the documents shipped with inkscape (mouse/keyboard shortcuts, tutorials, man pages...).
Tutorials are on Scislac; man page should be current I think; the keys.xml I will update shortly (I intended to develop it into the main source from which both the profile file and the documentation are generated, but this will have to wait until the next version).
Ok, thanks a lot. Regards,

Layer dialog
This is an important feature for the release, and on MentalGuy's todo list. However, work has been stuck getting Inkscape::LayerManager to compile due to a subtle detail with sigc::mem_fun(), and it's uncertain if there is sufficient time to unstick it and finish the feature prior to the release. Additional people's help may be needed here.
I have already mailed him with that but no response so far.
!!! More info needed - Carl and Mathieu (and maybe Ralf?) !!!
- Need to fix the freeze when dragging multiple selected objects:
I'm currently wrapping my mind around this one.
- Update Release Notes
Will do if Carl really wants to throw it all in the dust. Does he really?

On Mon, Apr 24, 2006 at 10:50:48AM +0200, Ralf Stephan wrote:
Layer dialog
This is an important feature for the release, and on MentalGuy's todo list. However, work has been stuck getting Inkscape::LayerManager to compile due to a subtle detail with sigc::mem_fun(), and it's uncertain if there is sufficient time to unstick it and finish the feature prior to the release. Additional people's help may be needed here.
I have already mailed him with that but no response so far.
!!! More info needed - Carl and Mathieu (and maybe Ralf?) !!!
- Need to fix the freeze when dragging multiple selected objects:
I'm currently wrapping my mind around this one.
Cool, noted.
- Update Release Notes
Will do if Carl really wants to throw it all in the dust. Does he really?
In any case I'm sure updating the release notes for this feature will be well appreciated.

On 4/23/06, Bryce Harrington <bryce@...961...> wrote:
Scislac has taken this task on, and plans to have it done for the release.
Two screenshots are done currently, and one more is in the works. There will be a call for more screenshots on the Deviant Art site.
I don't know what they are worth but I produced screenshots when I designed a scientific poster with Inkscape. I thought they could make it to the showcase section of the website, in order to demonstrate that Inkscape was not only a great art tool but could be used for other purposes. Nevertheless, many of them show new 0.44 features. Here is my original email with the links and some text:
A scientific poster has to be precisely organized, full of information yet visually attracting and should be printable at different scales (poster + handouts). Though Inkscape was not directly intended for such use, all these goals were achieved with it! http://jo.irisson.free.fr/dropbox/inkscape/poster_publish_ghostscript.pdf [WARNING: big file. 7.5 Mb]
The layers and outline mode allowed to work on this complicated file while keeping things responsive enough. When it got to the point that the whole file was just too big (over 5000 objects) it was cut down in pieces and all files were merged in the final document by import or copy/paste. http://jo.irisson.free.fr/dropbox/inkscape/poster_inkscape_outline.png
The gradients and scripts from the new "Effects" menu helped to create an attractive look (well, attractive to me at least!). The bitmap tracing feature and open clipart library provided scale independent eye candy for some icons and other stuff. http://jo.irisson.free.fr/dropbox/inkscape/poster_inkscape_eye_candy.png
The text was flowed into custom shaped frames so that it had a "clever" position with respect to the graphics. It was edited though the Text Tool palette which was easier on the eye and helped to focus on content rather than on layout for a while. http://jo.irisson.free.fr/dropbox/inkscape/poster_inkscape_text.png
All the vector graphics were produced in SVG and were therefore completely editable within the poster which allowed to have a unified look (for the fonts, line width, colors etc.). The "Apply style" command (SHIFT+CTRL+V), the styles minibar and the swatches panel, helped to unify the styles quickly. http://jo.irisson.free.fr/dropbox/inkscape/poster_inkscape_style1.png http://jo.irisson.free.fr/dropbox/inkscape/poster_inkscape_style2.png
In the end the SVG file was exported to EPS and converted to PDF in order to be printed. The text was outlined to avoid font problems when printing on some other computer for 2mx1m output. The PDF was scaled down to A4 sheets in order to produce handouts.
I can easily redo them and modify them (in order to emphasize new features for example) since still have the file. Let me know if they can be of any help.
-- JiHO --- Windows, c'est un peu comme le beaujolais nouveau : a chaque nouvelle cuvee on sait que ce sera degueulasse, mais on en prend quand meme par masochisme.

On Mon, Apr 24, 2006 at 01:49:44PM +0200, jiho wrote:
I can easily redo them and modify them (in order to emphasize new features for example) since still have the file. Let me know if they can be of any help.
I'll hold onto this email for a bit and follow up with you later, once the web space quota issue with SourceForge is sorted out.
I've found that the gallery section of the site (hosted in wiki) seems to be better maintained than the showcase area (part of the website proper), so I've also been considering just merging the latter into the former.
Other opinions are welcome, of course. ;-)

On 4/23/06, Bryce Harrington <bryce@...961...> wrote:
Windows "dialogs on top" Patch for GTK
!!! No owner has been identified for this task !!!
This is not exactly an Inkscape-specific problem, since the code changes wouldn't be to Inkscape, but it would be nice to have it finally fixed.
What about the GTK issues that prevent Inkscape from running on Win95/98? Any chance that they will be (or already are) fixed in newer GTK releases?
I have written an EMF (enhanced metafile) exporter which is likely to have troubles on older Windows versions as well, and wonder how bad you find such limitations.

On 4/24/06, Ulf Erikson <ulferikson@...400...> wrote:
On 4/23/06, Bryce Harrington <bryce@...961...> wrote:
Windows "dialogs on top" Patch for GTK
!!! No owner has been identified for this task !!!
This is not exactly an Inkscape-specific problem, since the code changes wouldn't be to Inkscape, but it would be nice to have it finally fixed.
What about the GTK issues that prevent Inkscape from running on Win95/98? Any chance that they will be (or already are) fixed in newer GTK releases?
By the way: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1395505&gro...
I didn't close this bug because in the comments someone claimed that 0.43 can be made to run under win98 by copying some dlls from an older version. If this is so simple to do, why don't we do it for 0.44? Or at least, why not provide a separate win98 package?
I have written an EMF (enhanced metafile) exporter which is likely to have troubles on older Windows versions as well, and wonder how bad you find such limitations.
Hmm, so is this a Windows-only code? Does it behave gracefully enough outside of Windows?
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org

On 4/24/06, bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...> wrote:
On 4/24/06, Ulf Erikson <ulferikson@...400...> wrote:
I have written an EMF (enhanced metafile) exporter which is likely to have troubles on older Windows versions as well, and wonder how bad you find such limitations.
Hmm, so is this a Windows-only code? Does it behave gracefully enough outside of Windows?
Isn't it easy to limit an extension to a particular platform? The Windows-only code wouldn't harm anyone in that case.. besides, do you have any need of EMF on Linux? Did you look at my PDF exporter? That one works okay with pdflatex. Personally I see EMF mainly as something to be used with MS-Word, but maybe I am wrong in that assumption.
Anyway, the needed functions are part of the Windows API, but as far as I know they are re-implemented in libemf. So technically you should be able to use this extension on Linux by linking with libemf. Maybe using libemf would be an option for Win95/98 as well? But I somehow doubt that you would be able to view such an EMF on Win95/98..

Ulf Erikson wrote:
Isn't it easy to limit an extension to a particular platform? The Windows-only code wouldn't harm anyone in that case.. besides, do you have any need of EMF on Linux? Did you look at my PDF exporter? That one works okay with pdflatex. Personally I see EMF mainly as something to be used with MS-Word, but maybe I am wrong in that assumption.
OpenOffice.org running on Linux can create (export) to EMF, it also can open (import) EMF. WMF/EMF is one of the easiest ways to work with scalable graphics in OpenOffice.org. Some of the clipart included in StarOffice, as an enhancement over the free OpenOffice.org, is in WMF format.
As OpenOffice.org can't import SVG clipart for the moment, one of he proposed workarounds is to convert from SVG to WMF/EMF.
For the Open Clip Art Library it would be useful if we could mass-convert images from WMF/EMF to SVG and include them in the library (when we find or receive images with a suitable license, as happened in the past).
Anyway, the needed functions are part of the Windows API, but as far as I know they are re-implemented in libemf. So technically you should be able to use this extension on Linux by linking with libemf. Maybe using libemf would be an option for Win95/98 as well? But I somehow doubt that you would be able to view such an EMF on Win95/98..
I don't know which library is used in OpenOffice.org, nor how good it it with complex images.

bulia byak schrieb:
On 4/24/06, Ulf Erikson <ulferikson@...400...> wrote:
On 4/23/06, Bryce Harrington <bryce@...961...> wrote:
Windows "dialogs on top" Patch for GTK
By the way: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1395505&gro...
I didn't close this bug because in the comments someone claimed that 0.43 can be made to run under win98 by copying some dlls from an older version. If this is so simple to do, why don't we do it for 0.44? Or at least, why not provide a separate win98 package?
if someone can build a Win98-dll package we can easily use that files during a installation.
Someone can provide this?
I have written an EMF (enhanced metafile) exporter which is likely to have troubles on older Windows versions as well, and wonder how bad you find such limitations.
Hmm, so is this a Windows-only code? Does it behave gracefully enough outside of Windows?
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org
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On Mon, Apr 24, 2006 at 03:42:54PM +0200, Ulf Erikson wrote:
On 4/23/06, Bryce Harrington <bryce@...961...> wrote:
Windows "dialogs on top" Patch for GTK
!!! No owner has been identified for this task !!!
This is not exactly an Inkscape-specific problem, since the code changes wouldn't be to Inkscape, but it would be nice to have it finally fixed.
What about the GTK issues that prevent Inkscape from running on Win95/98? Any chance that they will be (or already are) fixed in newer GTK releases?
I believe GTK has officially ended support for Win95/98, which indicates this would be highly unlikely.
I have written an EMF (enhanced metafile) exporter which is likely to have troubles on older Windows versions as well, and wonder how bad you find such limitations.
Thanks for doing this, I know people have asked for WMF support a good bit, so EMF support will be welcomed as well. Have you had a chance to search through the inkscape bug tracker for issues? That would be the proper place for any limitation in it to appear.
Also, have you thought about also doing an EMF importer?

On Apr 24, 2006, at 6:41 PM, Bryce Harrington wrote:
What about the GTK issues that prevent Inkscape from running on Win95/98? Any chance that they will be (or already are) fixed in newer GTK releases?
I believe GTK has officially ended support for Win95/98, which indicates this would be highly unlikely.
I'm not quite sure of that.
Last I'd heard from them, there was just a lack of bodies to chase down the bugs. (this from talking to Tor at LGM and also following up in various IRC rooms)

On 4/25/06, Bryce Harrington <bryce@...961...> wrote:
On Mon, Apr 24, 2006 at 03:42:54PM +0200, Ulf Erikson wrote:
I have written an EMF (enhanced metafile) exporter which is likely to have troubles on older Windows versions as well, and wonder how bad you find such limitations.
Thanks for doing this, I know people have asked for WMF support a good bit, so EMF support will be welcomed as well. Have you had a chance to
Well, EMF is supported by Windows since Win95, and is basically the 32bit enhancement of WMF. EMF also comes with some new vector drawing functions not available in WMF, such as the cubic bezier curves. Why do you think people ask for WMF support above EMF support?
search through the inkscape bug tracker for issues? That would be the proper place for any limitation in it to appear.
Since you draw a WMF/EMF file with the same graphics functions as you would draw on screen you are limited by the graphics capabilities of each Windows version. Windows 95/98 does not support strokes with a user defined dash-pattern, for instance.
Also, have you thought about also doing an EMF importer?
The Windows API helps you "play" a WMF/EMF file and later copy the result to any device (and automatically rescale the drawing to fit the DPI of that device), but I don't think it helps you find the graphical objects inside. You would have to parse the (undocumented?) binary file yourself to find them. I think this is what libwmf tries to do.

Ulf Erikson wrote:
On 4/25/06, Bryce Harrington <bryce@...961...> wrote:
Also, have you thought about also doing an EMF importer?
The Windows API helps you "play" a WMF/EMF file and later copy the result to any device (and automatically rescale the drawing to fit the DPI of that device), but I don't think it helps you find the graphical objects inside. You would have to parse the (undocumented?) binary file yourself to find them. I think this is what libwmf tries to do.
The EMF format is documented, and should not be very hard to parse (or write for that matter): http://msdn.microsoft.com/archive/default.asp?url=/archive/en-us/dnargdi/htm...
(as usual that link should be one line)

On 4/25/06, Jasper van de Gronde <th.v.d.gronde@...528...> wrote:
Ulf Erikson wrote:
On 4/25/06, Bryce Harrington <bryce@...961...> wrote:
Also, have you thought about also doing an EMF importer?
The Windows API helps you "play" a WMF/EMF file and later copy the result to any device (and automatically rescale the drawing to fit the DPI of that device), but I don't think it helps you find the graphical objects inside. You would have to parse the (undocumented?) binary file yourself to find them. I think this is what libwmf tries to do.
The EMF format is documented, and should not be very hard to parse (or write for that matter):
Cool. And, while I have ever only used the "Play" metafile function myself there seems to also be an "Enum" metafile function that actually does break down a metafile into components. That would make it very easy to import some basic shapes. I might look a bit closed at this one day, but not for another month or so.. Thanks

On Tue, Apr 25, 2006 at 11:34:34AM +0200, Ulf Erikson wrote:
On 4/25/06, Bryce Harrington <bryce@...961...> wrote:
On Mon, Apr 24, 2006 at 03:42:54PM +0200, Ulf Erikson wrote:
I have written an EMF (enhanced metafile) exporter which is likely to have troubles on older Windows versions as well, and wonder how bad you find such limitations.
Thanks for doing this, I know people have asked for WMF support a good bit, so EMF support will be welcomed as well. Have you had a chance to
Well, EMF is supported by Windows since Win95, and is basically the 32bit enhancement of WMF. EMF also comes with some new vector drawing functions not available in WMF, such as the cubic bezier curves. Why do you think people ask for WMF support above EMF support?
Mainly because there is a heaping load of WMF clipart out there, that folks would like to be able to convert to SVG to continue using.
search through the inkscape bug tracker for issues? That would be the proper place for any limitation in it to appear.
Since you draw a WMF/EMF file with the same graphics functions as you would draw on screen you are limited by the graphics capabilities of each Windows version. Windows 95/98 does not support strokes with a user defined dash-pattern, for instance.
Also, have you thought about also doing an EMF importer?
The Windows API helps you "play" a WMF/EMF file and later copy the result to any device (and automatically rescale the drawing to fit the DPI of that device), but I don't think it helps you find the graphical objects inside. You would have to parse the (undocumented?) binary file yourself to find them. I think this is what libwmf tries to do.
Do you know if anyone out there has attempted to document the binary file, or written open source parsers for it?

On 4/28/06, Bryce Harrington <bryce@...961...> wrote:
On Tue, Apr 25, 2006 at 11:34:34AM +0200, Ulf Erikson wrote:
On 4/25/06, Bryce Harrington <bryce@...961...> wrote:
On Mon, Apr 24, 2006 at 03:42:54PM +0200, Ulf Erikson wrote:
Also, have you thought about also doing an EMF importer?
The Windows API helps you "play" a WMF/EMF file and later copy the result to any device (and automatically rescale the drawing to fit the DPI of that device), but I don't think it helps you find the graphical objects inside. You would have to parse the (undocumented?) binary file yourself to find them. I think this is what libwmf tries to do.
Do you know if anyone out there has attempted to document the binary file, or written open source parsers for it?
Both the WMF and EMF file formats are well documented and available through MSDN:
There seems to be quite a lot of extra information on WMF around if you google for it. The EMF documentation at MSDN seems to be quite complete, but I'm not certain.
Regards, -- Tarjei

Do you know if anyone out there has attempted to document the binary file, or written open source parsers for it?
emf is listed as a possible long term goal for libwmf but I think WMF would be enough to cover those big existing libraries of WMF clipart which is >90% of what is needed.

I have finally updated my Emf code in the patch tracker. It is now possible to read back written Emf files, and as a side-effect you might be able to load a few Wmf files as well (at least the ones I tested, but a lot of metafile commands are ignored so it is hard to tell).
Patch is here (for Windows only): http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1475143&gro...
Bryce Harrington wrote:
Ulf Erikson wrote:
I have written an EMF (enhanced metafile) exporter which is likely to have troubles on older Windows versions as well, and wonder how bad you find such limitations.
Thanks for doing this, I know people have asked for WMF support a good bit, so EMF support will be welcomed as well. Have you had a chance to search through the inkscape bug tracker for issues? That would be the proper place for any limitation in it to appear.
Also, have you thought about also doing an EMF importer?

Cool, thanks!
On Sun, Jul 23, 2006 at 03:48:48PM +0200, Ulf Erikson wrote:
I have finally updated my Emf code in the patch tracker. It is now possible to read back written Emf files, and as a side-effect you might be able to load a few Wmf files as well (at least the ones I tested, but a lot of metafile commands are ignored so it is hard to tell).
Patch is here (for Windows only): http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1475143&gro...
Bryce Harrington wrote:
Ulf Erikson wrote:
I have written an EMF (enhanced metafile) exporter which is likely to have troubles on older Windows versions as well, and wonder how bad you find such limitations.
Thanks for doing this, I know people have asked for WMF support a good bit, so EMF support will be welcomed as well. Have you had a chance to search through the inkscape bug tracker for issues? That would be the proper place for any limitation in it to appear.
Also, have you thought about also doing an EMF importer?
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On Sun, Jul 23, 2006 at 03:48:48PM +0200, Ulf Erikson wrote:
I have finally updated my Emf code in the patch tracker. It is now possible to read back written Emf files, and as a side-effect you might be able to load a few Wmf files as well (at least the ones I tested, but a lot of metafile commands are ignored so it is hard to tell).
Patch is here (for Windows only): http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1475143&gro...
Thanks! Even though this is WIN32-only, I imagine 99% of the people who want the feature are on Windows, so that's probably fine.
I bet this would be worth including in the new extension dialog. You should review those discussions and make sure the emf code fits properly with that.

On Sat, 2006-10-21 at 18:12 -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
I bet this would be worth including in the new extension dialog. You should review those discussions and make sure the emf code fits properly with that.
This confused me. What do you mean by this?

On Sun, Oct 22, 2006 at 12:19:27PM -0700, Ted Gould wrote:
On Sat, 2006-10-21 at 18:12 -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
I bet this would be worth including in the new extension dialog. You should review those discussions and make sure the emf code fits properly with that.
This confused me. What do you mean by this?
The export dialog

On Sun, 23 Apr 2006 13:51:38 -0700 Bryce Harrington <bryce-62t0njrQewJOQH0ioeenfUB +6BGkLq7r@...885...> wrote:
Undo/Redo Dialog
!!! No owner has been identified for this task !!!
We have a patch for this, but the author has not been reachable. Also needed is undo annotations.
- Unless the author or another developer takes ownership of this patch within a week or so, perhaps the wise thing to do would be to incorporate it right after the release, to give maximum debugging time for 0.55.
(I'm the missing author) Sorry, I haven't been following the list for the last month. I'll try to make the changes metal has described before the Feature Freeze (and still leave some time for review, etc.) I can't promise it will be finished in time, but I will keep you updated as I proceed.
-- Gustav Broberg

On Mon, Apr 24, 2006 at 10:01:24PM +0200, Gustav Broberg wrote:
On Sun, 23 Apr 2006 13:51:38 -0700 Bryce Harrington <bryce-62t0njrQewJOQH0ioeenfUB +6BGkLq7r@...885...> wrote:
Undo/Redo Dialog
!!! No owner has been identified for this task !!!
We have a patch for this, but the author has not been reachable. Also needed is undo annotations.
- Unless the author or another developer takes ownership of this patch within a week or so, perhaps the wise thing to do would be to incorporate it right after the release, to give maximum debugging time for 0.55.
(I'm the missing author) Sorry, I haven't been following the list for the last month. I'll try to make the changes metal has described before the Feature Freeze (and still leave some time for review, etc.) I can't promise it will be finished in time, but I will keep you updated as I proceed.
Cool, thanks for getting in touch Gustav! I'll update the status to reflect that you plan to try to get the changes complete by the feature freeze. I think users are going to love seeing this functionality in there. :-)
participants (15)
Adib Taraben
Alan Horkan
Alexandre Prokoudine
Bryce Harrington
bulia byak
Gustav Broberg
Jasper van de Gronde
Jon A. Cruz
Nicu Buculei
Ralf Stephan
Tarjei Knapstad
Ted Gould
Ulf Erikson