On 12/6/05, Mathieu Dimanche <mdimanche@...8...> wrote:
I just tried that, and you're right, it's really cleaner and it works well, it's in the new patch. But think I still need to modify every context, for each start of a GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY requires a desktop->namedview->reset_snapped_visual_feedback() to downlight everything.
Well, why do you need to downlight on each MOTION_NOTIFY? This sounds unclean and may even slow it down, since motion events may come very fast. Can you try to do that in Snapper instead? I think if you add to Snapper::vector_snap not only highlighting when there's snap but also downlighting when there's _no_ snap, it would take care of this automatically. Tool contexts that do snapping already keep calling vector_snap while the mouse is being dragged. Then the only situation when you have to downlight artificially is when you snapped something and released mouse without unsnapping it, and that's what the event_context release handler already takes care of.
Next things I could look at could be :
- Snapping modes (enable/disable) Bounding box and dots snapping. I
thik it could be great too temporarily disable bounding box snapping, just to make sure only dots do it.
Maybe some more icons in selection context, as seen on http://paris.charougna.com/inkscape/Snapping_Icons.png
Yes, that would be nice, except maybe it's better to do this in the statusbar instead (I know it's crowded, but snapping is important enough to use a small section of the statusbar on it).
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