On 05/25/2009 06:57 AM, Ted Gould wrote:
On Sun, 2009-05-24 at 05:12 -0700, MenTaLguY wrote:
Aside from my personal opinion that icons.svg should not be removed
Just for the record, as I think that it doesn't get said enough, I'm -1 on keeping icons.svg. The critical failure that icons.svg brings is that there is no way for us to share icons with The GIMP. There is NO REASON we should have a different "Layer Up" icon than The GIMP and it is part of what makes the Free Software Graphics suite feel fragmented.
I don't understand this notion that there is some Free Software Graphics Suite... rather than the icons even being considered as part of what makes it feel fragmented, what about starting with: UI design & Usability of apps are different, some TKs are different, and since "choice" is such a big deal with F/OSS stuff, many people don't even use the same tools. I think that the "Layer Up" icon is a great example of things that make sense to share... but, Tool-wise, the apps behave far too differently (imho) to even consider it.
Cheers, Josh