Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
I see that there's a lot of discussion about this new UI option, and some concern over whether it will be useful or not. I for one am rather annoyed with the feature that changes colors when I try to drag & drop from the style indicator in the bottom left. So instead of being able to copy the style of the selected item to other ones without actually filling the clipboard I have a color adjustment function that's imprecise and generally much less useful than going to the stroke & fill dialog.
So you want to disable a major 0.46 feature :)
What I think should really be done here is implementation of *real* assets management where you have a *dynamic* color swatches palette that has all colors used in a document. That way you would even have to select an object :)
This would be an awesome feature. Whether it should be a palette option or a separate dialog/widget is a good question, though. It would be nice to have a standard palette while also being able to access easily the currently used styles (which could include such things as stroke styles and gradients). Maybe according to this concept a dialog would work best.